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Posts posted by hiroki

  1. approx 80% of lives i've been to were in osaka cos i lived in northern kyoto, and most bands (even established ones) tend to skip over kyoto on their tours orz. i wouldn't exactly consider kyoto-osaka ensei cos it's only a 30-40 min ride each way and i've always enjoyed inter-city train rides.


    OP mentioned seishun18 ticket which is an excellent way of travelling between major cities if you're on a budget & have a lot of time to spare! my record was kyoto -> osaka -> himeji -> okayama -> hiroshima to see blesscode, which took 8 hours + 5-6 transfers iirc, but the savings were significant. otherwise whenever i go outside of kansai for lives, buses (either day buses or overnight) are almost always my preferred choice of transport. the only exception to this was flying to hokkaido to see some sapporo bands cos they don't ever play outside of hokkaido haha. i def recommend not ruling out this option because it's cheaper than before with even more budget domestic flights these days. also never forget to do some research in advance because usually there are tons of day passes for intra-city buses/train/etc, as well as other deals designed for tourists or people on short trips (the irony is that most of the time few are aware of this other than people living IN the city).


    i can't remember when the last time was i've taken a shinkansen - it's just ridiculously expensive as far as i'm concerned. i'd rather have a slightly less comfortable ride and use the extra money to buy merch and cheki lolol - but that's just me.


    on the topic of chekis... i think of it as just a way of giving money to the band short of getting their bank account number and transferring money over. most bangya probably buy these with full knowledge that they have absolutely zero use-value once you agaru.



  2. CLear had their 1-hour shopkeeper event at Takadanobaba ZEAL LINK today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!














    extra pic of kai just because






    i wish i could have gone T_____T


  3. Ok last post here probably (sorry not sorry)


    masaya's blog post today:



    BLESSCODE disbanded yesterday.


    Without doubt that was the best live we've had till now.


    For some reason it didn't even feel like the last live of a disbanding band.
    We grew further as a band in the span of our BLESS YOU tour.
    Maybe there's something beautiful in the fact that we were able to disband as a band that has always been making progress little by little and never dropping off.


    There's been a lot in these 4 years.
    But above all, I'm really proud of being able part of a band with such a wonderful balance of 4 amazing members.


    Ken's the one I've known longest.
    If I hadn't met you in the spring of our 1st year of high school, we probably wouldn't be doing music now.
    Meeting you was a miracle of sorts, and it was a joy to be able to continue our story on the stage together.
    You can be kinda weird at times but you're also serious and always reliable.
    In fact you're kind of the polar opposite of me and that's totally cool. 
    Thanks for always taking care of our band's various duties and obligations.


    Shigure writes such great songs for the band.
    You're a genius and have a side to you that's difficult to deal with sometimes, but the praise BLESSCODE always receives for our music is down to how you're able to create nuances and melodies that elude ordinary people.
    Your staging, too, is always lovely.
    Thanks for making the very best of my voice and allowing us to reach out to so many people out there.


    Ryo's the one I feel closest to personally, and he's like a brother to me (although he's older.. haha).
    We have similar tastes in music, and our mutual understanding is so ridiculously strong that we'll even sing the same song suddenly at the same time.
    Thanks Ryo - your passionate staging, your love for rock, your great personality, your awkwardness..
    Which reminds me that it was you who invited me to BLESSCODE. Thank you.


    I'm glad I had all of you in BLESSCODE. Thanks.

    I hope we'll continue to sparkle on the different paths we take in future.


    As a band, I think BLESSCODE was especially well-loved by other bandmen, staff, and other people in the industry.
    There were the memorable faces that gathered in the backstage yesterday, and all our buddies who couldn't come but sent a message nevertheless. I was reminded of our memories and they overwhelmed me emotionally even before our set began.
    It's not common at all to see others in the VK industry travel so far to see another band. It was amazing to have been able to push each other to be better with all you wonderful friends.


    And, above all, to of you who supported us.

    When you dreamed together with us, laughed together with us, cried together with us.

    These times won't come back again
    But they are memories that would never be lost.


    Even if you fall in love with a new band in future, and even if you lose interest in this music eventually, please never forget us.

    Because in the future, when you're confronted with challenges in your life, these memories would definitely give you the strength to carry on.


    The bond we've created together is nothing but the strongest, and it will never be defeated by anything!


    Thanks for these 4 incredible years.













  4. ^ omg i want to like your post 1000000000000000000000000 times! T_______________T


    KAIKAIKAIKAIKAI <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 i still cannot believe he DM'd me @__________@


    can they pls do a oneman soon or something???

  5. i've been following XIX-nineteen- for a while and they're really good!!! hopefully they can get more fans as LAVANS :D will def continue supporting them <333


    edit: btw their CD "LOVELESS" will be released nationwide on 6/14.

