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  1. Like
    Bear got a reaction from ghost in Horror Movies   
    Just started on the Hammer House of Horror anthology series and watched the first episode, so I'll update here whenever I watch a new episode:
    Episode 1, Witching Time - This short (50 minutes) is directed by Don Leaver whom I am not familiar with, but from the looks of it he was mostly involved in TV-series. It's fairly generic and standard, and it is lacking in all departments, but it was a nice little treat anyway. From what I heard it's the weakest in the series, and if that is true then I am very positive. Enjoyable, but not amazing. 6/10
  2. Like
    Bear reacted to Des in random thoughts thread   
    Blogs like visualscandal3 are exactly like the download section on MH except they don't require registration and they're not as neatly organized. Those mumbling "b-but my credits...", get the hell out of here. If you upload music and make a big deal out of "credit", I wonder what your motivations are for sharing. Who gives a damn about credit and "stealing links" (hahaha just... no) other than insecure internet geeks who want to maintain their illusion of a digital reputation? Share music because you feel everyone should be able to enjoy it regardless of how deep one's pockets are. Don't share if you just want your fake internet persona to be plastered all over the www for your precious credit.
    You know how information on the anatomy of the sperm whale, the involvement of the Kingdom of Tonga in WWII and entire archives of mathematical and scientific problems and solutions and inventions are up for grabs on the internet. That's the life works of hundreds, thousands of scientists and researchers freely available online, but nobody makes a big deal about that. The general opinion is that these are the possessions and achievements of humankind in general and therefore should be available to all. And barely anyone knows the legions of people behind all this other than a handful of famous names. Then you worry about internet credits for something as silly and futile as a little bundle of mostly forgettable songs that you didn't even write and record yourselves.
  3. Like
    Bear got a reaction from LIDL in THE J-POP THREAD a.k.a JAYYYYPAAAWP   
    Can we talk bout this album:

    More or less the perfect pop album, with one of the very best productions ever no matter what genre we're talking about. Hikaru Utada is amazing and the songs are amazing, but the production and how the album sounds is by far the highlight here. It's a pleasure to the ear to listen to the album. Ear massage from begining to end. 10/10 and so on.
  4. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Pretsy in THE J-POP THREAD a.k.a JAYYYYPAAAWP   
    Can we talk bout this album:

    More or less the perfect pop album, with one of the very best productions ever no matter what genre we're talking about. Hikaru Utada is amazing and the songs are amazing, but the production and how the album sounds is by far the highlight here. It's a pleasure to the ear to listen to the album. Ear massage from begining to end. 10/10 and so on.
  5. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Crube in SIGH   
    Some updates from Mirai:
    Very interesting, and as expected.
  6. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Crube in SIGH   
    Understand what you mean, but as with both Scenes From Hell and In Somniphobia the guitars and riffs isn't exactly in the focus here. But a good rip/physical release might give everything a facelift.
    Anyway, the riffs sounds like something from Hangman's Hymn. Very thrashy and cool.
  7. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Crube in SIGH   
    Shitty video, amazing song. The production feels a bit off, but then again so it did with Scenes From Hell and the original Gallows Gallery as well, and  now I love both so I don't mind. I also expect that be the most straightforward track on the album. I sure hope so after all they promised. Heh.
    That's the song with Matt Heafy of Trivium as well. I'm pretty sure that's him on the chorus. Has to be. It is.
  8. Like
    Bear got a reaction from beni in Last movie you saw.   
    New Police Story - Jackie Chan is back, but this film has nothing to do with the four first films of the series. Instead it's somewhat a reboot. It's not as light as the two firt and not as James Bond-esque as the two others. It's more focused on drama, which works well enough. However, I am not too fond of the trendy villains and the sidekick as I think they comes off as a bit forced. I like the concept, but the execution could've been much better. Could've done with much less English as well, because that is a part I find annoying as fuck in this film. On par with First Strike and a very entertaining film, but not close to the three first.

    Project A - A fantastic martial arts comedy featuring three of the Seven Little Fortunes, Jackie CHan, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao. Fantastic film with amazing martial arts scenes, pirates, a good plot and everything. The slapstick humour works so well here, and the scenes in and outside the clocktower is top fuckong notch. Brilliant!

