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Posts posted by Gaz

  1. I am planning a rewatch of LOST too, but I don't have much time unfortunately :-(



    i wonder if i rewatch LOST for my 3rd time and it will be better than it was before (like it was with my 2nd time).


    anyway, watching Suits now. this series is okay. itty-witty lawyers bullshit mixed with mediocre relationship shit. worth watching if you are into this kind of stuff.

  2. watched Freaks and Geeks earlier this week. an alright family series with some funny moments here and there. 


    also watched 3 episodes of the new X-Files. it's pretty good and i wouldn't mind if they will prolong it for one more season or even two. but yeah that mythology arc has became fucking ridiculous by now. have to admit that each year makes Gillian Anderson hotter and hotter, so even if The X-Files will be utterly shitty i will continue to watch it anyway.


    right now i'm watching Rome. HBO + historical drama = fucking epic shit!

  3. Beat that one for the 2nd time earlier this week as well.. Still sort of feel like the whole inverted castle thing is bullshit, but those graphics... 100% some of the best sprite work EVER


    yeah inverted castle feels pretty much like just another walkthrough through the castle, but it's still a lot of fun nonetheless. the music, the graphics, the characters, the gameplay - gosh everything is superb there! GBA & NDS Castlevanias were also awesome, but they simply couldn't reach the level of Symphony...

  4. There's some boring characters, corny dialogue and iffy acting at times, but overall I enjoyed it and I sense a geat potential buried underneath it all.


    ^this! the second season was much better than 1st and much more intensive, too. really looking forward to its 3rd season which just has started 2 weeks ago.


    watched Into the Badlands which was alright. cool fights and some interesting characters are there. 

    also watched first episode of BBC's War and Peace. looks good so far, so i'm gonna continue with it.

  5. @Bear pretty much agree with everything you said about The Hateful Eight. even though i was quite sceptical about this at first, but after watching it undoubtedly became my personal favorite 2015th movie and one of Tarantino's best works. 

  6. well yeah, 2nd season is really good, i can't deny it. yet there are still some things which are bugging me about it. obviously, after making such an outstanding 1st season Hawley tried to make this one even better: more charismatic characters, more criminal/detective stuff, more killings and of course more idiosyncrasies (still not sure how to feel about that UFO thing lol). however, to me it looks like trying to make it better they a bit overdid it(but just a bit). also, imo, Gerhardt family wasn't that remarkable to have so much time in the show. yeah, they were an important part of the story, but quite a few scenes with them were pretty useless and not really interesting. and one more thing that first season had is Lorne fucking Malvo, flawlessly played by Billy Bob Thornton. he's the main reason why do i love Fargo so much. true, Hanzee was a decent replacement for him but, unfortunately, his character didn't receive enough screen time in this season.


    i'm just really curious what's gonna happen in the 3rd season. since it's 2010, there'll definitely be some with Molly and other folks from season 1. ugh, spring 2017, more than a year of wait :/

  7. ^ at the beginning i was worried because first half of season 2 wasn't as good as 1st season wasm but by the end they've managed to pull out everything i wanted to see there. best show of 2015 without any doubts. as well as 1st season is my number 1 for 2014. can't fucking wait what will they show us in the next season!


    meanwhile, marathoning The X-Files (almost finished 7th season). a very decent show, despite some cheesy moments. almost every episode written by Chris Carter or Vince Gilligan has been pretty awesome tbh.

  8. watched that new Star Wars movie. if it wasn't for going to cinema with pals after drunk party then i doubt i could've managed to sit through the whole movie. but since i kinda expected it to be lulzworthy and had much worse expectations, it actually turned to be quite enjoyable (disregarding few cheesy moments). though it's obvious that movie was poorly done, the creators didn't seem to care much about details and how everything fits with the story. and these new main actors weren't good either, not sure if it's due to their lack of experience or just because they aren't remarkable in general. 

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