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Posts posted by Gaz

  1. while watching Ergo Proxy OP i thought about how well-made that opening is both visual-wise and music-wise. it definitely fits for this show imo.

    so how about we could share our favorite openings/endings, huh? lemme start this.



    as i've already said it's fucking awesome. makes me want to check more MONORAL stuff...



    another amazing opening. i actually never watched or planned to watch One Piece until i first seen it. this is how shounen anime openings should look like! flawless one piece of art!



    i guess i just love number 13 lolol. this time it's Bleach. that song by itself has made me to like SID music. pretty sad song but it perfectly fits for the final fight with Aizen. 



    and the last one (for now) is Rainbow opening with coldrain's song. not a big fan of coldrain but damn this song is pretty cool. and it also gives perfect mood for watching such anime as Rainbow.



    will be back with more when i'll remember some.

  2. finally i have some free time and free time means rewatching anime time.


    so i rewatched Baccano! today and i still enjoyed it as much as i did first time. isaak and miria are one of my favorite anime duo of all times. awesome series! the only bad thing about it is small number of episodes (only 16 T__T). anyway there are like 20+ volumes of light novel so i'm going to read all these someday.


    the next's gonna be Ergo Proxy. i can hardly remember the plot of this series and i expect to get my dose of suspence out of it now P:

  3. after listening to this album i pretty sure i dont hate it. i literally hated MRC, it was atrocious piece of trash which only belongs to garbage bin and nowhere else. fuck, i regret even listening to it! well it's not the point anyway. camera obscura was much more bearable that MRS. even though i was quite annoyed by yuuki's doing hakuei worship every now and again at first, but in the end i actually kinda liked it. the most remarkable song for me was probably bakane (maybe it's just because i already liked that track a little). other than that there wasn't anything outstanding at all. 


    so yeah it was ok for one listen but no way i'll even listen to it again. and when it comes to rating i guess it would be 3/10 (since i managed to listen to it from beginning to the end without skipping tracks). 

  4. (because they look cool)

    weeeell, i can hardly say that sadiesmarry look was cool. la'veil's is defenitely an improvement though. anyway i think oversea fans like them more about their music than about their look. and also that they are like the only band which is still remains tr00 and kvlt these days.

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