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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    Try telling that to someone else's grandmother, who thinks you're too scrawny. "Tres Leches" cake is fucking impossible to eat unless you are held at gunpoint lol.
  2. YuyoDrift

  3. I just gota warning on another forum for "Necrobumping" a thread. WTF?

    1. ghost


      "Necrobumping" sounds kind of naughty.

    2. YuyoDrift


      lol you guys. This was a first for me, as everywhere else seems to want me to search for old threads before making my own.

    3. Show next comments  168 more
  4. YuyoDrift

  5. YuyoDrift

    I've broken controllers over the course of my many years playing that stage lol x3 on X4. X5 is my shit doe. I still have the Tips&Tricks magazine with Megaman X5 on the cover, with a "how to" for all the Armors, including Ultimate Armor.
  6. YuyoDrift

    Depends on the woman I bring home that night. I rarely cook anything worthwhile for myself. I cook an unforgettable Omelette/Frittata in the morning, or if teh secks was le bad, then I pack you a nice boiled egg to go.
  7. YuyoDrift

  8. I'm seriously very fucking disappointed in Illinois right now.

    1. YuyoDrift


      Good Morning guys. I am not surprised she won, but I still wish she hadn't. As she is from chicago, and comes from a very welll connected family, there was no way these corrupt officials she has under her pay grade were going to let Bernie win Illinois.

      I am still amazed by how close this was. I just Hope Bernie doesn't let it get to him.

    2. Show next comments  168 more
  9. YuyoDrift

    Gonna have to agree with 'Stall Emms. NIL was just perfect for their time, before the transition into a different sound. Followed by Stacked Rubbish, and then Disorder.
  10. YuyoDrift

    Dagashi Kashi new Episode was hilarious last night. It's leaning more towards sexual themes now. .......
  11. YuyoDrift

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnddd I gotta go fucking vote. Great.
  12. YuyoDrift

    ^^^ Every fucking teen thinks they're hot shit. Fuck em. It's gonna be reaaaaalll fucking close guys. Spent all of last night working on HW and studying, drinking energy drinks like shots idgaf. I'm on fucking 2 hours of sleep and have to take 3 finals today. FML. FML. Wish me luck.
  13. YuyoDrift

    Everyone's opinion is different. Which is why I value none. Form your own opinion. I certainly don't think DIM was their best. I'd agree that it was their peak, for sure. To answer your question, I'd say it's a tie between SHIVER, PLEDGE, and UGLY singles.
  14. YuyoDrift

    Y u assholes give me more to fawn at? Damn this concert can't come soon enough.
  15. YuyoDrift


    Welcome. Participate in the forums. That is all. No one ever mentions lynch. They're cool too.
  16. Fuki from LIGHTBRINGER/UNLUCKY MORPHEUS, more so because of her voice. Rami is a close second. No option for "Still have a crush on them?"
  17. YuyoDrift

    Agreed. She's so aggressive here.
  18. YuyoDrift

    Y'all need religion. and I'm not religious.
  19. YuyoDrift

    Osu. Take as long as you need to, as I feel that the people on this site are more welcoming than others. I myself took some time off, and have spent the last year revisiting/catching up on some of my older bands, as well as previewing the new bands now. Forewarning: The scene is different, but some aspects are still the same. Nagoya Kei for the most part has remained the same, and Neo-Visual (do they still call it that?) took over the mid/late 00's. I was a big GLAY/Malice Mizer/Laputa fan when I first started too (Albeit I was very young) and have seen the boom of Neo-Visual take place, and honestly it's been 70/30. These last few years have seen a big list of disbandments from the greats and there's room for the newer gen to grab hold. Have fun catching up and again, welcome to the site.
  20. YuyoDrift

    5 months since the release of this, and I can still play this from beginning to end. I realize now that some of the tracks on this album have this spanish instrumental sound, hence why I like it so much.
  21. YuyoDrift

    Just came back from watching Zootopia. That damn movie touched me in ways I couldn't imagine. (insert wise crack here) Seriously, I was impressed with the detail in the film's artwork. I was smiling more than half the time, and it felt nostalgic, regardless if the movie just came out. Not gonna ruin it for anyone if they plan to watch it, but this was way up there with Monsters Inc, in terms of delivery. Would watch again for sure.
  22. YuyoDrift

  23. You should not let people's opinions about certain races/ethnicities deter you from ever attempting to date outside your ethnicity. Every race has families who are against their offspring going out and participating in this "promiscuity", which we call dating. I know this too well. You can't place any blame on an individual (even on this forum), due to the fact that who they are/how they think, may have been formed from the method in which they were brought up. You can blame their parents if you feel like it, but those parents probably went through the same thing. It will be a while before racial preferences will become a thing of the past, but we ARE getting there. We sure as hell aren't going through what our parents did 30-40 years ago (people were severely beaten/mutilated for god's sake) and I am thankful for school/work/social events of today for allowing multicultural families to attend these locations/events. It's what makes America so great. Assimilation will occur and your children will have an easier time, and only be classified as "American". As far as how you feel about the current situation African-American women face in terms of dating, you're not wrong, it's plain to see. Yet, it's not difficult to look past either. You have this idea (and eveyone else in general) placed in your mind, that "this race" and "those people" are somehow more inferior to others. I blame the media, who here in Chicago for example, take full advantage of every little occurrence in every minority neighborhood (I hate saying minority, but I feel it's easier for you to understand what I'm saying) in order to establish exposure/ratings on their fucking channel. Hell, even social media online is becoming the same way. I was fortunate enough to go to a public school, where the variety of races was even in every class. Perhaps that is why I formulate thoughts the way I do. I see everyone as an open book, and the more closed off you are, the more it is apparent to someone that you wanna fade in the background. You wanna change the way people look at you? Make yourself noticed. Strike a conversation, regardless if ends in success or not. The point is you attempted to leave this niche you made (or were placed in) and change the way people perceive your kind. Sorry that was long. I just have so much experience in this, that I feel I need to share. I am by no means social (I hate you all), but I know when to be kind when it's needed.
  24. YuyoDrift

    Lol you should see the prices of what I normally drink. On average, a 6 pack of any standard IPA (India Pale Ale) will range from $13-$18. Barrel-Aged on the other hand is on average, about $20-$25. So........not cheap.
  25. YuyoDrift

    Not to bash on anyone, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that the few of you who say that beer is terrible either: Have never had a beer/ Not old enough to drink Threw up at some point from its consumption Very picky about tastes Drank/Continue to drink generic Lagers (i.e. Bud light, Corona, Budweiser, etc.) Aren't aware of the variety/types of beer out there Just like to bitch/moan about anything Only exclusion is Peffy, who clearly stated that it reminds her of bitter fruit from her childhood. Even then I'd still say that there are WAY more beers out there. You guys (who drink alcohol) do realize that there are types of beer out there that are combined with alcohol right (Known as Barrel Aged)? Some even come with Peach, Hibiscus, Strawberry, and so on in the beer. Quit drinking the wack shit and git gud with beer. Of course I know all this because I come from the city where it all started.
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