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  1. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from echo in アンフィル(anfiel) new single "螢の瞳(hotaru no hitomi)" release   
    album art for their new single!!!


    they are so pretty T_T
  2. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from ShTon in アンフィル(anfiel) new single "螢の瞳(hotaru no hitomi)" release   
    album art for their new single!!!


    they are so pretty T_T
  3. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Scarlet Obsidian in アンフィル(anfiel) new single "螢の瞳(hotaru no hitomi)" release   
    album art for their new single!!!


    they are so pretty T_T
  4. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Mihenno in アンフィル(anfiel) new single "螢の瞳(hotaru no hitomi)" release   
    album art for their new single!!!


    they are so pretty T_T
  5. Like
    hiroki reacted to echo in CLear   
    CLear played at Shibuya REX tonight! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
    Tonight's set list:
    1.グッド・バイ  (Goodbye)
    2.チョコレヱトケーキ (Chocolate Cake)
    3.妄想クローゼット (Mousou Closet)
    4.夢うつ (Yume Utsutsu)
    I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY FINALLY PLAYED GOODBYE I'VE LITERALLY BEEN WANTING TO HEAR THAT SONG SINCE FOREVER!!!!! I've been watching the shit out of CLear TV and they used to play it a lot (before I got into CLear) and they even played it during their acoustic set (again, before I got into them), but they haven't played it in a LONG time it seems. AND THEY FUCKING OPENED WITH IT TONIGHT AND I DIED AND I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH AND IDK WHY BUT FUCK W/E I LOVE IT <3 I wish I could've heard the acoustic version in full!!
    And I also fucking love Chocolate Cake!!! I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hope they release these two songs on CD or something some day T_T I really like them T____T
    Four songs is definitely not enough T_T It was over before it even got started T___T But it was a really fun set list nonetheless <333 They have gyakudai in Mousou Closet and Oharyo always waves me over haha <333 Kai waved me over too when Oharyo went to kamite <333 they had like 2 fans in the second row (including me) and the girl next to me was a fan of Miu (the support bassist) lolol but w/e it was fun! <3
    Anyway, here's some picspam from tonight!
    Next live is 7/17 @ Takadanobaba AREA!
    [Cast]  i.Rias / CLear / DAZ / BABOO / マゼラン / マーブルヘッド
    [Time] OPEN/START 17:00/17:30
    [Tickets] Presale ¥3,300-/Doors ¥3,800-(plus drink charge)
  6. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from ShTon in vistlip   
    vistlip had their 10TH ANNIVERSARY LIVE tonight at zepp tokyo!!!!!
    here's the setlist
    1. SINDRA
    2. My second B-day
    3. I am...
    4. -OZONE-
    5. 墜落
    8. Dead Cherry
    10. WIMP
    11. Edy
    12. MONOGRAM
    13. Sara
    14. alo[n]e
    15. drop note.
    16. Idea
    18. B
    19. HEART ch.
    20. SIREN
    21. LION HEART
    1. 星一つ灯らないこんな夜に。
    3. Hameln
    4. July VIIth [Re:birth]
    will post some pics later!!
  7. Like
    hiroki reacted to echo in 弾丸 NO LIMIT (Dangan NO LIMIT)   
    Dangan played their last 3man with their labelmates, LEZARD and Jack Caper, last Sunday at Shibuya REX!

    Dangan is so loved by their labelmates! <33 Sora was saying how when he first came to Tokyo his only friends were Miyuu and Chika so he's SUPER sad that Chika is retiring. All of LEZARD were saying that they have faith the rest of the Dangan guys will continue on with music. Kousuke said that there are a lot of bands you meet in the scene, but Dangan are one of the few bands that he could truly call friends <333
    Here's Dangan's setlist for the night:

