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  1. I feel ya..
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Gesu in Unpopular Opinion   
    There's no easy answer for that, and I for sure don't have it all figured out.
    I've seen that same reality myself where there are people with a stronger willpower (these are people that can say no to drugs, go cold-turkey on a drug addiction and recover, bounce back into life after a break-up/ending a relationship, etc.) and can easily develop/or already have that formula that will allow them to organize their thoughts and not have them spill over when contemplating their life choices/decisions. At times I can do that, and I thank the years I spent in solitude growing up for this, but sometimes there are new scenarios that I can't deal with, and I realize my limitations. You mention trying to help others due to this, and from my point of view, do you think it's because we are trying to understand why people aren't like us? I know I have, and I also know then and there whether or not I can/should help them, and I'll tell them this. Most times its not what they want to hear, and I think it has more to do with never actually being told that that surprises them and leads to the confusion and anger, breaking that false reality of "friends" and "help".
    It ties in with my perception of the "safe spaces" and "ted/free talks" of today, and idk.......I just get paranoid about what people will be like in 100 years.
    @Zeus' thoughts on how there are/will no longer be individual geniuses in society (from his reasons) gave me the food for these thoughts too.
    Perhaps I'm thinking too much in the long term idk, but if we plateau in the near future, I'll know exactly why.
  2. I feel ya..
    YuyoDrift reacted to Gesu in Unpopular Opinion   
    I think I can relate to you here. I'm pretty blunt and assertive to pretty much everyone. Not harsh, just... forthright. Not everyone likes that, but as you said, you can't beat around the bush in these situations. It makes me sad how passive a lot of other people are because I always worry that they're not going to be able to stand up for themselves when they really need to. What makes me even sadder is that I learnt the hard way that I can't do it for them, or else they'll just end up depending on me and regressing even further into this state of being someone else's person. I just wonder where it all came from, and why some people are more resilient than others. Honestly, I should probably be dead by now given all the shite that's been flung my way, but for some reason I'm not and I guess that's why I felt that I had to stick up for everyone until I realised I couldn't. Everyone else thought I could, so I thought I should. I wonder if not being able to deal with that makes me stronger or weaker?

    Sorry, think I went on a bit of a tangent there. 😕
  3. I feel ya..
    YuyoDrift reacted to itsukoii in Unpopular Opinion   
    the internet needs to stop with the romanticizing of clinginess and possessiveness in relationships. it leads to so many abusive relationships yet people think it's normal so they stay, but these ideas that "my partner is my happiness, my world, my other half, etc" are so incredibly dehumanizing and WRONG and often end up in codependency. why aren't we teaching people to learn independence and at least some sense of self-worth and their own source of happiness before deciding to get into a relationship? why are we taught that we'll get those from our partners, rather than being two whole people coming to share their lives?
  4. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from CAT5 in Unpopular Opinion   
    I laugh at this because I've heard this many times, from many perspectives.
    When someone tells me that I should "do what makes me happy", when the topic really needs involvement from those in the conversation, I rarely take this one-liner as sincere advice. I know that what they really mean is either "you're not gonna listen to what I say, so do whatever the fuck you want (but don't come bitching about this again later)" or "this is (probably) not a good idea/solution/process overall, but I'm not your keeper so you do you". Personally it's something I would not beat around the bush with, and just say straight to their face because well, it's reality (and everyone's living in it).
    I'm also a cynical person, so take this with a grain of salt too. I see the people in this current world as nothing but shadows to someone else's life, and they secretly don't want to identify someones frustration/misery to their own (also maybe because they're living through someone else's idea of happiness and reality will fuck with that).
    I'd also venture to say that people are desperate for happiness, and usually I feel that this desperation stems from a mistake/poor choice in their lives (possibly by their doing), where now they don't care where that happiness comes from but they'll take it. Sometimes it's not even their happiness they're indulging in, and in a fucked up way, that's people who say things like "I'm happy if you're happy" or "My happiness is your happiness". Not bashing on those people, but "happiness" is "achieved" in one form or another, and this direction is definitely not enough for me.
