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Posts posted by Crube

  1. I've noticed a few things absent in King of the Hill Kai that were in King of the Hill Z. And other changes both large and small.

    • Peggolos training with Son Bobby.
    • Dalegeta constant complaints about the government dropped down.
    • John Red Ribbon Army appears more of a threat.
    • Buuhauers training has also been reduced.
    • The propane test for Peggolo and Son Hank were taken out.
    • Mr. Herculouphanousinphone name has been changed back to the Texan name of Kahntan.


    I really wish I could delve into the "leftover" subject/topic, seeing as DEG has a penchant for leaving tracks that didn't make the cut for later ventures (e.g. Ain't Afraid to Die is from MACABRE sessions, CLEVER SLEAZOID is from WtD sessions, DOZING GREEN is a MOAB leftover) - but I bet most people don't care about that kind of stuff so I will shut up for a while :P


    I wouldn't really call it leftover, but more or less the band playing to the albums style before venturing forth into the new album. (If that makes sense.) Kind of like how Hageshisa has that UROBOROS sound mostly because of how the guitars were tuned at the time of recording the single.

  3. 2HfJsQv.gif


    There's a lot worse talent, but yes... somehow THE ILLUMINATI manages to take it to new heights. Remember the hype behind the first Sin Cara? I'm sure a WWE staff watched Mistico highlight videos on YouTube and said "Well, Rey Mysterio doesn't have enough cartilage in his knees, so we will need a masked replacement soon enough!" Too bad they also didn't do basic research and see if there were any outstanding non-kayfabe rivalries between Mistico and AlbertOOOOOOOOO DELLLL RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Anyway, the only real difference between the Road Warriors and THE ILLUMINATI are football pads with spikes and their love for Ron Paul? Honestly? I don't remember the Road Warriors being the greatest wrestlers outside of their hardcore ladybug football motif.

  4. STUCK MAN was referred to THIRD TIME DOES THE TRICK before the album was released. No idea what THE FATAL BELIEVER was called before TMOAB was released. (Even if that were the case that is.)



    The pain of not being able to slice off one pound of meat
    The happiness that lasts in my memory for only two days
    No one believes the saying, the third time does the trick

  5. HJD07eN.png


    Awesome report, Tets! Hopefully one day I'll find time to attend to one of these live events. (Also helpful if they are within driving distance too.) Very happy to see that more NXT stars are jumping on Raw. THE ILLUMINATI started off as a formidable tag-team, but it seems like they are just there to job, although the Lucha Dragons are doing pretty well. Sami looked a little rough on the edges for the premier match and I guess it makes sense now. Popping his shoulder in AND continuing? That's some dedication right there! And while I'm a fan of Adrian Neville, it seems like he has become The Man That Victory Forgot as well. I guess I understand building his character, but at least give him a little bit more victories instead of becoming a complete squash to the established wrestlersentertainers.

    Speaking of established entertainers, Chris Jericho is coming back this Summer for a few months it seems. From his Facebook page, the Y2J WWE Tour will run from June 12th to August 30th. Clearly not enough time to start a lasting feud. Maybe that will be enough time for Jericho to put an NXT star over in those months? Maybe Neville or Zayn? After all, that was the only reason why he lost to Fandango in Wrestlemania a few years ago. (Still got to love the light up jacket.)

  6. As a person who doesn't give a fuck about Mejibray:


    Why the fuck do you people read Mejibray related threads and download their stuff, if you already know they are a shitty band? I mean c'mon, why the hell do you bother? Don't you have anything better to do? I sure as hell have better things to do, eg. listening to music I actually like. And commenting in threads I'm actually interested in. 


  7. I swear... this entire fanbase sometimes.



    Anyway, I find it hard to listen to Gauze sometimes nowadays. When I first heard the album many years ago, I didn't bother to look at the album details past the artist name, album title, and song titles. I just automatically assumed the album was released in the late 80s or early 90s due to the production. I was completely blown away that it was actually much later on than that.

  8. k2GE16q.gif


    I almost forgot I was watching a PPV for a moment and it felt more like Sunday Night Raw than anything else. I suppose a street fight and a stupid stipulation will make it extreme for the PG-Era of WWE. I didn't care about Cena and Rusev nor the Divas Title match. I'm kind of tired of the Bella Twins and I hope they bring in better Divas in the near future. I feel bad about Bryan, but it gave Neville a spot... in the pre-show against Wade Barrett. Monday Night Raw was pretty lacking. To be honest, I kind of forgot about most of the stuff with the exception that Neville went on to the semi-finals for King of the Ring. I'm hoping he becomes The King That Gravity Forgot. Also, JBL made a reference to The Onion. So, there's that.

  9. It's the American Liberal way of thinking. That's why you even see the LGBT over there up in arms over each other. I've seen gay males actively hate bisexuals and I've seen people in femminist movements that will actively turn away MtF people away from supporting them because they were "once considered male" or to that effect. Even the so-called Iceman being forced out of the closet in the comics is getting quite a stirr as people are being upset about a lot of things. And that's just ONE of the many problems.

  10. Depends on who you ask, and I disagree with that. I think the original Gallows Gallery have one of the best and most fitting productions ever. I love that muddy, almost garage-esque production. It makes it even more unique as the production is very unusual for a heavy/power metal album. I also love the production on Scenes From Hell. It really adds to the apocalyptic, hellish atmosphere on the album.


    And on top of that I think everything up to Hail Horror Hail, Imaginary Sonicscape, Hangman's Hymn and In Somniphobia sounds great production-wise. The only one I'd say is weak, except for the new one as of now, is Scenario IV: Dread Dreams. It lacks punch, but it's not something I think about when listening to the album. It's now awful, just a bit weak.

    It also doesn't help I have a crappy sound system going on.

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