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Status Updates posted by CELESTIAL CIEL

  1.  awww ♡

    1. leafwork


      that classic goth guitar sound :lolita_love:

  2. new lana del rey album is my reason to stay alive

    1. orange~


      oo~ I've yet to listen to it. One of the few pop acts I really like :o

  3. SPEECIES new (1st?) PV (warning: naked oyaji in the end)


  4. Finally got this EX-ANS x DALLE baby!! 💝


  5. happy birthday!!♡

    1. elias


      thank you ;) 

  6. bury me in the tons of avelcain chekis pls

    1. appl-


      same please

  7. you were a fckn mistake, and you don't deserve to exist.

    1. The Moon

      The Moon

      that's quite rude x 

  8. tried to clean my laptop and found 有頂天「ピノキヲ」covered by FLOPPY, wow... 



      roots of shit-kei

  9. the suckiest thing when your first serious crush is happily married with other girl... aww... i'm happy, but heart is so aching. i think i'll love her forever, doesn't matter we broke up almost ten years ago.

    1. The Moon

      The Moon

      u should try tindr x 

  10. delete me from this life.

    1. xriko


      Feeling oftenly the same. Stay strong ! 

  11. Still makes me laugh every time I see it oh dear


    1. ahnchc


      lmaaaoooosdofsokskksks 1:48 takes me out every single time

  12. When I wanted to follow Taa-incho on twitter、 I never expected him to send tons of cute emojis。。i mean wow、i was Lulu fangirl years and years ago(ⓛ ω ⓛ *)

    1. Duwang


      He's always been that way. lol He's a super chill guy.

  13. no idea how to recover my laptop, so i wanted to find one of v/a i ripped years and years ago, but can't find download section. errr merry kissmyass. i hope it's something like a bug of mobile version or something.

    1. suji


      Please contact an admin asap

  14. Drunk and thinking about what if medieval people met visual kei bandmen and they would be terrified, or ...

    1. Arkady


      I don't know medieval folk, but modern era men would be all over that shit. La-nuova-moda-1.jpg

  15. hey happy birthday!!  (❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*

    1. merchenticneurosis


      Omg why am i seeing these only now..? Thanks a bunch!

  16. Death isn't that bad. The worst thing is when you decided to leave me. And it happened today. Double suicide, anyone? I can't do it alone, I'm scared. 

  17. mentally unstable manga character: /exists/
    me: aww boi ♡



      i... i mean... diavolo is so pretty... even prettier than both dio and kira (;__;)

  18. Hey happy birthday!!

    1. yomii



  19. la'veil mizeria's tour final is going to be accurately on my birthday, i don't really like liveshows, but let it be exception (・ω・)

  20. Excuse me what the fck ahahah


    1. Gesu


      Bah-bah-bah-bah-bah, I'm hatin' it.

  21. 2019 was kind to me, absolutely awesome year, and the best thing of 2019 is my moving to japan of course but leaving visual kei and shitty people in the past are important things, too(笑)

    1. CAT5


      Glad to hear it, sis~!

  22. https://twitter.com/willendesu/status/1242509100673613829?s=19 dont tell that social justice warrior about 90s visual kei N∀ZI AESTHETIC 

    1. secret_no_03


      Not the least bit surprised to see a French VK SJW, it only makes sense that VK would be inundated with SJWs because of the youth growing up are getting into it and it only makes sense they'd bring their wokeness along with them. Jesus, it's just music and exactly what someone said "it doesn't match" so he probably thought the damned thing was cool and bought it, it's not like your average Japanese person is a history major, especially since the Japanese government got rid of a last of stuff about WW2 so kids growing up have no idea what these white people are on about. 🤷‍♂️

  23. Pedantic fretfulness! Romantic recklessness!

  24. I don't know what to eat but I ordered another bunch of cnzq CDs, ahhhahah

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