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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    Well I actually thought Lyvia would be the one joining them instead of Seiran after ZF's last live yesterday, lol. Perhaps Lyvia will join Megamasso instead ^^;
  2. hiroki

    Hello! Welcome to MH! I really like all the bands you listen to!! Especially AND, DELUHI, Capella (Some time ago I opened a DELUHI thread in the discography section if you're missing any release ) May I ask where you're from? Looking forward to seeing you around the forum ^^
  3. hiroki

    They look stunning as usual. Anyway it's commendable that they're releasing only in 2 types instead of the normal 3 lol.
  4. hiroki

    First time posting my pic here lol (*_*)
  5. hiroki

    Welcome to the forums! What's applied physics like? Do you learn e.g. semiconductors and thin film technology? ^^ I have some interest in physics too, but mostly the theoretical stuff (like quantum mechanics) =) I absolutely adore girugamesh and UVERworld as well! And don't even get me started on DELUHI ;_; They're pretty much the only metal band I unreservedly love. Hope you enjoy your time here!
  6. hiroki

    LOL that's exactly what happened to me. I receive so many packages from Japan and because I'm not in most of the time, the postman will usually just drop by the school near my house where my mum works (yes he even knows that) and pass the packages to her instead. Which is very bad cuz now she's always wondering what the hell are these stuff I'm getting and who are they from. Anyway I don't want to know exactly how much I spend on music. It's pretty much 50%-80% of my allowance + whatever else I manage to save. Usually I will feel guilty after overspending one month and force myself to stop the following month, then binge spend the next month.. rinse and repeat.
  7. I agree with smilesxchibi and Tetora. Not only do I find it unacceptable, I think it's nothing short of a PR disaster. Under these circumstances, usually said member goes on hiatus to recover or leaves on his own accord (or at least, superficially, appears to do so). Firing him outright one day after missing a live is just poor. At least they could have found a better-sounding excuse.
  8. hiroki

    ^ omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg
  9. children's dope totally won me over. :'D

    1. Tetora


      Really sick band. They definitely knows how to write songs.

    2. Jigsaw9
    3. Spectralion


      I'm utterly impressed. They can pulled off a decent 2 minutes power-ballad!!!

    4. Show next comments  249 more
  10. hiroki

    If we are to come up with a list of releases that had the most dramatic impact on post-2000 vk as a whole, I suspect "sug life" would be up there in the top 3. No idea why but the influence of 2003-04 baroque on their contemporaries and those who came after them is often very understated. Probably for this reason alone, I feel it's somewhat unfair to ask them match the quality of sug life ever again. Of course I won't be complaining if they happen to do it - but they've already accomplished what 99% of vk bands won't be able to do =p
  11. hiroki

    Wow nil admirari members. If only Fumi would come back as well ;_;
  12. hiroki

    Welcome to MH! Wow you like a really diverse range of bands, that's great
  13. Sad to hear this, but I have a strong feeling that Rem's gonna officially join Ray℃ (which is great news for me >.<).
  14. hiroki

    Previews are up: http://www.festvainqueur.com/posts/archive/2/?aid=220
  15. hiroki

    You forgot ALvino XD (I like them though) Not sure if they're gonna re-band since Angelo seems to be doing ok, maybe they're just coming together for a one-day revival live or something..
  16. hiroki

  17. hiroki

    Just wanted to respond to the Megacrypter suggestion. I've actually tried that on my upload sometime ago. What I noticed was that if someone tries to access the page from outside the designated domain, they will get a page that says something like "This file can only be accessed from www.monochrome-heaven.com". So if someone reposts the encrypted link on their blog or website, before long everyone will know there's this mega-piracy thing going on in MH (assuming they don't already know), which obviously isn't ideal. In the end I decided not to use it, and just put a password on the file.
  18. wow, awesome! =D hopefully Hazuki will be involved too.
  19. hiroki

    In all honesty, I think this thread has become rather meaningless since the second page because we have at least 4 groups of people talking about 4 different things: 1) whether leeching should be condoned (whatever this means) 2) whether leechers should feel grateful; and if they aren't, should they be 'forced' to 3) whether leechers should credit the uploaders (this is a technical issue, and is in principle separate from whether they are genuinely thankful) 4) whether leechers re-posting links is a problem; and if it is, how it should be solved ...and a handful of other auxiliary issues... As things stand, almost everyone here is just talking past one another. I stand with Champ's position on respecting the uploaders' wish, because that makes the most sense to me. I mean, we can go all out to pander to the uploaders and glorify them, or go for the other extreme and spite them to the point that only the most altruistic and generous ones will share - but what's the point? The former is only going to turn leechers away, and the latter is going to turn uploaders away. Simply put, both "solve" the problem by killing the DL section. We can have a separate debate on whether Saku's vision of a DL-less forum is more favorable, but that's topic for another day.
  20. From experience most ppl on MH won't like this kind of sound, but i really love it (>_<)
  21. hiroki

    What....? I'm speechless. At this rate 50% of the active bands I listen to will be disbanding by the end of April.
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