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Posts posted by Gaz

  1. I'm really disappointed in Femme Fatale in general. Freya sounded like anything else out there, and this cd was almost painful to listen to. Perhaps the ep format is more suitable for a band with such a lack of variety. Gladsheim, both Blanche and Noir, was much better than this. Maybe it's just me having a problem with Kaya singing in a rock band though. Personally I think Arcana is proof he should put his time into Schwarz Stein...

     this. it was a really boring album, had to skip most of the songs. 


    Kaya solo > Schwarz Stein >>>>> Femme fatale

  2. so far i'm curious about FOXPILL CULT(though i doubt this will ever see the light of a day but maybe itunes... <-lol nvm just noticed it on cdjapan), SuG, Tatsuya from Meruhen and Lucifer's underground mini. also hope for some proper release of Suicide≠cult and La'veil MizeriA

  3. last month i had some free time so i finally finished playing Apollo Justice and fuuuuck that last trial was brilliant! it amazed me how all the pieces of puzzle were put together i almost screamed out of enjoyment haha. great game, awesome series, ∞/10. definitely gonna play again someday(most likely it will be all chapters marathon). 
    and also started AAI: Miles Edgeworth: Prosecutor's Path. damn that fan translation is amazing, all the characters were translated very professionally especially the humorous parts! if i didn't know that it was a fan translation beforehand i wouldn't even notice any difference! guys from the Court Records forum did a really tremendous work for which i'm sooooo grateful <3 and i'm gonna play it as slow as i can to prolong the pleasure P:


    edit: oh and that new logic chess feature is great!

  4. i've never watched that movie so i don't know what are you talking about. however i disagree about him being way better in BLOOD. for me BLOOD is just a garbage in comparison to SaTaN. though i liked few songs of them.


    anyway the hiatus or even a disbandment doesnt mean that he will start doing "different" music. judging by his solo cd it actually sounds like lighter version of SaTaN. 


    also it's noticeable that their releases as two-piece band were a bit weaker than old ones. i definitely dont want to see them decaying so i wont be very upset about disbandment i guess...

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