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Status Updates posted by YuyoDrift

  1. My coworkers are arguing about the taste of their water at the workplace, and how they need an ice machine on top of it.


    .... What kind of 1st world shit am I working in? LOL.

  2. My fellow Americans, rest a tad easier watching your porno lol



  3. Never too late to start keeping track of your 2018 Japanese Releases! Rate them now



    1. yakihiko


      Man, I just made it... but for the 2017 lol In addiction for the list I just posted on the review section.

      I think I will make the 2018 Rating earlier, otherwish I won't be annoyed by looking everything I listened haha

  4. New interface? I noticed on mobile, but this is something else. Kudos.


  5. No surprise it’s fucking raining, the day AFTER they cut a big fucking hole in my ceiling.......


    Colorado, you’re really making this “going back home” thing a lot easier, you know that? 

    1. Komorebi


      👀 so Chicago is a yes?

    2. YuyoDrift


      If I live through this hell, maybe lol.

  6. Note to self:

    Hire a professional to install a water heater.

  7. Oh god we're getting hit with snow again?!?!?


    Wtf Colorado.

    1. plastic_rainbow


      heard that it snowed back home too (wisconsin).

      snow in april ain't even a joke anymore

    2. nomemorial


      saw a snowflake outside yesterday (in Chicago) and shed no less than four tears RIP

  8. One word for tonight: Damn.


    Happy New Years Eve to everyone.

    1. suji


      And a happy new year's eve to you as well~

  9. Only 3 days left to submit your votes for this year's MH JRock Awards! Don't forget!




  10. Only a few days left to submit your votes for the MH JRock Awards!

    Get them in ASAP!



    1. Mamo


      Can't wait I'm ready for the results.

  11. Only a week left to submit your votes for the 2019 MH JRock Awards! Make sure to get them in before the deadline!



  12. Our entire warehouse is flooded.


    I can't help but laugh.

    1. Komorebi


      I kinda laughed too, sorry.

  13. People trolling each other up at this donald Trump rally haha.


    Gotta love stupid people on social media.

  14. People, I need more introductory artist mixtapes!





  15. Poor Kaspersky. Getting shafted left and right these days.



    1. nekkichi


      dnw he'll live.

  16. Robert Miles passed away?!?!?

    Holy Crap, my teen years are weeping.

  17. Saku join me in game!


    1. YuyoDrift


      lol y???????

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      XD because family stuff came up, i have a habit of leaving my game on when i leave the house a lot too. you should try hitting me up earlier in the day tho, that's when I'm mostly free. Late at night is when i play a lot with irl friends or not gaming at all and instead watching anime.

    3. YuyoDrift


      ohhhhh ok gotcha


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  18. So glad 宇多田ヒカル decided to take that long break.


    Her album sounds shows what time off can do.

  19. So I just found out i'm missing disc 1 of 2 from DeG Decade 1998-2002.


    I think I'm gonna pass out.

    1. Elazmus


      <////3 That album was the first I ever recieved as a gift, it still has a showoff spot on my shelf <////3

  20. So one of my coworkers says her dog is in heat, and wants my dog and I to come over and fuck her brains out.


    lol I feel she wants more than that



    1. doombox


      The wording of this.... 

    2. Biopanda
    3. YuyoDrift


      I don't have sex with bitches bro.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  21. Sometimes I wonder if I should, or really should.

    Eh. Soon.

  22. Sometimes I wonder why I'm not an asshole like everyone else around me..


    (insert the "you are" responses here)

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Sometimes I wonder if my life had been better had I been an asshole.

    2. YuyoDrift
    3. YuyoDrift
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  23. Taking a moment to say nice choice of Kenichi Asai & The Interchange Kills as your avatar.


    Meteo is a sick album.

    1. Jigsaw9


      Thanks! Been a while since I last updated my avatar. :D I haven't actually heard any of the "Interchange Kills" albums yet, but lately I've begun collecting Kenichi's CDs again so I ordered that one yesterday (will do the same to their other album soon). Can't wait!

  24. Telegram is banned in Russia.

    Now that is funny.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. nekkichi


      probably ukraine, vk is more or less govmnt owned.

    3. YuyoDrift
    4. nekkichi


      we been knew. in tangentially related news - 



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