  5. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Gesu in Unpopular Opinion   
    I laugh at this because I've heard this many times, from many perspectives.
    When someone tells me that I should "do what makes me happy", when the topic really needs involvement from those in the conversation, I rarely take this one-liner as sincere advice. I know that what they really mean is either "you're not gonna listen to what I say, so do whatever the fuck you want (but don't come bitching about this again later)" or "this is (probably) not a good idea/solution/process overall, but I'm not your keeper so you do you". Personally it's something I would not beat around the bush with, and just say straight to their face because well, it's reality (and everyone's living in it).
    I'm also a cynical person, so take this with a grain of salt too. I see the people in this current world as nothing but shadows to someone else's life, and they secretly don't want to identify someones frustration/misery to their own (also maybe because they're living through someone else's idea of happiness and reality will fuck with that).
    I'd also venture to say that people are desperate for happiness, and usually I feel that this desperation stems from a mistake/poor choice in their lives (possibly by their doing), where now they don't care where that happiness comes from but they'll take it. Sometimes it's not even their happiness they're indulging in, and in a fucked up way, that's people who say things like "I'm happy if you're happy" or "My happiness is your happiness". Not bashing on those people, but "happiness" is "achieved" in one form or another, and this direction is definitely not enough for me.
  6. LOLOL
    YuyoDrift reacted to CAT5 in Unpopular Opinion   
    Romantic love and the concepts of "being in/falling in/falling out of love" are some of the most dysfunctional ideas ever. Love is a verb. Either you do it or you don't. Fuck outta here with that other shit.
    "Follow your heart" is some of the stupidest advice ever. People's hearts are full of all manner of sick, twisted inventions, and most of us decieve ourselves daily as to the contents thereof.
    "Do whatever makes you happy". Also bullshit advice. Ask your local crackhead or alcoholic how that's working out for them. We're living in hell. Chasing happiness in hell doesn't seem like a good strategy. The fact that everyones chasing happiness is evidence enough, as it clearly shows you that happiness must not be the default state of this world if everyone is chasing after happiness to destract themselves from the fact that they're living in hell. 
    We're living in a time where 60 years ago, there was no such thing as "organic" food. Why? Cuz all the food was organic back then. We're also living in a time where muhfuckaz is seriously debating if there are more than 2 genders, the family unit is being obliterated, the poor are still being shat on, everyone is depressed & anxious, and muhfuckaz  are becoming more divisive by the minute...you'd truly HAVE to believe that we evolved from some damn monkeys to think this world has progressed anywhere.  Anywhere good at least.
  7. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Komorebi in Unpopular Opinion   
    While I agree completely @Disposable, some people are more of a hassle/could stir trouble for others/society if they didn't own a pet.
    Hard to elaborate, but some people are so irresponsible with something like another life, that I'd rather (sorry guys) hear about an animal passing away from neglect/abuse/undernourishment than say, a baby or another adult. You hear about animals being fat, or out of shape, and if it can be noted, you see that same ignorance affect their children (and themselves).
    On the upside, that's kinda why parents get animals for their kids, so they learn to bond and understand the value of taking care of someone else, and then the experiences that come when that animal passes away (naturally or otherwise). Kinda of like prepping you for life in small doses.
  8. LOLOL
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Triangle in Facebook Event Page Created for Storming Area 51   
    There's a YouTube video recently where the people who joke about this are like "Ok, so who's gonna take one for the team and bang them some aliens?"
  9. LOLOL
    YuyoDrift reacted to Triangle in Facebook Event Page Created for Storming Area 51   
    "I hope Martian-kun will notice me and abduct me on his ship." XD
  10. LOLOL
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from lichtlune in Facebook Event Page Created for Storming Area 51   
    Uh, sure. Lol.
  11. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from lichtlune in Facebook Event Page Created for Storming Area 51   
    Actually some are free, fyi.
