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YuyoDrift last won the day on July 3 2019

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About YuyoDrift

  • Rank
    Hybrid Rainbow Feeler
  • Birthday August 22

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The City of Mountains, CO
  • Interests
    Japanese Rock Listener
    JPop Veteran
    Car Enthusiast/JDM life yo
    Anime Old Fuck
    Sleeping Professional
    Sake Drinker
    Beer Connoisseur
    Computer/IT Life
    Touhou/J-Core Junkie
    Video Gaming since 1996

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  1. Holy crap, Chyna died. RIP cool lady.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. YuyoDrift


      She was a female ex-Wrestler back in the day. One of the best entertainers.

    3. suji


      It's a shame about her later years, but she was a great entertainer and a pioneer for women's wrestling. Rest in peace.

    4. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Only knew her from The Surreal Life, but she seemed like a pretty cool person. It's sad that so many celebrities are dying around the same time :/

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