    I fucking love Dangan lives!!! <3333333333 I wish everyone could experience them at least once T_T I was super lucky too cos REX was packed, but some Jack Caper fans didn't wanna be in the front for Dangan's set so some girl asked me if I wanted to trade with her friends in the second row so I got to be dead center, 2nd row, right in front of Miyuu @_@ I was kind of dying though. I'm pretty sure I didn't stop jumping that entire set and so much clapping and waving of the arms... it's literally a full body workout going to a Dangan live haha 
    and it was just SUCH A GOOD SET LIST <3333333333 I mean. Every Dangan live is a good setlist... I don't think they could have a bad set list if they tried *not biased* 
    I love how Miyuu will also sing to his bandmates on stage <3 and during one of the songs he went back to the drumset and put the mic in front of Yusuke and Yusuke yelled KAMITE MOSSHU! and all the Yusuke gya squealed haha <3333 I hope he makes Chika do it one day haha
    I was really surprised when they didn't play BULLET, but was glad when they played it at the end in the huge session! 
    After Dangan's set (they played last) Jack Caper and LEZARD came back and out and talked for a while about Dangan. They mentioned how Dangan basically started Riostar and then invited LEZARD and Jack Caper came in after that. Jack Caper's Hinata and U fucking love Leo haha <333 When Dangan came back out to join everyone, they were both like hanging on Leo a lot <3333 Apparently U is just a huge Dangan fan in general <3333 and all the LEZARD guys are super close to Dangan. It was really nice seeing all the bands of the same label being so close on the same stage. 
    For the huge session set Jack Caper played a song.. idk their songs, but it's the one where they just make us do random dumb shit haha and lots of gyakudai. Miyuu was grabbing people and kissing their hands!! I'm pretty sure Yusuke loves gyakudai when he doesn't have to sit behind his drums haha <333 Dangan played next and Hiro asked Miyuu if Dangan had any dumb songs where the crowd can mess around with and Miyuu was like... no... we have BULLET... where you make a gun with your hand and shoot it at us... that's like the closest thing?? And Hiro was just like wtf?? haha
    BULLET IS SO GOOD LIVE UGGGHHHHH LEO'S GUITAR SOLO WHAT <33333333333 and literally EVERYONE saku's him. Like you can't NOT saku him in that song haha <333333333333
    LEZARD had the last song in the huge session... I'm not really familiar with their songs either, but the Dangan guys seemed to be. haha and Kousuke said it was a song that he really wanted Leo to play! So Leo played that song and Kousuke... sang? I'm not sure what he did haha
    After all the bands played each vocalist said a few words and had to to  a "Riostar pose" w/e that is. The bandmen didn't even know. One of them was even like "wtf is a Riostar pose anyway???" and everyone looked around like "idk???" haha Sora had to go first and he was kinda nervous cos he's the newest person to Riostar lol but he did this like super dramatic circular arm sweep thing like Sailor Moon and the crowd seemed pleased and everyone was like WooooOOOooOOOOOOO haha. Next was Miyuu. I forget what they were saying, but he wanted to do a new pose cos his Riostar pose last time was super lame, and the bandmen were like no do the old one!! and Miyuu was like nooooo and they were like fine do both!! and he was like uggghh I don't wanna do both so I'll just do the old one.... and he did... and it was lame... hahahaha he did it and everyone just stood there like -____- and after a brief pause everyone just laughed hahaha <3333 Hiro was last and did the same like last time too I think. It was like make an "L" for LEZARD with one hand, and the shape of a gun for Dangan with the other, then thrust your hands forward from your hip kamehameha style with the power of Jack Caper... or something. haha 
    After that the bandmen tried to make Chika do something cos it was his last live with everyone.  He was super wtf about it though cos he was caught off guard. I think he's the type who like rehearses what he wants to say haha so he kinda refused for a while then finally went up and said thanks and all that and tried to leave and the bandmen were all like NO YOU HAVE TO DO THE RIOSTAR POSE!!! and Chika got super whiny like GUYSS WHYYYYY I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DOOOOOO hahaha so he said he'd do something if they make it up for him but then he pointed to Hiro and was like "anyone but you" cos Hiro is weird af haha He was like, idk... Natsume, you choose. And Natsume was like "huh?? uh sure?" and he put Chika up on the vocalist box, back facing the crowd, had him spread his legs then hold his arms out so he looked like a starfish lol. Then he told Chika something and did some gestures, and it was really obvious that he wanted Chika to bend over and stick his head between his legs hahaah and Chika freaked out like WTF NO I CAN'T DO THAT! hahaha so then he made, I think Suguru? make something up for him, but he just did the exact same thing as Natsume hahaha I think Chika legit got kind of annoyed. He was stalling for so long finally Miyuu saved him and was like "okay that's enough THANKS EVERYONE!" kinda thing haha and finally ended it. <333 Chika's so awkward haha <33
    Anyway, it was a really good live. I'm glad Dangan is loved by so many people <3333 I'm really sad that there are only a few more lives left T_T but I hope lots of people go see them!! <333

