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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    Subaru has an amazing voice but somehow I don't think harsh vocals suit him. I'm reminded of how I like all the songs in the INNOCENCE single save for the parts where he attempts screams and such, lol. But yeah that's just my own take
  2. hiroki

    Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your time here =)
  3. hiroki

    I was hoping that they would finally come up with something that's at least 20% the quality of their first 3 or 4 singles - then I saw that this too is slated to be an anime opening, lol. Well we'll see - but they're walking down the same path as SID, and five times as fast.
  4. hiroki

    what?! no disbandment plz.. =(
  5. hiroki

    Welcome to the forums
  6. hiroki

    thanks Original Saku, I'll give it a try too
  7. hiroki

    Looking forward to seeing how they will sound like with the new Vo. =)
  8. hiroki

    Yup Ace has a solid/interesting concept and has always been a group greater than the sum of its parts. I suspect few bands (if any) in the scene today can pull off something like Elementa Alchemica - it contains some of the most wonderful instrumental passages I've ever heard in vk. It's such a shame really that they're disbanding
  9. hiroki

    What the fuck. I don't believe this...
  10. hiroki

    Yeah their OHP seems to be behaving weird.. I just hope they don't disband x.x
  11. hiroki

    Omg. These lives are insanely difficult to find.. :'(
  12. hiroki

    Welcome to the forums!
  13. hiroki

    Omg, I absolutely love the new promo pictures. (At least we can see their faces now, lol.) And yes, looking forward to the mini-album big time
  14. hiroki

    Well I hope the new Vo. will be as good as natsu.
  15. hiroki

    Walter Benjamin's The Arcades Project. This will prob take me the next 20 years to read if I survive that long..
  16. hiroki

    To be clear, I'm quite the Juri fanboy so even if he starts covering Justin Bieber songs (god forbid) I'll probably still buy them :'D I agree with RpgRiser that if we measure his music against DELUHI we're just setting ourselves up for disappointment. If I listen to this as I would listen to pop music, it's actually quite enjoyable. I've always felt that Juri has a kind of singer's instinct that makes his vocals blend with the instrumental in a way that doesn't require too much effort (both on his part and on the audience's part). I'm not sure how else to describe this - it reminds me of ALvino's Shota whom I also feel is an amazing vocalist (incidentally ALvino does a similar kind of a music). For me, this quality is even more valuable than any kind of uber vocal technique that can be gradually honed. In any case, it's nice to see him having the heart to pursue what he wanted to do - he was quite matter-of-fact in his interviews/trailers about his concept/vision for the individual tracks, which I prefer over some bands (that shall not be named) who half-heartedly come up with a bunch of tracks and we make what we will of them. The one complaint I have is that instrumentation could have varied more. Good pop can and should be more eclectic than just varying the same backing instrumental and replicating them for every track - something that's disingenuous for anything longer than a single.
  17. hiroki

    oh damn I hope the vocalist forms a new band..
  18. Guessed it was something like this when he hinted at having a "major announcement".
  19. hiroki

    LOL our favorite bands are really different, but "academic" interests frighteningly similar Welcome to the forums
  20. hiroki

  21. hiroki

    I've been somewhat disappointed in their recent releases, so I hope this one can be better given how talented their members are.
  22. hiroki

    Welcome I like xTRiPx and REALies too
  23. hiroki

    Basically this. I've been thinking of switching to foobar for a long time, but the more I procrastinate, the more music I'll amass, and the longer it'll take me :'( As things stand it'll probably take me a few weeks to set foobar up and get it reasonably organized ><
  24. hiroki

    Looking forward to this. I would be delighted if they incorporate some of their earlier sounds (although unlikely). Of the recent releases, a total of 0.5 of them caught my attention (Daybreak from the start up to the chorus XD).
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