  9. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Thedane in SIGH   
    Understand what you mean, but as with both Scenes From Hell and In Somniphobia the guitars and riffs isn't exactly in the focus here. But a good rip/physical release might give everything a facelift.
    Anyway, the riffs sounds like something from Hangman's Hymn. Very thrashy and cool.
  10. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Crube in Nightwish   
    Sounds like a weak version of the previous albums (- the vocals which are way better). But musically it's just more of the same. The guitars adds nothing to the song at all, and I don't get why they bother having guitars there at all. Awfully boring.
    I'd like to hear some new riff-heavy Nightwish with Floor on vocals. Something ala what they did from Angels Fall First to Wishmaster. Just write and add some proper riffs for fuck's sake.
  11. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Visutox in The general Metal discussion thread   
    I have to agree with this. I've only given the album 5-6 spins by now, and it's not everything that's working just now, but it's getting better with each listen and despite not being blown away by all elements, it's sniffing on the 10. Absolutely brilliant stuff. I like how innovative and original it feels. I mean, the riffs and stuff by themself aren't very original. I hear plenty of Satanic Art, Ved Buens Ende, Abigor and even Devil Doll here and there, but the way the songs are put together makes it feel so fresh. Superb stuff! Can't wait to see them live again. Should be proper good.
  12. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Visutox in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Full album: https://avantgardemusic.bandcamp.com/album/umbras-de-barbagia
    Amazing atmospheric pagan black metal. The album is epic and beautiful, yet tormented and haunting. An amazing mix of different types of black metal that just flows into eachother without feeling weird or out of place. It's not very original per se, but I think he's got something of his own going on Highly recommended!
    Apparently, the guy is just 18 years old as well.
  13. Like
    Bear reacted to Karma’s Hat in Music and shock value   
    His supposed absurd tastelessness is in opposition to established values he disliked and he made a lifestyle out of it. What more do you want from trolling other than the upsetting of people you don't like because of dislike of their values? He wanted to make people living a comfortable sheltered lifestyle feel uncomfortable because he hated the lot, and by God this topic is the proof that he succeeded at it. If one needs more then look no further than the talk-show appearances he did and relish in the horrified middle America. 
    For him every single person who didn't understand was a most probably a small victory, bringing a tiny ray of light into a world that he thought didn't give him squat. Whether one agrees of disagrees with his views is one thing, but saying there's no artistic value in the sheer brutality of the culture he lived in and the concert experiences he had is inane. It evokes feelings like any other art experience ( disgust, joy, sadness and anger are all feelings ), he wanted to bring back the danger and the vicious carnal experience back into the rock music space that was soon to be even further neutered and domesticated by grunge and indie, and the people he hated then feared or did not care to enter that space, a space he perceived to be for the outcasts only. It was like a response to the developments that had taken place in rock culture, and what he did was sort of like a last hoorah of that tradition, taken to such extremes that it seemed almost like a parody.
  14. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Elazmus in Music and shock value   
    GG Allin wasn't an amazing guy, but I find much enjoyment in GG Allin's music. Honest and straight to the point punk/rock/country/whatever. Not everything is top notch, but at his best he released some god damn good music. Freaks, Faggots, Drunks and Junkies, Brutality and Bloodshed for All, You Give Love a Bad Name and Hated in the Nation are more than classics in my eyes. I'm not too fond of all the shit he did, but I do find him fascinating. Very fascinating. He and his bands are also behind some of the coolest songs ever written. One of them being I Kill Everything I Fuck. There's no proper party without this song played on repeat a few times:

  15. Like
    Bear reacted to Karma’s Hat in Music and shock value   
    GG Allin certainly succeeded at what he set out to do, offending the domesticated middle class tastes from beyond the grave even decades later; and the fact that he still gets a reaction in good or bad speaks about his relevance to the rock music canon. I for one appreciate the confrontationality and the inadvertent ( most likely inadvertent , since he was legitimately deranged ) trolling of established values with his absurdism more than anything made in guitar music since the mid 2000's came about. 
    I cannot hate something so unabashedly juvenile and intellectually honest in its simplicity. He and his music were rock 'n roll cult stardom and punk rock taken to a gritty, in your face extreme that will most likely remain forever unrivaled. What's this perception these days that a "message" has to be a high-school essay of "issues" or at worst some metaphysical quackery. He was not the type who'd write a poignant letter to a congressman and that's the point. Either way I'm pretty sure there's enough material in the character of GG Allin ( portrayed in and outside of the music ) and what made it possible for plenty of university lectures if that's the measuring stick for a message. 
    In essence to me personally he was just fun and that's message enough, and fun is just as relevant to the human experience as overweight white guys pondering wormholes and whatever the fuck. 
  16. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Crube in random thoughts thread   
    Exactly. Everything is great when homemade by someone who's capable of making half-decent food, which is something every single human being above the age of 16 is more than capable of if willing to try, and maybe fail a few times.
    Waiting for my girl to come home so we can eat now and it makes me crazy. Haven't had any breakfast today as I've been busy preparing todays dinner. So now I'm walking around like this:

