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YuyoDrift last won the day on July 3 2019

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About YuyoDrift

  • Rank
    Hybrid Rainbow Feeler
  • Birthday August 22

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  • Location
    The City of Mountains, CO
  • Interests
    Japanese Rock Listener
    JPop Veteran
    Car Enthusiast/JDM life yo
    Anime Old Fuck
    Sleeping Professional
    Sake Drinker
    Beer Connoisseur
    Computer/IT Life
    Touhou/J-Core Junkie
    Video Gaming since 1996

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  1. If you plan to buy an SSD in the next year, like, AT ALL, do so now.


    I see a rise in price for the next year.

    1. Aeolus


      I see them dropping thanks to those new samsungs coming out and 200gb sd cards being under $100. The cost of flash is dropping and making other products get a drop.

      I just imported the new sony walkman which was $100 less than the older models still available here.

    2. YuyoDrift


      I thought they'd drop too, but what with the new shortage of material because of recent natural disasters, I'd doubt it.


      Guess you didn't hear about Samsung's difficulty with the new 3D NAND Chips.

      The new SSD's we're pushed back to a later date. I decided to just buy the 950 Pro now, due to BF sales.




      I have been watching the news, and yeah, doesn't look good for Q1-2 2017

      Don't even get me started on RAM.


    3. nekkichi


      I had no idea you will ACCIDENTALLY post solid advice - since Mercury retrogrades December 19 - January 9, and Mercury rules technology, gadgets, and communication, therefore it is imperative to do all electronics shopping outside of the retrograde (or, in case of severe need, pay close attention to warranty & refund policy.)

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