    More picspam from after the live:
  8. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from echo in vistlip   
    vistlip had their 10TH ANNIVERSARY LIVE tonight at zepp tokyo!!!!!
    here's the setlist
    1. SINDRA
    2. My second B-day
    3. I am...
    4. -OZONE-
    5. 墜落
    8. Dead Cherry
    10. WIMP
    11. Edy
    12. MONOGRAM
    13. Sara
    14. alo[n]e
    15. drop note.
    16. Idea
    18. B
    19. HEART ch.
    20. SIREN
    21. LION HEART
    1. 星一つ灯らないこんな夜に。
    3. Hameln
    4. July VIIth [Re:birth]
    will post some pics later!!
  9. Like
    hiroki reacted to Akrus in vistlip new album "BitterSweet" release   
  10. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Yukimoto in vistlip   
    vistlip had their 10TH ANNIVERSARY LIVE tonight at zepp tokyo!!!!!
    here's the setlist
    1. SINDRA
    2. My second B-day
    3. I am...
    4. -OZONE-
    5. 墜落
    8. Dead Cherry
    10. WIMP
    11. Edy
    12. MONOGRAM
    13. Sara
    14. alo[n]e
    15. drop note.
    16. Idea
    18. B
    19. HEART ch.
    20. SIREN
    21. LION HEART
    1. 星一つ灯らないこんな夜に。
    3. Hameln
    4. July VIIth [Re:birth]
    will post some pics later!!
  11. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from The Reverend in vistlip   
    vistlip had their 10TH ANNIVERSARY LIVE tonight at zepp tokyo!!!!!
    here's the setlist
    1. SINDRA
    2. My second B-day
    3. I am...
    4. -OZONE-
    5. 墜落
    8. Dead Cherry
    10. WIMP
    11. Edy
    12. MONOGRAM
    13. Sara
    14. alo[n]e
    15. drop note.
    16. Idea
    18. B
    19. HEART ch.
    20. SIREN
    21. LION HEART
    1. 星一つ灯らないこんな夜に。
    3. Hameln
    4. July VIIth [Re:birth]
    will post some pics later!!
  12. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from yakihiko in vistlip   
    vistlip had their 10TH ANNIVERSARY LIVE tonight at zepp tokyo!!!!!
    here's the setlist
    1. SINDRA
    2. My second B-day
    3. I am...
    4. -OZONE-
    5. 墜落
    8. Dead Cherry
    10. WIMP
    11. Edy
    12. MONOGRAM
    13. Sara
    14. alo[n]e
    15. drop note.
    16. Idea
    18. B
    19. HEART ch.
    20. SIREN
    21. LION HEART
    1. 星一つ灯らないこんな夜に。
    3. Hameln
    4. July VIIth [Re:birth]
    will post some pics later!!
  13. Like
    hiroki reacted to Jiyo in LAVANS new one coin single release   
    LAVANS will release a new one coin single (500yens)  on 2017.09.13 and available at ZEAL LINK shop.
    Title is not known yet
  14. Like
    hiroki reacted to Euthanasia in Aiolin new single release !   
    They are so great!
  15. Like
    hiroki reacted to Alkaloid in Aiolin new single release !   
  16. Like
    hiroki reacted to Yukami in Aiolin new single release !   
  17. Like
    hiroki reacted to Delkmiroph in Show Yourself (again)   
  18. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from konpeki in Hi everyone!   
    welcome to MH!
    nice umi avatar btw  vistlip is my favorite band <3
  19. Like
    hiroki reacted to konpeki in Hi everyone!   
    Hello, hello!
    You can just call me Ni if you like! I'm a 22 year old girl from Germany and I've been into jrock/visual kei type music since I was about 13 or 14? Not so sure about that. ^^ I started out with the gazettE, dir en grey and despairs ray but I don't listen to those that much anymore these days (except old gazette stuff). I fell out of the loop with the music for a while and I've just recently gotten into it again and bothered to look up other/new bands. 
    I've come across this forum while I was exploring and I thought I'd sign up to try and make some new friends! I'm no expert in the field of jrock/visual kei, I just listen to what I like, so please be kind to me. ^^ 
  20. Like
    hiroki reacted to Lereku in ViV   
    Glad to know that Rayji continued to do music for a while, generaly when a vk band disband the bandmen disappear on the scene and social media for a while before they announce their comeback so maybe we just have some months to wait for have news about them.
    You welcome and thank you too for the video and the translation
  21. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Lereku in ViV   
    i REALLY miss Rayji as well T__________T he did support for some non-vk live a while ago but other than that he hasn't been tweeting. it's the same thing with wataru and sayuki. it feels so weird to not wake up to tweets of wataru saying good morning T_T i hope they will all come back in some form some day.
    and thank you sooo much for watching!!  
  22. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from echo in Smileberry new lineup, and new maxi single "絶対LOVER" release   
    Smileberry new lineup:

