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Posts posted by Gaz

  1. finished Buffy last week. it was that kind of series i wanted to watch since school but somehow there were other things to watch. so now, 7 years after i watched Angel, the time has finally came. Buffy was pretty much as i've expected: mediocre series with funny/interesting episodes every now and then.  lots of nostalgia too. kinda liked it.  would've liked it even more if i watched it when i was still at school when it was aired on tv. 

    oh and btw, i totally hated Dawn and her silly squeals. Buffy herself was quite annoying at times. Anya was great though. Emma Caulfield is such a cutie <3


    also watched old british version of House of Cards novels adaptation. can't say i enjoyed it, but it's good to know where american's House of Cards took inspiration from. main plot twists were pretty much the same. hopefully Netflix won't finish their show by killing Frank in the end, that would be so lame. Kevin Spacey's Frank is like thousand times better than Ian Richardson's. 


    now i'm in the middle of 2nd season of Person of Interest. great series made by Christopher Nolan's brother Jonathan. season 1 finale was fucking awesome! and season 2 was nothing but great so far. i really hope this series will keep being great (or maybe even gets better) by 5th season, which should be the last one iirc.


    dunno yet what to start after i finish PoI. maybe OZ or Six Feet Under. both are from HBO and both have pretty good ratings. 

  2. lol @  bringing Rickon into the game who looks even older than Bran. most likely they brought him just to kill him at some point lol. also it really annoys me that in the series one season equal one year. winter will be forever coming there.


    it's good to know that they will show us Oldtown arc. but judging by its pace that will probably be in the next season. 


    nothing really interesting happened in this episode imo. so far it's the weakest episode of this season.

  3. yeah but still it's hard to predict what he's gonna do next. will he leave Night's Watch for Winterfell/someplace else or stay there and lead the defense against White walkers/Others. both are quite the possibilities. 


  4. welp so Jon is alive. OMG HOW UNEXPECTED!! ...not. was hoping there would be more to it but w/e. i'm curious how they will play his card later on.


    also Greyjoys are in the game now, which is really good imo. besides now D&D have more screen time to drag the show without making up their own stuff. the same thing goes with Bran. now there is quite a definite possibility that we'll see Robert/Ned vs Rhaegar fight. 


    so i'd say they(D&D) prolly took a defensive strategy trying to use as much of books' plots as they can before doing some drastic changes.  

  5. yeah Martells twist was pretty rad. now they can't go back to anything that already happened in the books(Quentin and Aegon's arcs).  so basically after not being forced to stick to books anymore the show's got new life. 


    not sure if Daenerys will go for Westeros at all - in episode 3 she should reach Vaes Dothrak, which is pretty far even from free cities.


    also looking at episodes titles at some website a week ago it's was clear that Greyjoys will appear, which would be awesome because i really liked Victarion, Euron and Aeron. pirates are the shit! but now they have removed all but three first episode titles. some strange shit's going on. 


    what i'm really curious about now is what's going on in Oldtown. prologue chapter of book 4 gave me dem thrills. 

  6. finished my 3rd run of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. also managed to beat the game with Richter. it was fun(in some way), but Alucard is my man nonetheless. 


    now i continued playing Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies. unfortunately, i'm not so hyped with this game like i was with the previous games in the series. it's still great, though. worth checking if you are into this kind of stuff.

  7. watched last two episodes of Black Sails 


    shit, why did they have to kill captain Vane? one of the best characters of this show and now he's gone. not sure how to feel about season's ending. i haven't really liked John Silver from the beginning, so him being a new legend is kinda meh. i hope Teach character will get more screen time in the next season because he's pretty cool. in general, 3rd season was a bit worse than 2nd to me. this show needs more action.

  8. went to watch Batman vs Superman with my co-workers and was highly disappointed with it. i mean, it wasn't just bad, it was extremely awful and super shitty. fuck, i'd rather take a shower of shit than watch through it again! i just can't believe that very same director had brought Watchmen to us, and that Christopher Nolan was an executive producer here. seriously, i don't recall last time when i watched a movie and regretted it so badly. i was kinda happy that my co-workers were also displeased with this, so we could all rant about it after the movie has ended ^__^

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