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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. Being Japanese: yes and no. I've lived in Japan before and can speak Japanese fluently. But no matter how culturally "domesticated" you become I've found (like most others who have lived in Japan for years) it's impossible to be treated in the same way a native Japanese would be. That's one thing I kinda feel sad over, even as I have wonderful Japanese friends, but in general I find that to be the case which is quite regrettable. At the same time a part of me doesn't want to "become" a Japanese. For one I'm very thankful to be fluent in 3 languages as I think that just opens up the world so much more than if I'm only monolingual in Japanese. I feel that even when I'm in Japan, sometimes it's nice to have an additional "outsider" perspective on issues that might not be immediately obvious to the natives. Just my 2c.
  2. hiroki

    Nice list of artists there. Welcome to the forums
  3. hiroki

    Requested by Augie1995 Probably the hardest thing I've romanized in a year or so lol (thankfully I still remember some of my training in classical Japanese).. The lyrics are fascinating and very 和風 ("Japanesque"), props to Takeru Enjoy! ---- Oborozuki / EVE Composed by: Keita Lyrics by: Takeru yowai too no toshi de nagasare wake mo wakaranu mama girou e hakubaikou kaoru juugoya mayu wo yaburu oto wa hibiite tasukenegaedo urareta kono mi kaeru basho nado izuko no hou sode wo nuraseba yugamu tenjou haku tameiki wa (misao to) hanaguruma no naka de yurareru nawa hodokareta tote kaerezu miyori mo yuku ate mo ushinai yoridokoro wo motome kano ude muchuu wo sutedo jou ni hodasare mune wa itande kogare shitau nokori sukunaki senkou wa heri musunda yubi wa (hanasezuni) oborozukiyo hanayagu yume usobuku ai wo utaimasu makoto wo miushinai izure nakusou tomo saita hana nara utsukushiku kareru koto naku sakitsuzuke ureru tsubaki no youni tada oto mo tatezu chiru kimi koishi kago no me kamikiri aderu yoi wa fukaku irozuki mata ka ni aeru hi wo machibouke temaneku sonata e no shinjuu hitoe hitoe ni kasaneta tsukihi mushibamu wa tokoyami no shirabe kusariochiteku baika no gotoku ai morotomo to (kuchimashou) karen ni mai tobikau chou koyoi kagiri no inochi tote hane wo yasumeru koto mo naku mata sora wo mau kagerou ni mitateta inochi hitoyo hitoyo wo daite neru asu no kono mi wa tagatame ni banka no uta to chiru kagiroi ga kono chi wo yakitsukushi hajime nishi wo mireba katamuku tsuki e to shinobiyoru yoiyami no ashioto oborozukiyo hanayagu yume usobuku ai wo utaimasu makoto wo miushinai izure nakusou tomo saita hana nara utsukushiku kareru koto naku sakitsuzuke ureru tsubaki no youni tada kubi wo otoshite karen ni mai tobikau chou koyoi kagiri no inochi tote hane wo yasumeru koto mo naku mata sora wo mau kagerou ni mitateta inochi hitoyo hitoyo wo daite neru asu no kono mi wa tagatame ni banka no uta to chiru --- 朧月 / イヴ 曲: けいた 詞: 武翔 齢十の歳で流され わけもわからぬまま妓楼へ 白梅香薫る十五夜 繭を破る音は響いて 助け願えど売られたこの身 帰る場所など何処の方 袖をぬらせば歪む天井 吐く溜息は操と 花車の中で揺られる 縄解かれたとて帰れず 身寄りも行く宛ても失い 拠り所を求め彼の腕 夢中を捨てど情にほだされ 胸は痛んで焦がれ慕う 残り少なき線香は減り 結んだ指は離せずに 朧月夜華やぐ夢 嘯く愛を詠います 真を見失いいずれ 無くそうとも 咲いた花なら美しく 枯れることなく咲き続け 熟れる椿のようにただ 音も立てず 散る 君乞いし籠の目 髪切り 艶る宵は深く色づき また彼に逢える日を待ち惚け 手招くそなたへの心中 一重一重に重ねた月日 蝕むは常闇の調 腐り落ちてく梅花の如く 愛諸共と朽ちましょう 可憐に舞飛び交う蝶 今宵限りの命とて 羽を休めることも無く また空を舞う 蜉蝣に見立てた命 一夜一夜を抱いて寝る 明日のこの身は誰が為に 輓歌の詩と 散る 炎がこの地を焼き尽くしはじめ 西を見れば傾く月へと 忍び寄る宵闇の足音 朧月夜華やぐ夢 嘯く愛を詠います 真を見失いいずれ 無くそうとも 咲いた花なら美しく 枯れることなく咲き続け 熟れる椿のようにただ 首を落として 可憐に舞飛び交う蝶 今宵限りの命とて 羽を休めることも無く また空を舞う 蜉蝣に見立てた命 一夜一夜を抱いて寝る 明日のこの身は誰が為に 輓歌の詩と 散る
  4. hiroki

