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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    Thanks DarkPaladin! Looking forward to seeing yours
  2. hiroki

    Much better than their last single
    1. Rize


      You have one hell of a beautiful room :ooooo ! ♥_♥

  3. hiroki

    Wow this thread's so quiet. Here are some pics of my room! ^ The back of my room. Books, books, and more books (I even had to shift 2 bookshelves into my bro's room >.<) flanked by some random posters... ^ Front of my room with my bed, working area, and a CD rack - my collection's too scattered and the rest are in a cupboard outside cuz my room's way too small...
  4. hiroki

    Ice cream, obviously XD What's one thing you're unhealthily obsessed about?
  5. hiroki

    Album art for new single:
  6. hiroki

    Wow, Tohma as bassist
  7. hiroki

    Well, I have a very different list from the ones above. My top 10: 1) vistlip 2) DELUHI 3) SINCREA 4) ZUCK 5) ALSDEAD 6) girugamesh 7) xTRiPx 8 ) baroque (mainly their stuff from 2004 and before) 9) Kagrra, 10) Guild LUCHe. and Ray℃ would have easily made it into the top 10 - but they only have a handful of songs released for now so that's somewhat unfair. SID is excluded because they are not quite vk-ish anymore I do appreciate the music of some older bands: Kuroyume and Raphael ("old" by my standards..) among others. But to include them in my top 10 just for the sake of "balance" would be quite dishonest XD
  8. hiroki

    WTF nooooooooo ;_; Edit: I just read their blogs, and it seems like the rest of A&D will continue band activities (at least for now), phew.
  9. hiroki

    @ Raburr: oooo I love Re:message too!! (It's prob in my top 3 LUCHe. songs <3) Lucky you!!
  10. hiroki

    Still waiting for them to release something... >< I'll preorder in a heartbeat.
  11. hiroki

    Yay! Still waiting for CaRaN and DanSar48 to come in, lol Anyway LUCHe. doesn't have a lot of songs as of now, but I like every single one of them. My favorite single is prob ALIVe., and my favorite song's ココロノコエ。 (I'm a sucker for ballads ><) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFMLKzel0Q8 What's yours?
  12. hiroki

    Wow, I actually never knew that I've always enclosed the link in [ youtube] and [ / youtube] tags, haha.
  13. hiroki

    LUCHe. OHP: http://luche-web.com/ Members Vo. 斗真 (Tohma) Gt. ひかる (Hikaru) Gt. 望弥 (Nozomi) Ba. ゆたか (Yutaka) Dr. リノ (Rino) Ex-members: Gt. 一縷; Dr. 敬斗 Any other fans of LUCHe. here?
  14. hiroki

    Started reading Patrick Fermor's A Time of Gifts since my friend was swooning over how great a travel writer he is. From what I've read so far, I highly recommend it! Some of the reviews on Amazon are brilliant too - check them out: http://www.amazon.com/Time-Gifts-Constantinople-Holland-Classics/dp/1590171659
  15. hiroki

    http://www.lastfm.jp/user/hiroki011 Feel free to add me!
  16. hiroki

    This. ;_;
  17. hiroki

    I wanted to go to Izumo taisha but it was on the other side of Shimane and I couldn't fit the detour into my schedule. That trip happened during the winter break (iirc) and I had only 1-2 weeks to spare, so unfortunately that wasn't possible in the end. ;_; And, I totally know what you mean by "Shimane's versions of cities", lol I studied at Kyoto University, and while Kyoto is nowhere as secluded as Shimane or some other places I've been to (e.g. the villages in Gifu where I could be cycling for 2 hours and not see a single soul), the downtown area totally pales in comparison to the big metropolitan centers like Tokyo or Osaka. A lot of vk bands skip Kyoto when they tour Kansai too, with most fans preferring to go down to Osaka for lives. I remember there was once I went for a Nightmare concert in Kyoto and there was a kabuki play or something in the adjacent concert hall (which was 4-5x bigger). While we were queuing to enter, streams of old people in their classy outfits strolled by and stared at all of us curiously XD Overall, though, I think I still prefer to live in a quiet place, as long as I can still use Amazon etc. lol. From experience, people in the smaller cities/towns are generally "nicer" (Kyoto people, for instance, are impossibly patient). This is a huge generalization of course. ^^
  18. hiroki

    Welcome to the forums! I've been to Matsue (in Shimane) before and I really like the laid-back feel of the place. I'm totally *not* a "city" person at all haha.
  19. Try using MP3tag (it's free) for your metadata editing; usually media players aren't the best for that function. Also, avoid converting from mp3 to mp3 if possible - you lose a bit of quality every time you do a lossy transcode.
  20. They really need to make these easier to get ;(
  21. hiroki

  22. hiroki

    Are you seriously citing tanuki as your source? LOL. C'mon, give me a break. If tanuki had any sort of credibility, we'd be able to sort the members of any randomly selected band in order of their genital size Also, yes he tweeted on 26/1, but that was an automated tweet from a blog update, which the RayC staff have access to. The content for the blog update on that day was the same across ALL the members and the updates were done across a period of ~5 minutes, i.e. Vuit didn't update it himself. I can't believe Daisuke just wrote a ridiculously long entry to apologize and to say how miserable he felt after some people accused them of staging a hoax. He absolute owes no one any sort of explanation. The band should divert their attention elsewhere and not waste time on something as meaningless as trying to convince the cynics. I'm not going to continue this conversation because I dislike drama and, more importantly, I'm glad Vuit has been found and there's no value to keeping this thread alive. I'll just end by saying that I don't THINK it's really so hard to suspend judgment for once when there's no clear evidence either way. It's only respectful, not just to the band, but also the fans. Just my 2c.
  23. hiroki

    I preordered this thing long ago.. typical A9 feel I guess. Deep down I seriously wish they still write songs like 夢幻 -electric eden-
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