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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. That too XD That's why sometimes people who just want to collect wait for these fans to buy the CDs, get their in-store voucher, then sell on auctions as a set for cheap lol.
  2. hiroki

    keiya has been feeling awful for at least the past few weeks, and despite always trying to allay the fears of fans it was quite obvious to everyone that his throat condition was pretty bad. in any case i'm thankful that they aren't disbanding. hopefully keiya can now genuinely take a good rest, and come back only when he's ready ^^
  3. [Type A] 1. ステラ 2. ダメ人間 +DVD [Type B] 1. ステラ 2. ダメ人間 3. 胸の内側に宿る息 [Type C] 1. ステラ 2. ダメ人間 3. DROPLET
  4. hiroki

    I'm not at all familiar with these artists, but... The KISAKI one appears to be: "KISAKI - 「地下線神言基地」 購入者特典kisakiレアcd" Romaji: KISAKI - 「Chikasen Shingon Kichi」 (Bonus kisaki rare cd) The Magverry one is here: http://www.puresound.co.jp/script/detail.php?id=101082161001 this one doesn't have a "title" - it just says 無料配布CD Ver.2 ("Free distributed CD Ver.2") The KING one has no title, so..
  5. hiroki

    I really love the song <3 Also, the "disbandment" photo with everyone's backs facing the camera makes me really sad for some reason ;;;_;;;
  6. I got a shock when I saw Iori's tweet just now - probably cuz it reminded me of a particular accident back in 2010. Thankfully they are all fine, and I hope Iori recovers soon =(
  7. hiroki

    Dr.Rem (Vanish) will be on drums for the recording. wheeee... can't wait =DDDD
  8. After noticing Ray℃ was about to make a major/urgent announcement at their 3/8 live, I could hardly get anything done over the past week ;_; When the fateful night came...they announced they were going to release 2 singles *facepalm* YOU IDIOTS! :'D

    1. paradoxal


      LOL :D that should be considered torturing! poor hiroki :(

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      nice for them, their first distributed album was really nice ^^.

    3. Raburr7


      their album is really good so great for em

  9. hiroki

    ;_; So sad. Hopefully Xi goes on to form/join another band
  10. http://www.puresound.co.jp/script/detail.php?id=101009048000
  11. The final press is still available! Anyway, most fans I know who actually bother to collect the different "versions" do so for the sake of completeness rather than for listening to the different tracks... even if they contain the same tracks (e.g. 3 presses of アルルカン) you're still gonna find people willing to buy a copy of each
  12. hiroki

    Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy your time here
  13. LOL, this label doesn't sound very auspicious at all. /random
  14. hiroki

    i'm happy enough that they're even doing a last release.
  15. Looking forward to the Subaru one... Kawada Mami's songs are difficult to sing lol.
  16. hiroki

    Hachi will be DOPPEL's support bassist for their upcoming tour. Yayy!
  17. hiroki

    hello Flowiner, welcome to the forum i love lots of "oshare kei" bands too <3 hope you enjoy your time here =D
  18. hiroki

    I'm by no means an expert in singing but here are my views: Generally, someone's singing voice is not their "natural voice", and that definitely isn't something peculiar to vk. A soprano's voice when she's singing the aria of Mozart's Magic Flute is going to be drastically different from her natural voice. What's different in vk (imo) are the vocal techniques. There's an entire array of vocal techniques in vk - ranging from glissandos, enunciation, breathing techniques, to the kind of "crying" or "exaggerated" inflections you get in a lot of vk bands (Kiyoharu being a classic example of this last point) - in short, the so-called "vk sound" - that you rarely find outside vk. That's what makes a lot of vk music (but not all) sound exotic/strange to someone unfamiliar with vk. The difference is that you can't change your voice, but can definitely pick up and hone your vocal techniques. Of course, there's bound to be some correlation between someone's "voice" and the kind of techniques suitable to that particular voice.
  19. hiroki

    omg, somehow i missed your introduction. vistlip and DELUHI are my all-time top 2 bands and i thought i will *never* find another person who loves BOTH of them (they are rather different after all ) nice to meet you and hope you enjoy the forum. maybe you can drop me a message sometime
  20. Wow the preview's much better than their last single... hmm, maybe i'll buy this after all.
  21. I saw this and literally said 'what the fuck'.
  22. hiroki

    Oh nice. I'll probably wait for the preview first (assuming there's one). Thanks!
  23. hiroki

    hopefully they release this in cd stores and not as live-limited..
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