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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    lol wtf? hahaha I've seen plenty of boobs and bewbs. Can you change your own car oil?
  2. YuyoDrift

    STOP!!!! ma feels.
  3. YuyoDrift

    lololol you just don't want to post all that again Understandable. Looked like it took a while to post. Is battleborn really THAT good? I keep hearing all the hype.
  4. YuyoDrift

    That's quite a while back. Champy knows who they are (I dunno how to tag people on here) edit: Now you have me trippin' emms
  5. YuyoDrift

    Care to elaborate?
  6. YuyoDrift

    #5 huh? Looking forward to hearing a sample off this.
  7. YuyoDrift

    haha I remember now He used to have this awkward Vibrato (he still does it but its WAY less noticeable) that put me off. Kinda like the lead singer for Matenrou Opera and Ircle. Glad to see he's improved.
  8. YuyoDrift

  9. YuyoDrift

    I cared lol but I already knew all that when you posted it. Keep up the good work chief. As for the sequels for FFXIII, I could not stand them. I played 13-2 for maybe 2 hours, but the damn tutorial was SO DAMN LONG that I lost interest. Plus the time warping was a PITA. I never played 13-3 because I never finished -2, but after seeing my brother chuck his PS3 controller at the ground on numerous occasions, I figured that maybe it was a difficult game, and 13-1 felt good when I beat it, so I didn't want to tarnish my memories of it. XV cannot disappoint. It just can't. SE has a lot riding on this game than they know.
  10. YuyoDrift

    When did this band form? I feel like I've heard this Vocalist before. DIAVOLO is an impressive release.
  11. YuyoDrift

    I'll let you know mine guys! I wanna be cool too! PSN: YuyoDrift XBL: WhiteDevilZERO I main Destiny for the most part (I sherpa) Play a lot of Hack-n-Slash games
  12. YuyoDrift

    Sounds like a great morning breakfast.
  13. YuyoDrift

    Hehe you're alright. I like Discussions. I agree that FF13 wasn't the greatest game ever, but it was a change in pace to they normally dish out. FF12 was the probably the only great release in the last decade, and IMO loved the hell out of it (440 hours of love to be exact haha). I played P4 when it was on PS2, and I loved it as well. Although it was because I lost interest in FF12, that I even considered playing it. So i guess it was luck. When I realized that I had been playing Atlus games my entire life, I pledged allegiance lol. Atlus was very focused on the arcade/early console community heavily (where I feel most of their older rep comes from), and I'd agree that the Persona lineup feels new with every release. It's gonna be a very heated battle for the JRPGs this year. What I hope P5 is that I will have fun playing it, and have some lolwtf moments while I'm at it. What I hope from FFXV is that I will lose myself in the game, where I'll feel that the 10+ years that I (and everyone else) had waited, to be well worth it. So I chose FFXV over P5, based on my expectations I guess.
  14. YuyoDrift

    lol I have no idea what you're asking. They're great to have, and you can have more than 10 at a time, depending on your software. I use them, cuz I sure as hell don't want to start over in MegaMan Battle Network 4 haha. Some games did not even come with a save point, like some of the early SNES/Genesis games, so it's beneficial.
  15. YuyoDrift

    Not for the weak hearted.
  16. YuyoDrift

    So the pizza delivery girl delivers pizza to my house when I didn't even order one. I try to do the right thing and call the store and tell them that they got the wrong house, and I'M the one getting yelled at lol Gotta love Chicago.
  17. YuyoDrift

    It's gonna be favoritism at this point lol I have more of my life attached to SE than Atlus so it'd have to be FFXV.
  18. YuyoDrift

    Yeah this could help me keep track of them all. Good idea.
  19. YuyoDrift

    Totally forgot to update here! They debuted their new track last week, called "Doomed User". April 8 can't come soon enough. http://blog.siriusxm.com/2016/03/16/deftones-world-premiere-of-new-song-doomed-user-on-octane/
  20. YuyoDrift

    http://n4bb.com/persona-5-release-date-news-characters-trailer-atlus-sneak-peek-4/ Persona 5 better not release with FFXV. Better be May-June.
  21. YuyoDrift

    They'll understand with age. Glad you don't keep these thoughts to yourself. Keeps the site alive. Glad you liked this, as I did too. After the shitty recording of the Rakuen single (I still blame their recording studio), I thought maybe they were going to keep releasing sub par quality tracks. I still enjoy Nightmare tracks that are fast and all over the place (sloppy is their forte), but slow paced every once in a while are great too.
  22. YuyoDrift

    Holy shit I think I choked for the first time in my life. I'm not talking about physically, I'm talking metaphorically. If Japanese women are my kryptonite, then I don't know what to make of my life anymore. D:
  23. YuyoDrift

    Lol I get a text from my brother, demanding I download more of them. Well then.
  24. YuyoDrift

    I feel bad for the poor saps that are still trying to play Street Fighter V. Why torture yourself?
  25. Ehhhh I'm not sure if I have it in me to do a whole review lol. Maybe I'll add to it as I go. I am a huge fan of this genre, ever since I first played Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time on the SNES. Stories are usually meh, but I'm not in it to listen to the characters babble. I wanna fuck shit up. Cut MFers in half, and see all the blood spew out. I think I'll just give my list if that's ok? PS4 D.M.C (Devil May Cry) Definitive Edition Onechanbara II PS3 Devil May Cry Collection (1,2, and 3) Devil May Cry 4 Ninja Gaiden Dead Rising Scott Pilgrim (PSN Network) PSP & PSvita Guilty Gear Judgment Wii Bayonetta I & II Game Boy Advance Astro Boy: Omega Factor SNES Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Armored Warriors Night Slashers (Fucking loved this) Sailor Moon (Don't judge me bro) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Games I've Wanted to Play Muramasa: The Demon Blade The Dishwasher Vampire Smile Will add more later.
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