  12. LOVE!
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Gesu in Facebook Event Page Created for Storming Area 51   
    My gripe has more to do with the sheer troll-mindset that most people online have, and feel that creating an event like this is going to be "just for the lulz" and think only idiots will take it seriously. Well some radicals/poor dopes might, and I hope that no innocent people are hurt for being close minded on just how much danger exists by being a civilian trespassing on a military base. The fact the military has to take it seriously and give out several warnings to their own people is embarrassing itself and just shows how regressed I feel we've gotten, where we are being talked to like we're children who don't listen.
    I'm sure not even half of those who have put "attending", or whatever FB uses for saying yes, are even from the USA.
    We all know it's a bunch of BS, and just shows us all how many spineless "keyboard warriors" we have in our midst, thinking that their "justice" will prevail from behind a computer. Idk about you guys, but I'm seriously waiting for a "keeping it real goes wrong" scenario to play out before some sense returns to people.
    Why couldn't they have just said something like a festival or a national barbecue outside the base lol? I'm sure everyone would have gotten just as much of a laugh reading it and hell, even the military would have applauded the humor and made a statement that doesn't sound so eerie.
  13. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Komorebi in Facebook Event Page Created for Storming Area 51   
    That obsession with rights is such a 'Murican thing lol 
    Also, authoritarian goverment? Lol
    It's a military base that most likely has nothing to do with aliens, just leave it the fuck alone.
    And considering how fucked up is society nowadays with social media and current technology, I do not think we were ready for MANY things we have today and definitely not ready for more.
  14. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Gesu in Facebook Event Page Created for Storming Area 51   
    This statement reminds me of something a friend told me not so long ago. He said that the reason technology seems to advance so gradually instead of all at once is because no-one thinks we're ready for such quick advancements, but I'm not entirely sure that's true. There have actually been cases of people being assassinated for their inventions because they thought the public "weren't ready for them". I don't know if storming Area 51 is a good idea or not (by which I mean it's almost definitely not), but I've never liked that "we don't deserve to know because we're not capable of understanding it" mentality. We probably are, considering there are people capable of understanding what might be hidden from us to the point where they may have hyped it up so much that they might be somewhat disappointed if they ever actually saw it. Of course there are some things that should never be invented/released to the public (e.g. time travel), but this is different. This isn't going to mess with the space-time continuum and sure, it'll take some adapting to, but I don't believe in hiding things to deliberately hinder our knowledge/opportunities just because they don't think we're ready.
    Now, don't misunderstand me. I'm not in support of people trespassing on property owned privately by the government. I just think that if they are hiding something this significant, there should be better reasons to hide it.
  15. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to platy in Facebook Event Page Created for Storming Area 51   
    Oh yeah, just allow hundreds of thousands of people inside the base full of secrets we're not even capable of understanding. I'm sure no malicious person or spy would  take the opportunity to sneak in with the tourists. lol
    And wouldn't be beyond the American government to shoot down hundreds of people as they approach the base and then create an abduction conspiracy or cover up story. 
  16. Interesting
    YuyoDrift reacted to nekkichi in random thoughts thread   
    ok so that's tragic all around, but if you want to feel better, an average feral cats lifespan is like 3 or 4 years, those cats already likely have FIV, and if the area fauna hasn't done their deed by ten years, they'll probably live relatively happily for a while.
    the indoor/outdoor thing: cats don't need space to roam, and can keep themselves active enough in an apartment. the best thing you can if you plan on getting one is getting a small house/shed because they need privacy, a scratching post, and a bunch of pillows and maybe a small blanket for the winter if you live in a cold climate (otherwise they'll sneak your cashmere for the same purpose anyway.)
  17. wow
    YuyoDrift reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Unpopular Opinion   
    I remember back in sixth grade, we'd just squirt those into our mouths with no water
  18. LOLOL
    YuyoDrift reacted to sleepy coffee in Unpopular Opinion   
    Water is boring and not even a top 10 drink 
  19. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from suji in Unpopular Opinion   
    While I agree completely @Disposable, some people are more of a hassle/could stir trouble for others/society if they didn't own a pet.