    They will release their new maxi single "絶対LOVER" (2 types) on 2017/08/09

  23. Like
    hiroki reacted to helcchi in new band "てんさい。 (tensai)" has formed   
    Session band "くまさん劇団 (kumasan gekidan)" will commence formal activities as "てんさい。 (tensai)" and will hold their first live at Shinsaibashi Soma on 2017/8/3.
    "てんさい。 (tensai)" members:
    Vo.カルト (Cult) (ex. ベルゼモ(belzemo) (オタムユイト/otamu yuito) --> 🐻くまさん劇団🐻  (kumasan gekidan))
    Gt.那央弥 (Naoya) (ex. 🐻くまさん劇団🐻  (kumasan gekidan))
    Gt.花火 (Hanabi) (ex. ととの (Totono)(雫/Sizuku) --> 🐻くまさん劇団🐻  (kumasan gekidan) (結狐))
    Ba.りのあ (Rinoa) (ex. 🐻くまさん劇団🐻  (kumasan gekidan))

  24. Like
    hiroki reacted to Yukimoto in vistlip PV DVD "July Ⅶth [Re:birth]~10th Anniversary Edition~" release   
    I wonder what the special video for track 6 is going to be!!!!!!! and I'm guessing a re-recording like when they did Yoru, where the ending in the re-recorded version was better!!!<3
  25. Like
    hiroki got a reaction from Yukimoto in vistlip PV DVD "July Ⅶth [Re:birth]~10th Anniversary Edition~" release   
    vistlip will release their PV DVD "July Ⅶth [Re:birth]~10th Anniversary Edition~" (2400yen +tax) on 2017/08/23
    Track1:「July Ⅶth [Re:birth]~10th Anniversary Edition~」Music Video
    Track2: LIVE CLIP「WIMP」
    Track3: LIVE CLIP「星一つ灯らないこんな夜に。」
    Track4: LIVE CLIP「BitterSweet Ending」
    Track5: LIVE CLIP「Credit」
         ~ LIVE CLIP from vistlip ONE MAN TOUR「Taste of BitterSweet」 at SHINAGAWA STELLAR BALL 2017.05.21
    Track6: 特典映像収録予定
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