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  1. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    That sounds very good, though not quite Hammer of the Witches. The choir sounds really nice.
  2. Like
    Bear got a reaction from platy in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Tried this game the other day. I was already very, very familiar with the soundtrack which is amazing, but the gameplay was really fucking nice. Will start playing through this game next week.
    And that soundtrack, boiz. Holy fuck!
  3. Like
    Bear got a reaction from xPrincess_ChaosX in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Tried this game the other day. I was already very, very familiar with the soundtrack which is amazing, but the gameplay was really fucking nice. Will start playing through this game next week.
    And that soundtrack, boiz. Holy fuck!
  4. Like
    Bear got a reaction from platy in Horror Movies   
    XX - A brand new anthology horror film featuring 4 short films directed by four female directors, as well as the main frame. Which was pointless IMO:
    Main frame (Sofia Carrillo)
    A stop-motion film that's beautifully animated, but that's it. Thought it was awful.
    The Box (Jovanka Vuckovic)
    Wile not perfect, this was a nice one. It's more drama/mystery oriented tho, and not much of a horror film. 6/10
    The Birthday Party (Annie Clark aka St. Vincent)
    This looks excellent and it's hard to believe that St. Vincent is new to the game of directing. Visually stunning and beautifully shot, but the story doesn't quite do it for me. 5/10
    Don't Fall (Roxanne Benjamin)
    Roxanne Benjamin has already directed a short film for the anthology Southbound, and this time she really let us know she's one to look out for. Don't Fall are easily the best short of XX. It's a familiar story and all that, but it's lots of fun and it's horror as fuck. 8/10
    Her Only Living Son (Karyn Kusama)
    Karyn Kuasa might be best known for directing the abysmal Æon Flux, but ten years later she actually directed the masterpiece that is The Invitation. And while this is no new The Invitation, this one's very good and interesting. 7/10
    This is another example of how shitty the IMDB rating system is. 4 point fuckin' 6. Ridiculous!
  5. Like
    Bear reacted to plastic_rainbow in Horror Movies   
    I finally watched the classic masterpieces Rosemary's Baby and Suspiria, and I have to say that I enjoyed the later more. I just LOVE the pink hue lighting that can be perceived in almost every scene. Amazing art direction. It also had a good soundtrack, and the overall atmosphere reminded me a lot of Clock Tower (snes). I'm now interested in the director's other films, and I just found out that Phenomena actually influenced the Clock Tower (snes) game, having the same character names and all, so I can't wait to watch that one next~
    Rosemary's Baby was kind of just a decent watch. It didn't give me a pleasing horror film experience like Suspiria did, but I can see how it's good for what it is.
  6. Like
    Bear got a reaction from suji in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Anyone else had the chance to enjoy Vintersorg's new album yet? I called Naturbål a masterpiece and a return to form, but this album juat continues his good trend in recent years. Another step up from the previous album. Pure fucking magick!
  7. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Visutox in The general Metal discussion thread   
    I totally recommend Sekkusu for fans of Japanese metal punk. This is a mix of thrash metal and hardcore punk and is obviously influenced by stuff like G.I.S.M., Gauze, Death Side, Gudon, Outo, Zouo and more. They sound Japanese as fuck, and they've managed to really catch that vibe of their cover art too. Neat shit!
  8. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    ^ Sounds fun, thanks for the recommendation!
    In other news, I'm finally listening to the new Dying Fetus album and it is awesome! Might have to go to their gig in October... even more so that they're playing alongside Psycroptic and Beyond Creation.
  9. Like
    Bear got a reaction from suji in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Till Fjalls del 2 sounds great after one listen. It kinda continues where Naturbål left off, but with less progressive vibes and more folk. Which is what I'd consider a natural evolution as this is a part 2 of their debut album. But this is a colder record, atmosphere-vise. The riffing is more focused around black and mid 90's folk metal, the melodies are superb and the choruses are amazing throughout the entire album. Catchy hooks! Just check the chorus on Vinterstorm. Holy fuck!
    It sounds familiar, but fresh. Just like I expected and wished for. Vocal-vise Vintersorg delivered his best performance since Ödemarkens son with Naturbål, but I'd say he's even more on point this time, especially with his clean vocals. I also think the production sounds better and more fitting now, than what I did with the two preview tracks.
    The Till fjälls part of Fjällets mäktiga mur gives me the chills. Every single time! What a chorus. Like a blast from the past. Love it!
    I mörker står fjällets mäktiga mur
    Där stormar sjunger i vresighet, Till fjälls, till fjälls
  10. Like
    Bear got a reaction from platy in Horror Movies   
    The Screaming Skull
    I think I mentioned this among the godawful so bad it's gone films in this pack, but I'm not sure what I was thinking. I must have mixed it up with another title. Because I don't think this is a bad film at all and do not let the 3,4 rating on IMDB fool you. The Screaming Skull is cheap, it's silly and very predictable, but it's got tons of fantastic atmosphere throughout the entire film. Highly recommended!
