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Posts posted by Crube

  1. And above that I really don't know a single metalhead that has not been a japan-freak before,

    First thing that came to mind was Marty Friedman.


    she listens to a lot of 'core' bands, so anything metalcore or deathcore etc etc 

    I guess you could use the "You're not listening to real metal" card on her too.

  2. Introduced a love interest to babymetal and she said she lost all respect for me as a fellow metalhead :(

    But what bands does she listen to? Just curious.

  3. how do wrestling participants overcome persistent sexual tension (do they ever at all?)



    In other news, it seems that more shots were fired as WWE posted a video composing of close up shots of CM Punks arse.



    (Also, refer to the same gif used in response to nekkichi's post.)


    Although, I'm taking a wild stab in the dark that Dub Dub EEEEE is trying to disprove Mr. Punks argument that he worked with a large lump during the match. However it's kind of pointless as it is COVERED UP by the trunks he's wearing at the time.

  4. I highly doubt that CM Punk will return to professional wrestlingentertainment anytime soon. He seems very confident and serious about going into UFC as long as they don't throw him into the deep end like they did with Brock Lesnar. As far as the tag team division? I'm glad to see that the Prime Time Players are coming back. After all, there needs to be more teams that isn't THE ILLUMINATI and the Uso Brothers. I like what they are doing with Bray Wyatt with the promos, but there's still room for improvement if they are planning on having him take over the occult side of WWE. The Undertaker isn't going to last very long as we seen from last years Wrestlemania and there are a lot of parallels with Undertaker and Bray Wyatt. I had my doubts when people started to chant Husky Harris at the early days of his run as Bray Wyatt, but those chants are long gone.


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