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    paradoxal reacted to Mihenno in BLESSCODE new maxi single "Imperial City" release   
  2. Like
    paradoxal reacted to hiroki in BLESSCODE new maxi single "Imperial City" release   
    as far as i'm concerned this is the song to beat for 2016
    Edit: omg this song is unreal. still getting serious goosebumps >_>
    please support blesscode by buying this cd!!! <3
    CDJapan still has stock for both LE and RE (1 and 2 copies left, respectively). Jishuban's out of stock for both atm. they should be pressing more copies though.
  3. Like
    paradoxal reacted to SUBLIMINAL in Several years late intro   
    I don't remember ever doing an introduction here but since I don't expect to be remembered well at all after a lengthy disappearance, I decided now was as fine a time as any. I suppose this is a "I'm back!" announcement too but that seems arrogant. U-um...

    I'm SUBLIMINAL. Known to friends as Lorena. I joined the forums when I was a newborn baby and I'm twenty-seven now so thanks for raising me well, Monochrome Heaven-senpai.
    I mean if anyone remembers me, it would probably be because I never shut up about D'espairsRay. I don't really do that anymore omg. I don't listen to visual kei at all anymore, actually, but I have a big, squishy soft spot for old favourites and still keep up with them. Mostly. Aside from once upon a time being the most annoying D'espairsRay fan to ever live, I love(d?) Plastic Tree equally but that wasn't as noticable. These days I still tend to prefer pop, folk and as usual bizarro metal music.
    Anyway, I had a habit of vanishing every so often due to real life drama even when I was active here but my last disappearance was the longest, I think. It was very necessary though! I learned a lot about myself and grew as a person. I live in Scotland now, instead of England, with my SO and I'm happier and more active than ever! I wanted to check and come back here because well... to put it pathetically plainly, this was the only forum in my internet lifetime that I ever felt comfortable and welcomed at. It was once one of my regular haunts online and I miss that, so... hello, whoever reads this. Hello. Again. 

    tl;dr I was gone for years for personal reasons, I came creeping back.
  4. Like
    paradoxal reacted to hiroki in Your last music-related buy!   
    someone kill me plz?

  5. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Julien Verge in Hi there!   
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Julien and i'm 27 years old. I'm from Holland and I work in the music industry as a manager (have been for about 8 years now).
    I'm really new to the Visual Kei scene, I've been working with Visual Metal band for a while now and they introduced me to it. I've been trying to learn more about the scene ever since. I stumbled on Monochrome Heaven while looking for places to learn and to sometimes post updates on related issues to the band. 

