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  1. Like
    paradoxal reacted to peffy in IPS4 Question and Help Thread   
    I don't know what you mean by "Source is activated", but I discovered something. If you just press "enter", it thinks you want to make a new paragraph so it puts a bigger space between the lines. If you press "shift-enter", it will go to the next line the way it should. Let me know if that works for you. (I'm using Chrome)
    i press enter
    i press enter
    i press shift-enter
    i press shift-enter
    i press enter

    I stlil think there's too much vertical space in the entire layout. But anyway it already looks a lot better than when I first saw it 24 hours ago. =)
    edit: Entire post made irrelevant by nostalgia haha T_T
  2. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from yakihiko in IPS4 Question and Help Thread   
    I'm just writing these down so that they won't be forgotten:
    1. The status widget on the front page should show the amount of likes a status has gotten, like this: "1 hour ago · 0 replies · 0 likes". Currently it only showes the time and the amount of replies.
    2. I hope you plan fixing how mentioning a member looks like. I think it should at least show the users color based on the member group. But I'm sure you're already working on that.
    Damn it's so exciting to be away from here for a couple of hourse, because every time the site looks a bit different!
  3. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Zeus in IPS4 Question and Help Thread   
    I was really annoyed by that too! BUT it's not a problem, since you can get the latest post by clicking the timer on the right side of the page, like this:

  4. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Original Saku in IPS4 Question and Help Thread   
    I'm just writing these down so that they won't be forgotten:
    1. The status widget on the front page should show the amount of likes a status has gotten, like this: "1 hour ago · 0 replies · 0 likes". Currently it only showes the time and the amount of replies.
    2. I hope you plan fixing how mentioning a member looks like. I think it should at least show the users color based on the member group. But I'm sure you're already working on that.
    Damn it's so exciting to be away from here for a couple of hourse, because every time the site looks a bit different!
  5. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Original Saku in IPS4 Question and Help Thread   
    I was really annoyed by that too! BUT it's not a problem, since you can get the latest post by clicking the timer on the right side of the page, like this:

  6. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Trombe in Trombe will be temporarily on hiatus   
    I will be temporarily on hiatus since 2016/04/13 for around a week due to my overseas trip
  7. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Zeus in IPS4 Question and Help Thread   
    If there are any questions, constructive criticism, or issues concerning the new skin, layout, and/or board software please leave them here. We will be happy to take a look at them.
    Answers to common questions:
    We were forced to upgrade. Rolling back to IPS 3.x is not an option. If you see question marks in your profile, this is a result of Japanese or incompatible emojis from IPB 3.x. (noted by @shiroikitsune and @seurong) The forum's wideness is a result of the skin. I have to make some manual adjustments. I reduced the width a bit @DarkWater how is it now? The member tag is replaced with putting the "@" symbol before a member's name. And damn is it convenient! Preview functionality of posts seems to be gone in favor of a WYSIWYG editor. I can't put it back. The rotating banner is back and I know it looks a little funny when you scroll. Also working on that. The banner should work properly now. Custom BBCode is known to be broken. The thumb tag is now obsolete as images can be manually resized. We are looking into other options actively but we will roll with this for a few weeks or so. Various graphical glitches are associated with certain browsers. I don't have an issue with Firefox and Chrome seems to be working alright as well. Colored names are back. YouTube videos should now max out at a width of 640 @Original Saku Max avatar size is 178 x 178. Any larger will break Chameleon Dark.
      "Restoring" View History of Status Updates (as requested by @freesia, probably a useful thing to know)
    IPS4 has removed the functionality of seeing all status updates with the button as we are used to. We can use a new tool, called Activities, to replicate this view. I will show you how to do it now. Assuming you are using Chameleon Dark, click "Activity", then "My Activity Streams" and create a new one. Check the uploaded image to see how to configure your settings and then click OK. Status Updates history should now be easily available from this activity.

  8. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in new band "小悪魔パンダ(koakuma panda)" has formed   
    I approve of this band.
  9. Like
    paradoxal reacted to saishuu in Show Yourself (again)   
    I'm hella bald (and secretly dying inside)
  10. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Suuu in V STAR PROMOTION   
    There has been a bit of a delay with the website as there was some issues with very poor customer service with the web host company we were trying to use.
    but that's now (mostly) in the past.
    so hopefully the website will be up soon.

