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YuyoDrift last won the day on July 3 2019

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About YuyoDrift

  • Rank
    Hybrid Rainbow Feeler
  • Birthday August 22

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    The City of Mountains, CO
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    Japanese Rock Listener
    JPop Veteran
    Car Enthusiast/JDM life yo
    Anime Old Fuck
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    Computer/IT Life
    Touhou/J-Core Junkie
    Video Gaming since 1996

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  1. I just heard talk from some techies, that they are working on VR for live concerts.


    You've got to be shitting me.

    1. nekkichi


      yasssssssssss I hope they'll figure how 2 film the obligatory 6,7" guy in the front with the most meticulous attention to detail.

      I wanna see the sweat!! the blood!! the bristling asshair!!!

    2. Biopanda


      @Valicious has been talking about this for years :v They already have some live footage filmed in 360°, and a website where you can use a VR headset to view them (https://www.360ch.tv/videoview/88) The best part is starting at all of the losers in the audience :v

    3. peffy


      Live VR for concerts and sporting events is actually a really promising application of VR. Moreso than gaming, IMO.

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