    I've posted the lyrics for 朧月 here: http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/24452-lyrics-eve-%E6%9C%A7%E6%9C%88-oborozuki/
  5. hiroki

    I finally got around to listening to baroque and was totally blown away by their album "sug life". The kind of eclectic sound with a mix of pop/ambient/shoegaze elements certainly doesn't sound 2004 at all. Anyone can recommend bands that have a similar kind of sound? Separately I'm looking for bands with unpretentious, clean vocals with straightforward, fuss-free melodic lines such as SINCREA. It's surprisingly hard to find another band like them in vk.. Thanks in advance
  6. hiroki

    baroque - ila.
  7. Nice to hear that you're interested It's really difficult to make recommendations because there are simply too many "periods" in classical, and then you have different contemporary pianists' vastly different interpretations of works from the same period. And then there's the question of orchestral/chamber music, or solo instrumentals. It's probably better to start with a variety. You might want to take a look at: Tchaikovky's 1st Piano Concerto: Beethoven's "Moonlight" Sonata, 3rd movement: Debussy's Images I, "Reflets dans l'eau": Liszt's 4th Transcendental Etude, "Mazeppa": Rachmaninov's "Vocalise": Vivaldi's Four Seasons, "Winter": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKfuhLCVldg Knowing what kind of stuff you like will help me (and others) to give better recommendations My main interest is in solo piano so I'll try to say something more about that. If you have around 2 hours you can start by watching this: Some time ago Philips released a gigantic box set (200 CDs) called "Great Pianists of the 20th Century". I think it serves as a good "expansive" coverage of the best stuff we've got left behind by the amazing pianists. But listening to everything would be an overkill for someone with a casual interest. I would personally recommend that you become somewhat familiar with the works of composers before exploring the various (and sometimes competing) interpretations of the works. Lastly, there's always the danger of people lapsing into obscure technicality when discussing or dealing with classical music (more so than pop music at least). The most important thing is still to kick back and enjoy
  8. Nice list of composers. Seems like you prefer concertos and other orchestral works?: Tchaikovsky's 1st is really a timeless work - I love it too I'm not so familiar with string quartets though. My favorite composers are mostly from late classical (Beethoven, etc.), romantic (Chopin, Liszt) and early "contemporary" (e.g. Rachmaninov). I also like the French Impressionists like Debussy and Ravel. Some of my favorite pianists: Kempff for early Beethoven, Arrau for late Beethoven. Argerich for more technical stuff like Liszt and Prokofiev. Although Bolet is an amazing Liszt specialist as well. A couple of Chopin specialists: e.g. Dinu Lapatti, who died tragically young, but whose interpretation of Chopin waltzes are unmatched. Alfred Cortot for his etudes. Ashkenazy and Richter for the Russian greats, esp Rachmaninov. Michelangeli's renditions of the Impressionists are impeccable. It's sad that we no longer have many recordings of the great pianists from the early-mid 20th century
  9. hiroki

    reading Foucault for fun. who do you feel like slapping?
  10. How is it possible that there isn't already a classical music thread in this subforum?? (save for a baroque music thread which died after several posts) Anyway, just curious how many of us here listen to classical music. If you do, let's discuss your favorite composers or musicians (pianists, violinists, etc.)! I will start with my all-time favorite piano concerto, Rach 3, performed by Berlin RSO & Argerich (my dream is to see her live at least once while she's still alive..):
  11. hiroki

