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Posts posted by Gaz

  1. recently started The Legend of Zelda: Spitrit Tracks. the only thing i can say about it right now is I SUCK AT PLAYING THAT SHITTY FLUTE D:


    also played 4th turnabout of AAI2. makes me sad to realize that only 1 turnabound's left DDD;;;

    YASS BITCH YASSSS Franziska-sama has appeared again ^___^ added "fool of a man" to my fav Franziska phrases, yo. the way how she treated Debeste made me laugh out loud all the time xD 

    i wish i could play that last turnabout somewhere later but it's related to all previous cases and suspense is fucking killing me...

  2. watching Black Sails. somehow i ended up liking it despite quite awful actors play. 

    also Devious Maids lolol. fucking shit but Mark Cherry has some great ideas and i really liked Desperate Housewives back in days so watching for the sake of nostalgia.


    and planning to read Keigo Higashino's The Devotion of Suspect X

    lolol finally started to read this. i'm half through this book and it turned out to be pretty decent actually. 2bad there are only few of Keigo's books available in english :/

  4. i do love last.fm because it's already a decent database (with its flaws ofc but still!) of artists and releases and stuff like free mp3s, bandpics, etc. stats are <3 too ofc. so i've been also aware about last.fm near death and couldn't find better solution than to make my own small website(or just a tool) for scrobbling my shit. but that will take shittons of time and efforts to put the idea into life so idk if i ever do that (unless the website will die for real). 

    also i wonder of whether last.fm staff ever tried to hire enthusiasts who actually care about website itself because it doesn't seems they do. 

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