  17. Like
    Bear reacted to Crube in random thoughts thread   
    Pluse bolognese is always great when homemade. (Then again, what isn't?)
  18. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    Oh dear, the bolognese turned out amazing. I'm gonna eat till I explode later on.
    This is why you don't buy any of that half-made crap you just add water or milk or whatever in. This is the real shit, and it's worth both your time and money and everything. Gonna eat half or something now, and use the rest for lasagne next weekend. Can't wait!
  19. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Crube in random thoughts thread   
    Oh dear, the bolognese turned out amazing. I'm gonna eat till I explode later on.
    This is why you don't buy any of that half-made crap you just add water or milk or whatever in. This is the real shit, and it's worth both your time and money and everything. Gonna eat half or something now, and use the rest for lasagne next weekend. Can't wait!
  20. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Crube in random thoughts thread   
    Making homemade pasta and homemade bolognese. Shit's gonna be amazing when ready.
  21. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Des in Last movie you saw.   
    The Swordsman II - The Swordsman IIcontinues the story of Ling Wu Chung and Kiddo, but with a whole new set of actors, Ling is played by Jet Li and Kiddo by Michelle Reis, and the always amazing Brigitte Lin stars as Asia the Invincible, a man who is willing to go very far to become invincible. Most people consider this to be the superior film in the series, and I can see why, but I think it's equal to the first part. Amazing film, amazing characters, amazing, powerful fights. Well, fuck this. Everything's amazing!

    The Swordsman III: The East Is Red - Brigitte Lin returns to this sequel, but the film is a mess. Amazing fights, amazing Brigitte Lin as Asia the Invincible and it is visually stunning, just like the two first, but the plot is a mess. A huge fucking mess. I was really entertained by the film, but it got nothing on the two first films. It's very weird, very bizarre and messy. But if you like camp, like I do, you'll find something to enjoy here. Because the film is by no means awful. Just not amazing, and not very good.

  22. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Des in Last movie you saw.   
    Ashes of Time Redux - I really enjoy this film and consider it Wong Kar Wai's best film, but not for its plot or narrative, because neither plays a big part of the film. I enjoy this for it's fantastic imagery, atmosphere and haunting feeling of vastness. Wong Kar Wai's Ashes of Time Redux sure isn't for everybody, and for a lot it'll be like watching paint dry, but for me it's a beautiful masterpiece.

    The Swordsman - Beautiful wuxia masterpiece by God King Hu (who left halfway), and a directorial team put together by Tsui Hark. The plot is great, the action scenes are magnificent and the cast are top notch. Everything works in this film, and I love how powerful the fights are. Love the costumes too, esecially for the Sun Moon Sect. Looks stunning! Well, everything looks stunning. An absolute masterpiece of a film!
    Sharla Cheung and Fennie Yuen might be the pretties girls I've ever seen on screen.

  23. Like
    Bear got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in random thoughts thread   
    Making homemade pasta and homemade bolognese. Shit's gonna be amazing when ready.
  24. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Crube in SIGH   
    Blood Music, who released Gallows Gallery on vinyl, will rellease Graveward on vinyl as well, so fans of Sigh and vinyls will have something awesome to look forward to. Some quotes from Blood Music:
    This is gonna be good. This is gonna be very good!
  25. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Zeus in SIGH   
    Blood Music, who released Gallows Gallery on vinyl, will rellease Graveward on vinyl as well, so fans of Sigh and vinyls will have something awesome to look forward to. Some quotes from Blood Music:
    This is gonna be good. This is gonna be very good!
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