    Exactly. I listened to it all day and it got worse.
  12. hiroki

    2 vocalists joining and leaving in the span of a month o.0
  13. hiroki

    Wanted to post the link but you beat me to it Anyway, I'm glad they're still working with the kind of sound in their last album.. top notch ^^
  14. hiroki

    Interesting to see the reviews so polarized, but that's unsurprising given that it's the GazettE. I'll get straight to my own views. I didn't like the album; neither do I dislike it. It's one of those mundane, forgettable releases which easily pass you by. If the songs happen to play while I'm cleaning my room, I doubt I'll have any idea wth just played at the end of it. Everyone has their pet criteria for evaluation - for me melody and concept matter a great deal, and I'm afraid the album hasn't done very well on both fronts. I saw everyone raving about LAST HEAVEN, but being someone with a soft spot for the "darker" sort of ballads I was left somewhat disappointed. I can't help but feel it's a big notch below PLEDGE (for me, their best ballad). For the rest of their songs I'll simply say that melodic development was largely very predictable (perhaps they meant it that way; still, I didn't like it) and precious little which could genuinely draw me in.
  15. hiroki

    I hope he's fine... ><
  16. hiroki

    Partial PV footage released! They look so non-visual now o.0
  17. hiroki

    Administrator - SELFISH CLOVER
  18. hiroki

    I've been to their concerts and they are amazing live. My favorite song is "Nothing you lose" from their "majestical parade" album. Ni~ya seriously needs to compose more Live ver. of "Nothing you lose": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oefkdz9DcxM
  19. hiroki

    Uhh, as long as there's music being shared you can be sure that transcodes will appear. Clearly if you ask around you will find more people who hate transcodes than people who love them. I am admittedly rather OCD about transcodes myself, but still, I'm hesitant about the sub-forum idea. Assuming we set up a forum to house transcodes, I can quite literally imagine having: A) people who report x as transcode and ask for them to be moved to your 'sub-forum' B ) people [probably mods] who manually do the moving C) a group of people who start protesting that x isn't actually a transcode and asked for it to be moved back D) another group of people who mediate between A and C E) etc. You get the idea... The problem (as Champ213 rightly pointed out) is that there's no universal way to prove beyond all doubt that something is simply a bad rip or a transcode. From experience, micromanaging transcodes does nothing meaningful but invite drama (I'm reminded of petty squabbles that go on for 100+ posts on a particular tracker over whether a Super Junior single is a transcode...). Ultimately, I feel that if you really care so much about whether something is a transcode, it's up to you to decide if x is a transcode and what to do if it is. Just don't fall into the trap of spending more time looking at spectra than actually listening to the music.
  20. hiroki

    This actually reminds me of something a literature professor used to say in one of my classes - that some literary works aren't "great" just cuz they are profound or impossibly opaque, or whatever.. but because they are porous - allowing every single reader to make the text their own in his/her very unique way. I guess this is equally applicable to good music in general. Sometimes when we listen to a song, something (usually trivial) just seizes us in a very personal and very magical way. But at the same time you're pretty sure no one else can identify what exactly this "feeling" is..
  21. Well, SID is reasonably popular in the mainstream market for a band with visual kei roots, so they deserve respect even if it's only for that. But yeah I do agree that 10 bands covering the same song is kinda excessive - I would rather them cover a variety of SID songs. Not to mention I seriously can't imagine some of those bands covering such a "technical" song (probably not the best description...but Mousounikki is one of those SID songs pretty much "tailored" for Mao's vocals)
  22. hiroki

    Just finished Jean Rhys' Voyage in the Dark for a course. For some reason it really reminds me of Plath's The Bell Jar...
  23. I don't game as much as most of my friends, but moments in FFVII and FFX strike me as especially well-crafted 'tragic moments'. For me the saddest moment (or at least one that I can remember offhand) is the 'normal' ending of Fatal Frame 2.
  24. Dear ALiBi, why are you so addictive? x.x

    1. ricchubunny


      i know right♡ one of my favorites bands ever

  25. hiroki

    SINCREA - I Close My Eyes beautiful song :'(
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