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Posts posted by Gaz

  1. just finished 'Ping Pong The Animation', and i looooved every bit of it. kept me entertained ´til the end. currently watching 'Brave 10' though

    lol that is one of my favorite comedy animes of all times. old-school jokes are the best.


    trying to give another chance to Tokyo Ghoul because my friend forced me to. 5 episodes in but it still awful, goddamnit!

  2. so second episode has shed some light on things that many people (including me) were butthurting since season 2 finale. pretty good start for a season, even though i really hope they will manage to finish the show this year. i mean it was obvious from the end of first season that 3 will be just perfect length for Hannibal, otherwise the show will become repetitive and lack of originality is also expected. this or the creators should have some really good ideas up in their sleeves. and by "really good ideas" i definitely don't mean killing Hannibal Lecter and make Will Graham new Hannibal. way too trivial.

  3. just finished my rewatching of LOST and wow, didn't expect this to be so damn good. again. i mean i always considered LOST to be my favorite show of all times but that's exactly the reason why i was so afraid to rewatch it. i've been afraid that my taste had changed after so many years and i didn't want to ruin my impressions that i've had about it. when i first seen LOST on tv i was still in my middle school and with every episode i liked it more and more. even when i thought it's impossible to make this series better, the creators turned my world upside down and did that! so obviously i was trying to keep that impressions of mine and didn't dare to rewatch it because somehow i was sure that if i'll ever watch it again i wont like it. since my first watch i also watched like hundred of other series, then about 1k animes and about half thousand of movies. my taste have indeed changed, i started to pay more attention to actors play, characters/plot development, music and even camera operators work. so rewatching LOST was quite a risky move, yeah. but fortunately, my fears all vanished after i started to rewatch it. i'm not saying this show has no flaws, no. there's actually many of them but it doesn't matter to me at all. what matter is that creators managed to create unique mini-universe for which geeks like me will always be grateful. long live LOST!


    ugh what a fucking wall of text but w/e. it was hard to restrain myself.

    tl;dr: LOST is SO. FUCKING. EPIC. 

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