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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. Kinda looking forward to this, I really hope their new single will be good as well
  2. Please vote for these pics! VOTE UP: http://www.last.fm/music/%E3%83%97%E3%83%A9%E3%83%8D%E3%82%BF%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A6%E3%83%A0/+images/101480405 VOTE DOWN: http://www.last.fm/music/%E3%83%97%E3%83%A9%E3%83%8D%E3%82%BF%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A6%E3%83%A0/+images/99484749
  3. planetarium will distribute a new single "深海に降るプラネタリウム(shinkai ni furu planetarium)" on their free one-man live on 2014.11.09 at Doutonbori SHRIMP in Osaka. [OPEN / START] 16:00 / 16:30 [DOOR] ¥0 / ¥0 Also their OHP has been updated with their new look. PS. Any of you guys in Osaka then?
  4. For the lulz - introducing the super official MH J-meme thread! I think you get the drift - share the best J-music related memes/funnypics/younameit that you've found in the interwebs or made yourself! Following pictures are made by anonymous, yet extremely hilarious meme creators.
  5. paradoxal

    lol my thoughts exactly
  6. paradoxal

    I think they meant that people waited for something 'epic' (=bang bang) but got something really lame (=pew pew)?
  7. paradoxal

    mods are working on it!
  8. I have been a member in MH for 300 days now and I've been online approximately 4.83 hours every day. Oh god.

    1. Biopanda


      You're a good cult member :3

    2. kyoselflove
    3. fitear1590


      Plz get that number up to 6 hrs+

  9. I have a lot of friends who are majoring in Japanese, and that's the exact thought I've always had - what the hell are you seriously gonna do with it, unless you actually move to Japan or start teaching the language or something. XD I don't mean to be rude on purpose, I have just never quite gotten the point. (pls explain someone)
  10. Please move to Japan and open a shopping service, I'll throw all my cash at you
  11. Yeah, the ridiculous work life is exactly the reason why I wouldn't want to move to Japan. When I graduate as an engineer (master's level) I might be able to get an actual job there IF I was fluent in Japanese. But I will probably never be fluent in Japanese, so that's another down side........ I'm just secretly hoping I'll end up in an international company which then decides to build a new chemical plant in Japan and send a few Finnish engineers there to supervise it. XD So basically I'm studying Japanese so that I'll survive there when I have the funds & time to actually travel there.
  12. Haha, this is actually a really funny topic since I just started my first Japanese course. I started it for the 'usual' reasons - I want to be able to understand at least some parts of lyrics and to actually be capable of having some small talk in Japanese. My goal is to complete all six courses (each course lasts for half a year) my uni has to offer, and I should probably be able to have an actual conversation in Japanese after that. At least that's what our teacher says... But I really want to believe what he says.
  13. paradoxal

    Oooooh I love it so much <3 BUT WHY IS IT SO SHORT WHY ISN'T IT 22ND OF OCTOBER YET.
  14. paradoxal