    Love the opening with the narrator btw: "The Screaming Skull" is a motion picture that reaches its climax in shocking horror. It's impact is so terrifying that it may have an unforeseen effect. It may *kill* you!
    Then he tells you you will be buried for free if you die of fear during this film. That's how you start a movie!
  11. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Licio123 in Horror Movies   
    I have three goals in life at the moment:
    1. Travel to Japan and stay there for way too long
    2. Get a complete Sigh collection
    3. Get my hand on one of those Friday the 13th blood-filled liquid vinyls
    Here is a list of what I would trade to get my hands on one of those vinyls:

    I would trade all at once.
    The prices it's been sold for is crazy as fuck, though:
    Lowest: €359.30
    Median: €630.35
    Highest: €720.40
    Jesus fucking christ.
  12. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Flame-X in Last movie you saw.   
    Headshot - The indonesian directors Timo Tjahjanto and Kimo Stamboel, better known as the Mo Brothers, once again teams up for a film, and once again they deliver the shit out of it. Headshot delivers a simple plot with simple, familiar characters,and in that sense two hours is way too long. The could easily have made this into a 80-90 minutes film. However, they don't give a fuck and dragges it out to a 120 minutes long bloodbath. This is ultra-fucking-violence from begining to end. There is no end to the brutality. It's a martial arts actioner starring Iko Uwais, and when a film stars Iko Uwais you know what to expect. While not as good as some of his previous films, this is probably the most violent I've ever seen him. In fact, it's one of the more violent films I've ever seen.
    Also, don't miss out on Very Tri Yulisman and Julie Estelle, also knows as Baseball Bat Man and Hammer Girl from The Raid 2.
    While obviously inspired by The Raid I & II, and probably also a film like Merantau, there's a strong 80's and 90's Hong Kong feeling laying over the film. Which is something I really enjoy.
    Anyway, if you'e into films like those, just watch it. You'll be entertained, unless you are a weak ass pussy.
  13. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Visutox in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Hell fucking yes! This album is so good. It's got its fair shair of Summoning influence, but it has more of a medieval sound to it, making it stand out from other epic black metal bands in this vein. Totally recommended if you're into Summoning, Kinstrife & Blood, Caladan Brood and so on.
    Will have to give it more time, but this sounds truly excellent so far.
  14. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Last Concert You Went To (Now with Pics)   
    Went to see Goblin and Tusmørke at Blitz, an anarchist, communist and socialist youth community in Oslo. I'm not a Blitzer myself and I was very surprised to see them arrange a gig like this. But while I don't give a shit about their politics, it works really good as a concert house. You can also bring your own drinks to the club, which makes it cheap and nice as fuck.
    Anyway, Tusmørke was kinda disappointed. It was good, but I've seen them better 2-3 times before.
    Goblin on the other hand was beyond amazing. I've seen Goblin before, but that was Claudio Simonetti's Goblin which is Claudio and the four other members of Daemonia. At that time we saw and interview with Claudio before the showing of Suspiria at Cinemateket in Oslo, with a concert in the evening. It was amazing and one of my favourite concerts ever. This time around however it was Goblin with 4/5 of the original(?) line up with Massimo Morante, Maurizio Guarini, Fabio Pignatelli and Agostino Marangolo.
    What a fucking fantastic gig! The atmosphere, the tightness of the band. Jesus, it was incredible! And they ended the gig playing Magic Thriller, Mad Puppet, Dr. Frankenstein, Roller, E Suono Rock, Aquaman, Death Farm, Goblin, Dawn of the Dead, Tenebre, Suspiria, Profondo Rosso and Zaratozom in that order if I am not mistaken. Oh wait, that's actually the entire setlist. What a setlist! Says it all really!
    Doesn't matter which Goblin plays. Best prog band ever!
  15. Like
    Bear reacted to violetchain in What can you cook/make?   
    ^You can add some meat or vegetables to it to give it more substance, but this is basically the cheapest and easiest soup I've ever made. I just made it earlier today, actually, because I was feeling lazy. 
    This is also a new staple for me: 
    ^You can use basically any kind of meat or vegetables with this recipe, so it's super practical. I've tried it with a bunch of different combinations (baby corn, peppers, mushrooms, shrimp, broccoli, etc.) and it always tastes good.
    You don't necessarily need kaffir lime leaves - you can probably get away with just lime juice - but they make it taste way better. 
    Any sort of miso soup with noodles, tofu, meat, cabbage, etc. added is usually pretty cheap and easy as well. I think I made this one before, but I either skipped the noodles or used angel hair vermicelli instead of udon, since it was all I had at the time. Can't remember.
