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Posts posted by Gaz

  1. finished 2 seasons of The Fall earlier this week and was more or less okay with what i've got there. i really need some more psychological shite like this tbh. kinda reminded me of The Silence of the Lambs a little. and the music is really good and moody.


    10 episodes of Heroes Reborn were pretty much as i've expected them to be: generic and forgettable, with a few annoying characters and utterly useless pathos. but still it's not that bad, maybe even better than 4th season of the original Heroes series.


    7 episodes of 5th Homeland season proved to be way better than previous season was, so i'm going to finish this season and wont drop it, as i originally planned to. 


    also watched 3 episodes of Fargo's new season. well, i was ready that it wont be as awesome as first season was, but it exceeded my expectations in a way that this season is still great and it has that one special Fargo's hue, which makes the show unique and awesome. still, 1st season > movie > 2nd season.

  2. watched Mr. Robot recently and can't say i enjoyed it. but since i haven't dropped it, i might say it was more or less okay? in any case with each episode it was getting worse and worse. most of characters were annoying and "unexpected plot twist" could only appreciate brainless retards, who weren't able to foresee it in the first episode. not sure if i'll give a try to second season.


    on the other hand, Narcos was a brilliant shit by all means. despite few not-very-significant things i didn't like about it, i can say with confidence that this is the best series of 2015 so far. "so far" because i have yet to face new season of Fargo. and i really hope it won't be ruined as it was with 2nd season of True Detective.

  3. reading A Feast for Crows. well it's not as bad as i was afraid it would be but Cersei and Brienne's chapters are fucking awful. also what a shame those bastards invited Lena Headey for her role. besides of being awful actress, she's also old and fugly, jfc. in books she is described like femme fatale but in series she's just an ewwwughhhkdjhkjf. anyway, i'm enjoying Greyjoy's and Dorn chapters as well as Arya's. 


    also reading C# in Depth by Jon Skeet and JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford. pretty cool stuff if you like these programming languages. funnily enough, that i first read Flanagan's JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (which is awesome). usually it's other way around: people first read Good Parts and then Guide.

  4. bought a few nds/3ds games to have them in my collection even though i'm not a collector myself...




    still waiting until CAPCOM bastards announce a physical release of PW: AA - Dual Destinies. digital games are fucking shit, not even interested in buying them.

  5. well i only tried this to confirm that gazette are still playing shit (or maybe even got worse, since they did so constantly till now) but after listening through i, to my big surprise, actually enjoyed it now and there. not bad, though nothing remarkable. oh and caps song titles are retarded shit

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