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Mihenno last won the day on October 10

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About Mihenno

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  • Birthday 11/13/1993

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  1. ルクス is SO good holy fuck "Dear" and "COLOR" are saving my life rn.  i dont even care that "COLOR", "EXIST", and "Fate" all sound similar. 

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    2. Mihenno


      @hirokiDo you think they'll reform under a different name? :o Haruka's voice is intoxicating

    3. hiroki


      i'm really not sure - there's a small chance i guess since the members are super close and they're on good terms as far as i can tell. yuno is the only one so far who hasn't affirmed that he won't be quitting music (i talk to him the most but he's also the most private of them). and yes i really love haruka's voice but he actually fucks up a lot at lives LOL (actually the whole band does, but they're kind of adorable cos of that haha). haruka has said he'll continue singing though, although he also mentioned something about wanting to start from scratch again. last week he messaged me the lyrics of Fate cos it's not an officially 'released' song but he knows i fucking love that song and i listen to it a lot T_T what a sweetheart haha

    4. hiroki


      oh and i put EXIST up on yt some time ago (sorry not sorry for using my favorite yuno pic <333) i love its pre-chorus so much!!! maybe i'll translate it when i have some time haha. 



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