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Posts posted by Crube

  1. Leave it to captain slow to make that comment 5 years after the mistake has been made :P

    So, I've tried watching Attack on Titan, but I manage to fall asleep around the second episode. Sure, it has some things that Kill la Kill had that bothered me, but at least Kill la Kill wasn't trying to be serious. One problem that bothered me the most was the animation quality. Oh look, shaky still screen with speed lines.

  2. 'uroko´s' pv feels cheap somehow. i don´t really like it, lets say i had bigger expectations as it´s dir en grey after all. songs have become more creative hence enjoyable but i couldn´t say the same about most of the videos. sadly

    Cheaper than green screen and lyric PVs?

  3. First and foremost... let me get this off my chest...



    Stuff I've watched in the past weeks. (Both OVAs and series.):

    • Kill la Kill
    • No. 6
    • Space Dandy
    • Five Centimeters Per Second
    • R.O.D.
    • Eureka Seven
    • Bartender

    Other than that? It's really hard for me to get into new anime. I try to avoid anything longer than 25 episodes and I'm pretty sure the only series that's coming out that will break that rule is the return of Digimon. I'm still on the fence about God Eater though.

  4. Uroko is still my favorite track from the album. I also like to think that they took influence from Behemoth's Ov Fire and the Void when creating said PV. Mostly due to the whole eating a humanoid creature.

  5. Oh dear, the bolognese turned out amazing. I'm gonna eat till I explode later on.


    This is why you don't buy any of that half-made crap you just add water or milk or whatever in. This is the real shit, and it's worth both your time and money and everything. Gonna eat half or something now, and use the rest for lasagne next weekend. Can't wait!

    Pluse bolognese is always great when homemade. (Then again, what isn't?)

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