    However, I didn't just want to come here to post updates I'd like to learn more and be more involved in the scene. So i'm happy to be here if everyone else doesn't mind =). 
  6. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from hiroki in Ichiyon band name change to "1年4組-Ichiyon-"   
    Damn their new PV is amazing! This is definitely my favorite song from them  And I really like how most of the members have super colorful hair!
  7. Like
    paradoxal reacted to colorful人生 in [SOLVED] How do you watch or download blocked YT videos?   
    Here's mah cue, lol.
    Download TOR Browser: https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en Use these instructions: https://malwaretips.com/threads/how-to-change-ip-address-on-tor-browser-into-specific-country.27653/ to switch to any country that allows said video. (Preferably the closest one to you, but I have mine set to {JP} b/c UVERworld videos) Enjoy! If you are streaming and don't like the quality, use clipconverter.cc to download the video within TOR.  This seems to be the best free option that I know of so far. I'm subscribed to a VPN, but that's mainly for personal security/anonymity. 
    Dependent on your internet connection, your speeds may vary. 
    Also, the #1 rule is... DON'T DOWNLOAD HOLA BY ANY MEANS.
    They exploit their users, and free VPNs & Proxy Services are typically shite anyways, esp. Chrome extensions.
    I use PIA which is like $40 USD a year (Although, idk if I wanna keep using a U.S  based VPN, but it's been fine for me so far.)
  8. Like
    paradoxal reacted to platy in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    I think it's a great rule to have. There's nothing worse than going to a gig where hundreds of people in front of you have their phone out, recording, taking pictures, some even on facebook. The band came all the way to your country and all you care about is looking at your phone? That's what I always think about people who have it out for the whole hour and a half.  Youre recording all these videos you probably won't watch ever again, let's be honest.  
    One time when I went to see Miyavi, this douchelord kept filming his girlfriend for most of the gig, she was dancing to the songs and they were making people open space so he could film her. I'm sorry but... that's ridiculous.  When I went to see this other band, this girl was on facebook and instagram the whole time posting about it, instead of enjoying it. Call me a hippie, but events become a lot more enjoyable without a cellphone or whatever , since some people just don't have any knowledge of common courtesy. Whether you accept it or not, when someone has their phone out it's so hard to not keep glancing at the screen because our eyes are naturally attracted to it.  If a band asks for no pictures, it's not gonna kill me as much as I want proof that I saw them ,etc. It's not that hard to just accept it. I don't have a god complex towards bands, but I'm very thankful that they managed to come to my country and perform.
    Also, another reason I'm against it is because I'm 1.52m in height and it's already a struggle to see the stage in normal conditions, but when there's someone that's nearly 2m high in front of me and they block the only small square of vision I have with an ipad, then I can't see a thing.
    Of course, that's my problem. 
  9. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Euthanasia in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    I don't know, but if a band ask me to not take any photos I usually respect them enough to not to take any pictures? It's like that with everything.. If someones ask not to, why do it? I would've understand if they didn't say anything and then got upset that people were taking photos but if they actually ask not to.. Then I don't see the problem. I don't think they try to enforce anything... And well, I'd like to be kind to the bands  I like, especially if they do a oversea tour since everyone can't go to Japan and see them. And if the band suddenly decides to stop touring because fans can't listen or respect them - then you've destroyed for other fans. Maybe your actions doesn't effect you as much and maybe you think that the band are idiots for being so sensitive, but it effects other fans and I don't see why that would be worth it. 
    And not doing favors by doing live shows? I think it depends who you ask, for some music is very ver very very  important and I, personally feel happy when I've the chance to see my favorite band and I am always thankful if the band decides to come to my country /or in this case near my country. If they want to play the music I like, then I can respect them enough not to force a camera up their faces and take unflattering pictures and spreading them online to laugh at - like some people do.
  10. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Nyasagi in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    When you multiply taking one or two pictures with the amount of people in the audience, it's an instant "sea of cameras."
    I'd rather spend my time dancing and headbanging than taking a few shitty pictures I will never watch again. 
  11. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from lichtlune in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    When you multiply taking one or two pictures with the amount of people in the audience, it's an instant "sea of cameras."
    I'd rather spend my time dancing and headbanging than taking a few shitty pictures I will never watch again. 
  12. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from yakihiko in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    When you multiply taking one or two pictures with the amount of people in the audience, it's an instant "sea of cameras."
    I'd rather spend my time dancing and headbanging than taking a few shitty pictures I will never watch again. 
  13. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Thedane in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    Culture or not, it's their show, at least try to respect something the band asks you to.
  14. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Euthanasia in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    Besides, when I saw a gig in Japan there were "no photo" rules - they even announced it before the live. Everyone agreed to it expect two other girls from overseas who took out their phones anyway and tried to take pictures and well, got told by japanese fans not to so. So it does happen in Japan too.
  15. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Bear in random thoughts thread   
    Thanks. I knew my life wasn't complete before I watched this video.
  16. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Nowhere Girl in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    When you multiply taking one or two pictures with the amount of people in the audience, it's an instant "sea of cameras."
    I'd rather spend my time dancing and headbanging than taking a few shitty pictures I will never watch again. 
  17. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Nyasagi in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    As others have already mentioned before me, I think the biggest reason is to keep the perfect image and to not have unflattering pictures of the band members online.
    Every single VK gig overseas that I've attended has had this policy. And I think it's great, because it frees the audience to just enjoy the concert instead of trying to capture the perfect picture of your favorite member (which will just fail miserably anyways). I don't think they enforce the policy to sell their own photosets though, since those are usually the official photos and not photos taken during concerts.
  18. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from platy in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    When you multiply taking one or two pictures with the amount of people in the audience, it's an instant "sea of cameras."
    I'd rather spend my time dancing and headbanging than taking a few shitty pictures I will never watch again. 
  19. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from suzura in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    When you multiply taking one or two pictures with the amount of people in the audience, it's an instant "sea of cameras."
    I'd rather spend my time dancing and headbanging than taking a few shitty pictures I will never watch again. 
  20. Like
    paradoxal reacted to chemicalpictures in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    I can understand that, but I think is more or less a question of good sense. I mainly stay on the back row in concerts, I really don't enjoy the crowd. So I take one or two pictures and that's it. Those guys who spend 1:30 hours with their cellphone up are indeed annoying
  21. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Aferni in THEEND will disband   
    guess it's THEEND For THEEND.
  22. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in What bands would you introduce j-rock virgins to first?   
    Maria Cross. If they can't appreciate the Queen, then they're dead to me.
  23. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Mihenno in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    Wait, are you saying I paid $200 to not get a picture?
  24. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Kaye in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    I think I'm one of the few people to actually say this is a good thing. Not specifically for the reason they say it is, but have you ever stood in a pit with people dancing and moshing around while a whole bunch of people are trying to film things and take pictures? You know how many times they look at you like you've murdered someone just because "oh no, my picture got ruined thanks to you". Then when they drop their phones and the screens crack, it's also your fault because you bumped into them. First few rows or balcony places are totally something else but don't take pics when you're in the middle of a moving crowd :/ (it's also annoying when other people who aren't filming are trying to look at what's happening on stage. You just get arms flinging around trying to take the perfect shot of their idols)
    I'm also not really sure on what's so fun about watching a full gig through your phone/camera's screen while the people are playing right in front of you.
  25. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Bear in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    I don't take pictures at gigs do I don't mind it at all. In fact I think it's great.
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