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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. Gaz

    wow dat limitation... will be impossible to get D:
  2. Gaz

    damn sleepy hollow was a big disappointment for me i regret watching those 5 or 6 episodes because it was so generic and boring so i couldn't even concentrate on the show, always did some other stuff while watching it :v really hope penny dreadful is not like that.
  3. Gaz

    hah, i see. well i do agree with most of you said about true blood and it's also not one of my favorite but i still found it quite enjoyable. offtopic:
  4. Gaz

    you didn't like true blood? i think from all vampire series i ever whatched this was the best one with lots of blood and some funny plot twists every now and then. i hated sookie, though.
  5. Gaz

    oh speaking about horror series, did anyone watch this? my friend recommended me this, so prolly gonna start when i'll finish bear and jig's list of movies xD (only three movies left!)
  6. no wonder he left: their last single was worse than any Louder stuff. rip i guess
  7. yay, cool! i wouldn't mind if mjo, umbrella or mekakusi won this, but jin-say are definitely my favs on this va
  8. Gaz

    oh well seems like i'll have to borrow my friend's psp after he'll finish playing type-0 :v awesome news anyway!
  9. HOLY SHIT! O__O that's quite a bunch of songs! really looking forward to it and hopefully it'll be available for buying at some stores.
  10. Gaz

    ^ dude, this is not a twitter to tell everyone what are you doing atm. if you're really have a need for that just use status updates function or random thoughts thread.
  11. Gaz

    ugh fucking shitendo! nothing to play, fuck! cocksuckers! D; at least there are some progress in miles edgeworth 2 fan translation :v
  12. Gaz

    some time ago finished Franz Kafka's The Trial. it was a great read overall but i have to admit some parts were boring for my taste(or maybe there were just way too many law terms?). although i really liked the general idea of this novel that no matter how hard you are trying to fight against the absurdness of the social system you will either fail in the end or become a part of the system yourself. so yeah highly recommend this for everyone. and started reading Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov. wanted to try this for quite a long time but its length has always scared me lol. well now i'm fine since i have all summer ahead.
  13. damn at first i thought it's vampire rose's rose. oh well :/
  14. the first one is rad! other songs are not bad either.
  15. Gaz

    the hardest decision of my life: what type of my dragon's upcoming maxi i should buy >___< most likely type-c will be eventually uploaded since it's natural to aim for having all the songs, so many ppl will buy it. but the question remains: which one of the pvs is better? the first one has lots of zettai ryouki but the second one has dancing gurls in bikini! D: so hard to decide arghhghjhghj fuck! ;__;
  16. Gaz

    gene's vocal still delivers
  17. Gaz

    i'm so fucking love you for this! <3
  18. holy fucking shit! this IS VERY KAWAII for sure! <3
  19. it worth buying at least for smile☆smile(ReMix). i hope that remix wont disappoint me :v
  20. yes yes yes FUCK YES! and i really hope that it wont be as weak as Tartaros was.
  21. Gaz

    they have so many songs already D:
  22. Gaz

    ayyyyy jig, thanks man! 8D also speaking about the twilight zone: is it worth checking the whole series for a horror newbie like me?
  23. Gaz

    wow that's quite a bunch! @_@ going to check everything from the list whenever i'll have time. thank you!
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