    Hard to elaborate, but some people are so irresponsible with something like another life, that I'd rather (sorry guys) hear about an animal passing away from neglect/abuse/undernourishment than say, a baby or another adult. You hear about animals being fat, or out of shape, and if it can be noted, you see that same ignorance affect their children (and themselves).
    On the upside, that's kinda why parents get animals for their kids, so they learn to bond and understand the value of taking care of someone else, and then the experiences that come when that animal passes away (naturally or otherwise). Kinda of like prepping you for life in small doses.
  20. Interesting
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Gesu in Unpopular Opinion   
    While I agree completely @Disposable, some people are more of a hassle/could stir trouble for others/society if they didn't own a pet.
    Hard to elaborate, but some people are so irresponsible with something like another life, that I'd rather (sorry guys) hear about an animal passing away from neglect/abuse/undernourishment than say, a baby or another adult. You hear about animals being fat, or out of shape, and if it can be noted, you see that same ignorance affect their children (and themselves).
    On the upside, that's kinda why parents get animals for their kids, so they learn to bond and understand the value of taking care of someone else, and then the experiences that come when that animal passes away (naturally or otherwise). Kinda of like prepping you for life in small doses.
  21. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Karma’s Hat in Unpopular Opinion   
    In 2019 people don’t need pets anyway and they ought to be slowly phased out through bureoceatic permit jungle and intensive taxation. The industry is disgusting and the only people who need cats are people living deep in bumfuck countryside where rodents would eat the paint off of the walls if they could. Dogs serve more functions than just one but again, the permits should do their best in keeping them off of the hands of people who genuinely don’t need them. 
    I’m on my phone so i’m too lazy to check it right now but afaik someone posted something here saying that cats don’t affect the bird population but as far as I know in finland it has been observed that it does and quick googling showed an article about the effect they’ve had in for example, australia. Either way it is a foreign species that does not belong to the local ecosystem and therefore it ought to not be there. 
  22. I feel ya..
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Tokage in Unpopular Opinion   
    I agree with you alright. My gf has had outdoor cats her whole life, and myself having grown up with dogs that were always indoors besides taking them out for walks or a visit to the park, I can't fathom why a cat needs to be outside at all. I can tolerate an indoor cat being on my lap because I know its clean(er), but a cat that has been outside all day and possibly had an orgy or massive killing spree during that time (this is funny to those who read but I've seen it) to then come and decide it wants to rub it's filthy, probably tick infested or blood soaked body on me is a HELL NO. Several times one of the more psychotic fuckers bring us dead and alive rodents, birds, and rabbits back into the home and plop the thing on the table or on the floor where we can see it. My gf then tells me "Awwww, he considers you one of his own.....", like wtf? Nothing I enjoy more than feeling blood on my sock and the helpless cries of a rabbit/mouse as it dies in front of me /s.
    OH,  and the other fucker? throws up EVERYTHING it doesn't like to eat (we've already confirmed it's not sick), but only AFTER jumping on the bed and getting comfortable, and I'm talking full course meal vomit, that sticks to the fabric and requires 2-3 straight washes to come off. I feel bad for a dog when they do it because you can see and feel the humiliation and shame in their eyes, but a cat? No, they just walk away in a "Clean that shit up. I'm gonna puke on that spot again later, bitch." like they own me.
    As you can tell I have a disdain for them. Maybe I haven't met the right cat, but I've met some terrible ones so far to make me pass on getting anything more than a dog for now.
  23. LOVE!
    YuyoDrift reacted to Tokage in Unpopular Opinion   
    True unpopular opinion coming thru.....................
    I think cats are garbage animals and I absolutely can't stand them. Fuck cats and fuck the owners letting their cats roam around outside. 
  24. LOLOL
    YuyoDrift reacted to Gesu in Show us your lock screen wallpaper!   
    The placement of those two buttons at the bottom tho
  25. LOLOL
    YuyoDrift reacted to secret_no_03 in What is something you think had wasted potential?   
    I doubt anyone wanted it.
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