    This isn't bad either, if you happen to have big bags of dried lily and wood ear mushrooms in your pantry like I do. It's good with hot sauce.
  16. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Kaleidoscope in Emo/post-hardcore/screamo/etc Worship Thread   
    Daïtro - Y
    Aussitôt Mort - 6 Songs
    Aussitôt Mort - Montuenga
    Mihai Edrisch - Mihai Edrisch
    Sed Non Satiata - Sed Non Satiata
    Daïtro / Sed Non Satiata split
    Check 'em out!
  17. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Karma’s Hat in The general Metal discussion thread   
    0:00 Guitarist stumbles
    0:55 Hellish chanting
    3:10 What is the next song?
    4:10 How to drink beer
    5:51 How to drink beer part 2
    8:04 Guitarist goes "crowd surfing"
    9:34 "Vittu me vihataan punkkia!"
    10:18 "Mennäänkö kattoo jotai oikeeta bändiä?"
    This fucking band, man. Hilarious! They don't give a flying fuck and they do whatever the fuck they want. They might be the winners of the black metal paraolympics.
    Gotta admit that I like the The Night of Satanachia ep, tho. It's pretty good.
  18. Like
    Bear got a reaction from emmny in Emo/post-hardcore/screamo/etc Worship Thread   
    The french screamo scene is underrated as fuck. Just wanted to let you guys know that.
  19. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Sparrow in MERRY (f.k.a メリー)   
    Under-World is great and I don't get the hate for Fuyu no Castanet at all. I've said it many times and I'll gladly say it again: fantastic song!
  20. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Visutox in The general Metal discussion thread   
    I know there's a few fans of Fen her, so this should please a couple of you guys:
    It's very Fen-esque and reminds me a lot of Fen's debut, though with a bit more traditional atmospheric black metal and less post-rock. I really like this song. Sounds really nice!
  21. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Gaz in The big TV-series discussion thread   
    I finally finished Black Sails. It's impressive how it went from being a bland adventure series with uninteresting, and mostly annoying characters and dull dialogue in season 1 to become one of the best series around in season 2, with an amazing character gallery, fantastic dialogue and more a character driven drama than anything else. That being said, season 1 is far from the worst thing I've seen. It's decent entertainment, but if it wasn't for the fact that I love pirates I would not have given season 2 a chance at all. Had it been about vikings I would not have seen season 2. And it's really refreshing with a series that knows when to call its quit, rather than to go on and on because they can. Because they could've made 4 more seasons of this series, but ending with season 4 is simply genius. At its best, this series is just up there with the best seasons of Game of Thrones, if not better.
    Season 1 - 6/10
    Season 2 - 10/10
    Season 3 - 10/10
    Season 4 - 10/10
    And I also started on Fargo season 3 today. I'm only one episode in, but so far this feels like Fargo all the way, just like season 1 and 2 did. This series, man. So god damned good!
  22. Like
    Bear reacted to Karma’s Hat in THE HIP HOP THREAD!   
    That album rules. The second one is a bit heavier on the duller tracks, although Hypnotise is all time top 10
    There's something about stormzy's delivery that I find off-kilter. I like that song, but I recently tried the new album and got bored. As far as rap music goes I really like the most over the top hyper masculine stuff the best, and he is a bit strange somehow. That track is really good tho
    idk if you'll like this or not, but this is a famous grime album on the internet 
    When I think of how grime sounds I always think of this one first.
  23. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Visutox in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Execration doesn't know how to disappoint and this sounds like it's going to be another stellar release.
    Nice coverart too.
  24. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Proscriptor McGovern is God! Watching him play some of the tracks off Tara live while doing the vocals is absolutely insane. The speed, technicality and complex fills of the drums itself is impressive and mindblowing, but watching him do it live while screaming his guts off. Unbelieveable!
    A band that deserves to have a much bigger name. Everything up until Tara, from the epic sounding death metal of their early demos, EPs and Barathrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L., to the black metal of The Sun of Tiphareth and black/thrash metal of The Third Storm of Cythraul and Tara are must-haves IMO. Classics, everything!
    Kinda fell off the Absu-wagon after Tara and don't like either of their two last albums, but it's a band I'll always give a new chance when they release something new, and when I do that I also give their previous efforts that I don't like a new try.
  25. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Last Concert You Went To (Now with Pics)   
    Absu is a fantastic band, and watching Proscriptor do the vocals while he play as he does is insane. Superb live band!
    As far as Nargaroth goes they're not a cult band. Generally regarded as a retarded band, and one of the most disliked metal bands around. No figure in the word of metal ash been asgaming ridiculed as Ash/Kanwulf. They do look shitty live too.
    I do like 3-4 of their releases a lot tho. Not gonna deny that. But Black Metal Ist Krieg is a really embarrassing release. Godawful!
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