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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    Aside from the girl fainting from whatever the hell she was on, and the numerous people recording the event, as well as the person trying to crowd surf (who the fuck was that guy?), the people thrashing and the random mosh pit that this douchebag decided to start, my friend losing her jacket (luckily someone found it for her). Luckily there was this cute Japanese Girl who thought I was Japanese , and was not all objecting when I told her that I was going to hold her by the waist for "leverage" . She unfortunately lost her phone (I found it later and it's at the Lost-n-Found, if you are on here, or if someone here knows her). I agree with most of Stall's points and felt that these lives were exactly what many of us needed. I personally didn't feel we deserved an encore, but we did. the GazettE are more kinder than I imagined. Overall a very amazing experience, and I hope these little incidents don't deter them from thinking twice about coming back. Best part of my night was when I said "Holy Shit..." over and over for the first 2 minutes when Ruki came up to us above the crowd from the stage, he was so cool! I am in love with them all over again. Oh and it was HOT AS FUCK.
  2. YuyoDrift

    Some condoms
  3. I am going on a plane for the first time tonight! As well as going to NYC for the first time too! I'm fucking terrified
  4. YuyoDrift

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy like boobs which performed lap dances which seemed very outerspacey wtf? Followed masturbating on my frisky frisby with rage and passion, because CAT5 didn't lick his favourite orifice. Then, a light stone made
  5. YuyoDrift

    So after contacting some of their reps, one finally answered my question. "The artist and promoters are the ones that have the "No Cameras" policy and it does apply to everyone VIP members as well. The restriction is mostly for professional cameras that have a detachable lens. Camera phone should be ok." Thanks dude. Agreed. People need to understand that taking picture/s or video during the concert is a completely different dilemma as opposed from taking pic/s during backstage/VIP, and should be opinionated differently. I would be very content with 1 group photo during the VIP with my cell phone (maybe a disposable?). It'd make it worth the experience for me at least. Possibly a handshake/bow too lol. During the concert though, please be courteous and put your mobile device away. Also, don't move around like you're having a seizure.
  6. YuyoDrift

    Very nice in-depth review Freesia! Really appreciate you taking the time to share some translations on the lyrics. I agree with the posters above. This single to me felt like the weakest of the overall 3 releases. Their performance throughout the tracks became too sporadic and I lost interest about 1 minute in for each one. B-Side tracks for sure. I am just not a fan of their harder/darker music. Why Ruki continues to dilute his voice while singing is beyond me. I need more time to give this another listen, and immerse myself in their overall message here. Perhaps hearing them live will achieve this. For now though, (4/28/16) Edit: After hearing UNDYING live and listening to how well the bands performance was, I was quick to dismiss the quality of their single. After listening to a bit more, (5/2/16) Edit 2: I can't believe I'm still enjoying this! It sounds just as great as it was a month ago. The entire single just rolls off the ear. Hnggg. Fanboi -ing again, (5/27/16)
  7. YuyoDrift

    That's what I call reporting! Thanks for the update.
  8. Just spent another $500 on Check-In Fees/Seat locale for my flight. I hate airlines.

  9. YuyoDrift

    We get a T shirt doe. That's a plus right?
  10. YuyoDrift

    Hmmmmm....... I dont know how to break this to you gently...... lol http://secure.campaigner.com/Campaigner/Public/t.show?alru7--84y45-3kmz5ww5 Didn't you get this email? I'm going to call Guest Services and get a definitive answer on this. This is actually poorly worded, and now I'm starting to think (more like hope) that this does not apply to the VIP backstage Meet/Greet.
  11. YuyoDrift

    I received an email a couple weeks ago regarding this. By the looks of it, it is per the request of the GazettE, and relayed to us by their PR representing them. I can understand the need to prohibit any recording device during the concert, but to apply that rule to the VIP ticket members during the Meet/Greet is just ridiculous. The ONLY thing that I wanted from all of this, was a picture of the GazettE and I in one picture. I really feel bad because of it. You'd think they'd embrace their USA fans with ONE silly picture...
  12. YuyoDrift

    Will check out later.
  13. YuyoDrift

    Came in here for the trolls. Was not disappointed.
  14. Wekfest was pretty cool.

  15. Saku join me in game!


    1. YuyoDrift


      lol y???????

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      XD because family stuff came up, i have a habit of leaving my game on when i leave the house a lot too. you should try hitting me up earlier in the day tho, that's when I'm mostly free. Late at night is when i play a lot with irl friends or not gaming at all and instead watching anime.

    3. YuyoDrift


      ohhhhh ok gotcha


    4. Show next comments  147 more
  16. YuyoDrift

    I had no idea there was a Video for Okuribi. Wow.
  17. YuyoDrift

    lol youz gaiz
  18. Holy crap, Chyna died. RIP cool lady.

  19. YuyoDrift

    I'm watching this again because I'm creepy, and because it was very good.
  20. YuyoDrift

    **Hits Blunt** What if Pinocchio says his nose is growing?
  21. YuyoDrift

    Laputa - かげろう Again.
  22. YuyoDrift

  23. YuyoDrift

    You do it for the ratchets trophies! lol I never pegged you for a Kiseki series fan. I always seen the series to be lackluster, but I've never actually played it. Would you recommend?
  24. YuyoDrift

    So the GazettE requested that no one bring any cameras or any recording devices. Fuuuuuu I better be in the damn live DVD then lol
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