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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. That Arminius-D armsday package is no joke yo. Melting mofos in IB.

  2. YuyoDrift

    Yes Yes. Settle Down. http://www.polygon.com/2016/3/31/11335938/final-fantasy-15-platinum-demo-available-ps4-and-xbox-one I knew I should've stayed home today. Anyone play it yet?
  3. YuyoDrift

    I used to view my world this way too. Pm incoming.
  4. So I just found out that you can be sued for farting on someone lololol I'm done with America.

  5. YuyoDrift

    I'll dress a certain way for the GazettE concert for sure. Look chulo. I don't want to overdo it doe and look better than Ruki, he be getting intimidated and shit and then won't sign my CD. I want a selfie too and for him to say he loves MH.
  6. YuyoDrift

    Whoa. This doesn't sound like Alice Nine anymore. Just. Wow.
  7. Eating mint chocolate ice cream with brownies before bed perhaps was not the best idea.....

  8. YuyoDrift

    I like the look on that baby's face lol
  9. YuyoDrift

    Another shot at that cute Japanese girl. Sorry Mimi, I'll get it right this time.
  10. YuyoDrift

    What is this, a fucking initiation? No mames mija.
  11. YuyoDrift

  12. YuyoDrift

    You must be that stick up my ass. The one Zeusy told me to get out of there years ago, remember? I'm chill as fuh now. suhhh.
  13. YuyoDrift

    I'm not even that old lol How do you know this?!?!?!?
  14. YuyoDrift

    You and I are over. I thought you knew me. No but seriously. This. Nah I kid peffy we still on.
  15. YuyoDrift

    Y u stalking me emms? My body is not ready yo. I feel violated. in the right ear especially. No wait, that that was the PSN chat ghost with its haunting feedback. I'll never tell you evvaarrrrr
  16. YuyoDrift

  17. YuyoDrift

    Yeah i figured. Lucky. Kanji is my weakness, but so is the order of the sentences. Being backwards is no help at all for an AP English major as myself lol.
  18. YuyoDrift

    I was contemplating whether they'd be able to get the Pillows to make the soundtrack to the series once more (they are VERY expensive to hire, and they're on tour to boot), but this tweet just saved my life. It also reassures me that the original voice cast will be used too. Yes, Please don't fuck this up Toonami. https://twitter.com/Clarknova1/status/713154411254538240
  19. YuyoDrift

    I wish I had the drive to have had these feats by my age. I envy you. x2 on the sailor moon and Ayumi/Pillows Goodness, hnggg. Although I've been listening to Japanese music for a lot longer. Don't wanna share that info hehe.
  20. YuyoDrift

    I really wish that happened too. They should've done an OVA at least, as a special or something. That would've been nice. I'm glad they're not tossing out the original characters entirely (there would be riots lol), but the new main character better not be any more chipper and gleeful than Naota. I felt Naota's attitude in the world, and how he viewed his life. set most of the theme for the anime, and it related to a lot of kids during that time (at least it did to me anyway....).
  21. YuyoDrift

    Oh crap not you too lol I really hope they don't fuck this up. I value this anime more than no other (can't you tell by my avatar?), and hope that the creator and his team can bring back to originality and magic that once set the atmosphere for future anime. I'm angry/worried in short.
  22. YuyoDrift

    Welcome to the site. Don't worry about being new to vk. Everyone started where you did at some point. There exists a large variety of bands (new and old) for you to discover here! Find some new bands! Take as long as you need to to become associated with the site, as well as some of the members here.
  23. YuyoDrift

    Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. God this is soooo 2005 for me lol. Edit: I just found out about Mika's condition. That's a terrible thing to happen to a musician. Hopefully she can continue to enjoy performing regardless.
  24. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/microsoft-launches-ai-chatbot-on-twitter-and-it-132424697.html God, I wish I saw those tweets lol.
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