    1. Do you feel like you are entitled to free music? If you do, why? If you don't, why not? No. If you decide to share something, it's great. But if you keep rubbing a rarez in my face and decide not to share it, then I'll probably feel like punching you. 2. How do you feel about people refusing to share their music because they want to support the band? I think it's bullshit. If no one shares their music, others will never find out about those bands. I used to leech for many years but when I finally got the funds to buy CDs, I did. I wouldn't have any CDs if someone didn't share their music in the first place. And for example if Kles didn't share アルルカン's Eclipse in January, I wouldn't have hoarded all their CDs afterwards. Of course most people who downloaded that single didn't actually buy it afterwards, but if even one of them bought that single after first downloading it, I think it's a win-win for everybody. After downloading their 1st & 2nd single I've spent 23 580 yens (~171€) on their releases (of which CDs worth of 20 000 yens were purchased new and CDs worth of 3580 yens second-hand). And that's exactly the reason why I share my stuff - so that the band would get more fans and if even one of those buy something, I feel like I've accomplished something very important. 3. In relation to the second question, what do you think of people who tell others not to share something they themselves paid money for as they think its content is exclusively for those who paid for it? As others have said it before me, I think it's bullshit. 4. Do you think entitlement to free music is worse in visual kei than in other communities? People in the VK community are used to downloading everything for free because most CDs are very hard to get and they cost you a fortune, so I think it might be worse in the VK community. 5. How do you feel about people who deliberately share releases in low bitrates to encourage you to buy the CD? Do you think that if someone does decide to share, you're entitled to the highest rip? If the rip is bad, I wouldn't really feel like listening to it at all and probably wouldn't listen to it enough to really like it. As long as the rip is listenable, I won't complain. I kinda understand the thought behind sharing only low quality rips, but bad rips might also repel some potential fans. 6. Have you ever been approached by people, either on Monochrome Heaven or last.fm, who wanted you to share something? If you didn't want to share, how did they react? What did you think of their reaction? Yes I have, because people wouldn't approach me if they could find it elsewhere. I always share when someone asks nicely about it, because I'd like people to share their releases if I ask them to. I really expect others to do nice things (=upload something they own) to me if I have done something nice to them (=uploaded something I own). I'm not sure if that makes me an asshole but I think it's pretty obnoxious and hypocritical if you download every single rarez you have but never share your own rarez. Btw I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but I've noticed that those people who themselves don't own any CDs always kind of expect you to upload something. They ask things very rudely and don't even think about the possibility that I might actually say no. EDIT// Just a few thoughts that occurred to me after I finished this post. The most important reason I share a lot of my stuff is because I feel I'm in a forever lasting debt to people who decided to share their stuff when I was just getting into VK. Without those people I would've never found out about VK, and I want to do the same favor to other people as well. I remember the joy I felt back in 2009 when someone had uploaded Lycaon's Cordyceps sinensis, Declaration of war and Box in a beautiful. If I could, I would have drowned those uploaders in hugs and kisses. I just can't believe the mentality of those people who find out about this genre through illegal downloads, but then never share their own stuff. Sharing is caring <3
  15. paradoxal

    Woooow, so cool! Thanks for sharing the pics!
  16. zess this is for you, hope you haven't seen this one <3 http://9gag.com/gag/a6dOpjb

  17. paradoxal

    I tried uptobox.com and it worked like a dream. Click.
  18. I haven't done anything else today but blasted the PV spots of BANG ME and Alive. Such awesome music *u*

    1. cirrus


      preordering from littlehearts will get you bonus autographed photo!

    2. paradoxal


      do they ship internationally? :o because i always thought they didn't

    3. cirrus


      they don't... i just use fromjapan though :/

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  19. paradoxal

    So you are expecting someone to sell you flyers with a price of 1 cent? Are you serious?
  20. paradoxal

    You find WHAT arousing? XD Speaking of: I just watched TV for two hours and cried the whole time. Apparently there's nothing more emotional than Dragon's Dent and Master chef Australia...
  21. I don't know how I can live without this album in my life. 46 FUCKING DAYS LEFT AAARRGGH
  22. paradoxal

    Just like kyoselflove I'm mostly looking for Lycaon stuff title=":D" /> Other stuff is so rarez I don't think anyone wants to sell them. アンフィル (anfiel) - destin (1st press) アルルカン (arlequin) - イノセンス (配布CD) BLESSCODE - The Beginning Code Lycaon - Camera Obscura (Limited) Lycaon - Chains of collar B TYPE Lycaon - 情欲のアクメ Lycaon - Masochist red circus (Limited edition) Lycaon - 麻薬/眩暈-めまい- 眩暈ver. Lycaon - 嘘と女と『    』(Regular edition) プラネタリウム (planetarium) - 亜音速サブソニック プラネタリウム (planetarium) - プレイ プラネタリウム (planetarium) - →ソニック プラネタリウム (planetarium) - ハジマリノミライ プラネタリウム (planetarium) - Alive RedruM - ELECTRIGGER
  23. paradoxal

    Yeah I did use CDJapan but I already paid it with Paypal and the site says you can't edit orders already paid with paypal
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