  6. tonight CLear held their shusai at Shibuya REX to celebrate the birthdays of Ryota (24/4) and Kai (25/4)!!! 


    solo pics:









    tsukimi didn't post one haha



    group shot:



    birthday boys:





    for today they were also selling special lightsticks imprinted with the band logo (they only stocked 15 in all, but 2 of them belong to @echo and i yay!!)



    and they also released their new cd 夢うつつ!! the acoustic demo version of this song has been released some time last year so i'm really excited to hear the new version :) 


    oh and for the encore today they changed to their new look!!!!! which looks like this:




    anyway i'm soooo excited! hopefully they announce a cd or something soon? maybe even a oneman?? <33333333333333


  7. 17 minutes ago, -NOVA- said:

    I had no idea they released anything previously omg... you wouldnt by any chance still have a copies of their 1st single ? if not its okay but im so ordering one asap :D they sound so goooooooooood <3 


    i'm so happy you like them!!!!

    and yes i do! PM me with your address ;) 

  8. 23 minutes ago, chemicalpictures said:

    yo yo @hirokiand @Mihi, anywhere I can get a preview on these guys, youtube channel, releases or something? Seeing you talking big about them made me curious, lol


    their 1st single (and only officially released song so far) is here


    they started off as the session band "Code:「L」" which has released two songs that they're still performing at their lives now :) 

  9. Member comments:





    I used to be terrible at conveying my thoughts through words.
    I'm not sure if it's because I'm nervous, but I really didn't like how words always fail me in front of people.
    Looking back there were probably more miserable moments than not for this reason.


    But because I love to sing, and I love standing on stage, I was able to come this far.
    The joy I felt from overcoming problems together with these guys, no matter how trivial they were, was something I wouldn't exchange for anything else.
    Needless to say there were also numerous difficult times.
    Still, whenever that happens, Leo, Chika and Yusuke--all 3 of them would cheer me on.
    We all knew this wasn't simply a hobby or game to us, and so we always took it seriously.
    Just so that we can continue to protect our band Dangan NO LIMIT.


    But it wasn't only the members who were protecting the band.
    There's also our staff, other bandmen, and most importantly all of you who supported us.
    On hindsight, I feel that we've received so much from all of you.


    To speak the truth, I really want to continue with the 4 of us.
    I don't want to leave behind any regrets, and I'll do my absolute best for the remaining time that we're around.
    I'll continue to improve moving forward.


    Until the very end, let's do this together.




    A few days after our oneman live at Tsutaya-West on 2/18, Chika contacted us to express his wish to retire from music activities.
    I had some time to consider what our next step should be as a band, as well as the path that I should take, but I reached a point where I didn't know what to do anymore.
    We held multiple meetings with Chika, as well as among the 3 of us.
    There was the option of continuing Dangan NO LIMIT with just the 3 of us, but we chose to disband instead.


    Honestly, there are still lots of things we wanted to do.
    At our February oneman, we promised to take all of you to even bigger places.
    I'm sorry we were unable to keep that promise. Personally that's the one regret that has been haunting me.


    I wanted Dangan NO LIMIT to be the band of my life, and if I could, to be doing music with these same members until the day I die.
    I have no doubt that this also applies to Miyuu, Yusuke, and Chika.
    But that dream wouldn't be possible without any 1 of the 4 of us, and so we decided to disband.


    Until Chika was finally resolved in his decision to retire, I'm sure it was also difficult for him to find an answer.
    No matter what, I want to properly send off a buddy with whom I've been chasing the same dream for 3.5 years, and so until the last moment we will never let up.
    We'll continue to convey our thoughts through our music.


    I'm really happy to be part of Dangan NO LIMIT, playing the guitar and writing songs for our band.
    I'm sorry for not being able to protect the band.
    And to everyone: thank you.




    Sorry for the abrupt announcement.


    To be honest, as a band we encountered many many difficult times.
    But together we've been able to solve every problem that came our way, and the other members became like family to me.
    I've never once thought that I want to quit this band, or that I want this to end.
    Yet it was impossible for us to choose to continue with another member who isn't Chika.


    It isn't long till we disband, but I'll continue to do our best to repay every single one of you who has supported us and cheered us on.


    Please continue to support us until the very end.




    Firstly, I'm sorry to all of you who have been supporting us.


    I'll be retiring from music on 8/18.
    Owing to family matters it has become difficult for me to continue playing in Dangan NO LIMIT, and after mulling over it I've decided to quit music.


    For me to be playing in a band I love, motivated by those of you who love the band, and those of you who love me--it would be a blatant lie to say that I'm able to give up all of that without any lingering regrets.


    However I've thought over this for a long time, and I had no choice but to make this decision.


    So the only thing I can do is to keep whatever regrets I have within myself, together with the memories I created with the other members and with all of you who have been supporting us for these 3.5 years.


    I'll be delighted if I can remain--still playing my bass--in a small corner of your mind, even for just a fleeting instant.
    Thank you so much for everything until now.


    For the remaining 4 months, I want to create the best memories for Dangan NO LIMIT and for all of you fans.


    Source: http://www.dangan-nolimit.com/2017_0418/


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