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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    I feel like that was sarcastic in a way.... Nvm that. The vocalist is not my cup of tea. I cant' figure out why. I think it's the higher tone, that gives the overall sound to their music a lighter feel.
  2. YuyoDrift

    This satsuki release is not as bad as people have been clamoring about. Shocking.
  3. YuyoDrift

    Unbalance x3 God I LOVE the artwork. I read it for the plot.
  4. YuyoDrift

    Smoke Marijuana Are there users on MH that you can't tolerate?
  5. YuyoDrift

    Now it's おっぱい! Stay tuned until next time.
  6. YuyoDrift

    I'm actually enjoying these Satsuki tracks. Diana is one of my faves.
  7. YuyoDrift

    Sorry darling, but that was earlier in the day. Can't rustle my jimmies in bed. Or can you?
  8. YuyoDrift

    Having a beer before bed. Cheers.
  9. ^^^ Lol Trash-kei. Crap I read it as "Has passed away" haha. Glad that's not the case, but that's still pretty bad.
  10. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. This conversation should've been moved to a rant thread, but what can we do? We are human. I'll gladly continue the conversation somewhere else. Getting back on topic: I'm not sure about all the hype (don't follow every artist on social media), but I found out about this the other day. This looks like an interesting project. Looking forward to Mao's work.
  11. YuyoDrift

    Downloaded Paragon b/c it was recommended to me to try out. Gonna play tonight. Anybody play it yet?
  12. YuyoDrift

    This would look nice with my future GazettE signed Dogma CD.
  13. YuyoDrift

    Listened to their Mini-Album Outlaw the other day and, wow, just wow. It's a night/day difference in talent to where they are at now.
  14. So 2 users with almost identical user names have the same bday. Coincidence? Well I'll be.

  15. That's expecting a lot, since almost every band in the genre can never duplicate/want to duplicate their last work. Mao's Sadie was no different. I remember when GANGSTA released, everyone was bashing the hell out of the album (reading the name of the album even put some off) without so much as listening into why the band chose to name it that, or incorporate a theme to the album as they listened to it. I enjoyed it, and my review of it years ago reflects that. You could same thing about Kyo's Sukekiyo. I feel it's DeG making music that DeG does not/cannot want to make (maybe just Kyo), perhaps to not change the theme of their music. I have no ill thoughts towards it, so long as Kyo is still the vocalist. I'm just enjoying the creativity. Sukekiyo and DeG sounds similar, but I'm not going to say it's the same thing. It's not really a personal attack, so much as some users taking a comment that could've been a simple "this is bad b/c so and so....", but instead it's more of a "Fuck Mao. Fuck Sadie. Fuck the VK scene. Fuck this shit." Just shows how easy it is for that someone to turn hot/cold so quick on artists/bands, and it makes you sound immature. Other times, some people are just cynical and like to troll. HARD. Got 'eeem. Does that mean I'm analyzing you, based on your (not you specifically) comments? Yeah, I am. Aren't you? Everyone on every forum does this. People can comment however they feel, but as you said, everyone is allowed to comment. Expect to have a discussion (or for those who take it offensively, an argument) about your comment if it goes against someone else. If you're too afraid/not up to do that, well, I won't be the first person to tell you that maybe comments are better said in other thread.
  16. YuyoDrift

    Alarm: Wake up, Jyessss?
  17. YuyoDrift

    Life is fun huh?
  18. Looks like I'm a few days late. Nice to see everyone down each other's throats already. I'd say that if Mao was never someone of interest to you, then news like this won't change that. So quit riding someone's nuts and go listen/follow something else.
  19. YuyoDrift

    Jeez, that's crazy. Good luck to them, hopefully they can get back on tour without a problem.
  20. YuyoDrift

  21. YuyoDrift

  22. YuyoDrift

    There's a cat as our banner.....
  23. YuyoDrift

    Depends on how hungry you are for cake ( I don't really eat cake period). It can be overwhelming. Picture taking a bite of the sweetest, soggiest bread/donut you've ever dunked in milk/chocolate/coffee ever. I don't understand how people like cheesecake. Stuff makes me gag.
  24. Got a new office chair. Fuck yeah.

    1. Tetora


      Do some spins in it for me.

    2. PsychoΔelica


      I just realized I have been reading your name wrong all along :P

    3. YuyoDrift


      Wtf did you think it was?

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