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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    dunno what to think abt the pv (lol..), but the song sounds good.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwavFbh-2H8 So happy to see them again
  3. hiroki

    this is Ayumu's (ex-2nd Dyz) new band btw.
  4. hiroki

    So... I'll try to keep this as painless as possible. Title track was lazy. Not good, but listenable. Like what others have said it's basically a "safe" track where nothing can possibly go wrong and nothing interesting can possibly go on. The 2nd track was intriguing until halfway through the song where Yomi starts singing in his constipated voice. I don't know where he picked up this vocal technique from but whenever he does (which is half the time in their recent releases) I just skip to the next track. The 3rd track was supposed to be a counterpoint to the title track, judging by how heavy it is (or tries to be). Unfortunately it's a big mess that feels like a patchwork of fragments from various discarded samples. More than being put-off by this single, it's safe to say I'm sorely disappointed. I'm disappointed because I was a huge fan of Nightmare and I still hold dear all my memories of their amazing lives I went to. But honestly it's difficult to believe that this is the same band that wrote songs like Hate, 東京傷年, DIRTY, Nothing you lose, etc. This single is shocking. At this juncture they are probably better off going on a hiatus before they lose more fans.
  5. Guess I'm the only one who likes Stella more than what I'm hearing here? Well this definitely isn't "bad" (I like the melody), but I want to hear more than just the chorus to make up my mind. Specifically, I wanna see how the harsh vocals fit into the overall structure of the song - whether it's just there to substitute arbitrary sections of the song as filler (like what some other bands are doing), or there's something more imaginative and interesting going on.
  6. hiroki

    Nothing too complex but works really well. Very nice
  7. hiroki

    Oh wow ok you have beautiful eyes
  8. hiroki

    ^ Love your hairstyle Are you wearing color contacts?
  9. hiroki

    Well this is totally random but... I really hope Rey joins Royz. It seriously hurts me to see them as a 4-member band. It's like there's this void looming behind the 4 members that perpetually screams in your face that Kazuki is gone and won't be coming back. I'm not suggesting that Rey ought to be treated as some kind of a stand-in for Kazuki (that would be terribly disrespectful to both of them), but at least they seem more "complete" as a 5-member band? Even Subaru remarked that their songs are written for 2 guitarists and it's hard for them to continue with 4 members.
  10. hiroki

    Hi! Welcome to MH!! =D Looking at your list of favorite bands and interests I like you already lol I'm a huge fan of Belmosaic, Xepher, Purple Stone, VAASTU as well. See you around and enjoy yourself!
  11. hiroki

    Oe Kenzaburo's The Silent Cry. This book is an intensely personal account of postwar Japan revolving around a family, and at the same time an epic vision of history that asks (but doesn't directly answer) large questions of interpretation, narrative, memory, the past. Oh and there's a lot of sex and disturbing scenes.
  12. hiroki

    For some insane reason I'm currently replaying FFXII and aiming for a perfect game. Not a good idea at all since I have a thesis to write and submit by October... *sob*
  13. hiroki

    This so much. It eludes me why people compare them so much, other than the fact that they were playing somewhat contemporaneously and their music quality were both a cut above others in that "genre" of music (although it's debatable if they were even doing the same genre). I have to go with DELUHI. I actually hated metal until DELUHI found its way into my life, lol - they're currently my 2nd all-time fave band. Don't ask me why but Juri's harsh vocals remain the only one I genuinely enjoy (I can tolerate a couple others, but generally dislike most core-ish stuff). I appreciate GALEYD's quality (specifically Meku) - but something about Garo's vocals just don't work quite as well for me (ironically I liked him a lot more when he was in Hi:BRiD).
  14. hiroki

    Great news, something to look forward to
  15. I'm actually ok with the vocals.. they aren't easy on the ears by any means, yeah, but isn't that the case with most vk vocals? lol. Anyway this version of Yuuka reminds me a lil of early An Cafe...
  16. Oh yesss. I sure hope they don't change their music though :x
  17. hiroki

    Hope they press more copies of their CDs or something x.x;
  18. hiroki

    omg i can't even
  19. hiroki

    I also don't find significant differences between the cost of vk and non-vk stuff, however I do notice that vk releases come in multiple types a lot more frequently (the upcoming v-neu- release has what..10 types?!), whereas jpop stuff usually have at most 2 (limited edition + regular edition).
  20. Great! Thought we'll never get to hear all their live-limited stuff...
  21. hiroki

    I'll take a well-done "pop" song any day over endlessly recycled brootal stuff being passed off as "music".
  22. hiroki

    ^ This actually sounds a lot like Leda as well lol, which was precisely why he left Galneryus to form DELUHI. I kinda feel that the comparison between DELUHI and GALEYD is often overstated, other than the fact that both bands effectively revolve around one uber-talented musician and his quality compositions that are a cut higher than the rest of the core-ish vk bands. Maybe factor in as well how the two bands were playing somewhat contemporaneously with each other (hence after DELUHI's disbandment a good proportion of their fans flocked to GALEYD, with the rest of them - as is often the case in such scenarios - quietly unimpressed). Yet in terms of the actual sound, I feel they aren't even that close? Even Lustknot. sounds closer to DELUHI than GALEYD does (especially if we take vocals into account). Admittedly I'm more of a DELUHI fan than a GALEYD fan so I hope I haven't been too off-topic x.x I do wish that their members go on to achieve greater things (especially Meku); they definitely have the potential to.
  23. hiroki

    Way more listenable than anything NEGA had ever rolled out *shrugs*
  24. hiroki

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