    and for a announcement, with the website, we also plan to open a webshop that sells band merchandise.
    of course we plan to provide merchandise from the main bands associated with V STAR, however we are also considering branching out to other bands to provide more variety in the case of the webshop.
    we cant make any promises, but please feel free to list any bands you would really like to see on our webshop, if possible we will make it a reality (primarily smaller indie bands for the time being)
  11. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from AliceParanoid in Danao's Sellings more than 480 CDs !   
    I think I ordered something from him again a few months ago and forgot to left feedback.
    Horrible service, he changed his paypal address from [email protected] to something else. Now I won't have GRACEFUL_ASS in my bank statement anymore
    .... JUST KIDDING, the service was 5/5 as always.
  12. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Danao in Danao's Sellings more than 480 CDs !   
    I think I ordered something from him again a few months ago and forgot to left feedback.
    Horrible service, he changed his paypal address from [email protected] to something else. Now I won't have GRACEFUL_ASS in my bank statement anymore
    .... JUST KIDDING, the service was 5/5 as always.
  13. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Chi in My Bias can out kawaii your bias (bias appreciation)   
    Duh, of course it's Maria Cross for sexiness, kawaiiness and talent!
  14. Like
    paradoxal reacted to NekoMAMA in Show Yourself (again)   
    My fave accessory makes my throat look slit.
    I'm not creepy at all, I swear. 
  15. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Seimeisen in Does your username mean / reference anything?   
  16. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Champ213 in Does your username mean / reference anything?   
  17. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    The fact that so many Monochrome-Heaven posters still name Tokage as “the greatest or most significant or most influential” poster ever only tells you how far posting still is from becoming a serious art. Literary critics have long recognized that the greatest posters of all times are Demon Android and Trombe, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Art critics rank the highly controversial CAT5 over posters who were highly popular on forums around Europe. Meme critics are still blinded by commercial success. Tokage posted more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore he must have been the greatest. Literary critics grow up reading a lot of posts of the past, art critics grow up watching a lot of CAT5 posts in the shoutbox. Meme critics are often totally ignorant of the ironic shitposting of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that Tokage posted anything worthy of being saved.
  18. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in Sadie 真緒(mao) & 美月(mizuki) new unit "The THIRTEEN" new album "PANDEMIC" release   
    I hope not, that'd be really boring.
    I'm putting my bets on GACKT and Maria Cross.
  19. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Lestat in Sadie 真緒(mao) & 美月(mizuki) new unit "The THIRTEEN" new album "PANDEMIC" release   
    There is essentially nothing wrong with a negative opinion or criticism, but it is about the way it is being brought over. It is useless for bands and musicians (and also the people who are doing the criticizing) to turn it into a competition of who can write up the edgiest comment in return for forum reputation, because half of the negative comments bear no substantial content within them and are just there for a gain of popularity between forum members. It doesn't help a band improve, if you know what I mean.
    Since the beginning, Sadie borrowed this sound from Dir en grey. They even started out as a Dir en grey coverband. The idea is that people have known for years, and all they do is continue to beat the dead horse because the issue should have long been buried by those that are disappointed. Why constantly bring it up? Is it to torture yourself or to torture the people who continue to enjoy the concept?
    It will also turn out like this for Grieva. They implement a lot of Dir en grey's former ideas in their music – and they will be criticized for it for the duration of their career. But the point is; we know. We do not need that validation from people who do not even care in the slightest with every release they churn out because it has been addressed a million times over already. That is what tires fans.
  20. Like
    paradoxal reacted to ghost in Sadie 真緒(mao) & 美月(mizuki) new unit "The THIRTEEN" new album "PANDEMIC" release   
    "What's the truth "THIRTEEN" indicates"?
    I unno but who cares.
    Also, in that tracklist I can't help but see a mish-mash of others bands songs, album names.

  21. Like
    paradoxal reacted to ghost in MH FEATURED POLL #40: What are the things you HATE about Visual Kei?   
    Right now it's Yoshiki Chips.
    Thinking about the new X Japan album and then this, leaves a real

    taste in my mouth.
  22. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Atreides in Official Music Hate Thread   
    My buddy has been getting into An Cafe recently.  We do song rotations while we drink, and the other night he played like 10 songs from them in a row when his turn came up. I WANT TO GOUGE MY EYES OUT AND PIERCE MY EARDRUMS WITH A HAIRPIN
  23. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Lestat in You with Japanese artists   
    I haven't come across a specific thread like this, but it feels like something people will enjoy. Feel free to share any pictures of yourself with Japanese artists. I'll start off with the few pictures I have (and leaving some out because they are too unflattering). 



    With Masashi (Jupiter). I have one with the full band too but there's no telling what my face is doing on that exact photo so I'll leave that to your imaginations.



    Myself and Megaromania. None of them had time to do their hair because they were late, so they're all looking droopy, myself included.



    BLACK LINE. I still don't remember what came over me when I went here. It was enjoyable, to say the least. (I don't recall why I was wearing Kisaki's shirt to this show).



    Together with my ultimate heroes. Look how joyful they are.



    Kaya was lovely. He smelled nice too. Just two hours before this I was still dressed up in the muck from my Silent Hill nurse cosplay, and I dislocated my knee early on that day. 
  24. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in random thoughts thread   
    Holy shit, my body is so ready! Premium is really paying off this month <3
  25. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Lestat in random thoughts thread   
    I don't exactly know where else to say this, but you wanted feedback on your business-tactics and whatnot and this seems like a part of the forum where your activity is centered at. So I am sorry to say this, but you might just be chasing your customers away if you keep complaining about one instance where things didn't go as well as you would have liked initially. It truly feels as if you are accusing us of not showing up at your streams every single time by posting these passive-aggressive messages all over the forum since last weekend. Moaning about not being able to pay your rent unless we empty your catalogue is also one of them, in my eyes it's also an odd thing to set up a business when you're not financially ready for it, and then proceed to push the blame towards your customers. It is a less than professional stance towards your customers to constantly push their noses into your discontent and it very well might be one of the greater factors that keeps people at bay. It certainly isn't inspiring me to show up.
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