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    nullmoon reacted to suji in ProTip Thread   
    protip: don't have children. like, at all.
  2. Like
    nullmoon reacted to ArtFart in ProTip Thread   
    If they are eager to leave their partner or cheat on them for you, there is a good chance they will leave or cheat on you for someone else.
    Give them their space. It's cool if you wanna do everything together, but you gotta respect the fact that they have a right to privacy as well, and if you can't trust them, then there is either something wrong with your relationship or your self esteem.
    Don't be a dick. Like seriously, they are gonna like shit you find stupid, but that doesn't mean you need to degrade them for it.
    Not everyone is comfortable with it, but if you are, find someone you can look at butts and cute girls together with.
  3. Like
    nullmoon reacted to leafwork in Leafwork Jewelry   
    Pride Collection items now available!
    More coming soon!



  4. Like
    nullmoon reacted to herpes in X Japan - We Are X: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack   
    This pompous fucker. Bet he only played the first movement. 
  5. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Tokage in X Japan - We Are X: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack   
    I mean, I can sort of understand people being disappointed if they go in hoping to see X the metal band and they end up getting The Pringles Man & Friends' Ballad Power Hour instead..
  6. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from efuru in Show Yourself (again)   
    Just me being bored at work. Don't all swoon at once. 
  7. Like
    nullmoon reacted to orange~ in X Japan - We Are X: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack   
    Needs more Yoshiki solos
  8. Like
    nullmoon reacted to violetchain in X Japan - We Are X: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack   
    I'm not even finished listening to the classic X albums, tbh, so I don't really care if they ever finish a new one or not. I just come to these threads for the YOSHIKI jokes.
  9. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Biopanda in LADYBEARD new idol group, "DEADLIFT LOLITA"   
    Also ngl I'm a bit disappointed they didn't go with SWOLITA
  10. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Takadanobabaalien in X Japan - We Are X: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack   
    Yup! I'm glad Toshi is doing something good. These days I'd probably choose going to a Toshi solo gig over a X gig lmao. I also like that he works with guys in the current scene, that's pretty awesome. 
  11. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Xetem in the GazettE   
    I should have noted that the last live I've seen of L'arc en Ciel was in 2012 (Nissan stadium I think). If I remember correctly, I wasn't the only one that had a "holy shit" moment when I heard Hyde's singing compared to just a year prior.
     Kiss? I mean... it was aight. Listening to anything with Yukihiro kind of hurts my feelings though. 
    The "hobo yelling era of '90-'91" was my personal favorite. What Saishu said was spot on. His vocal style had that raw youthful energy that fit their earlier work perfectly. 
    His "failed, vocal coached vocalcraft" was actually pretty great for the type of music they were making around the '98-'00 era. (i.e. Storm, Tonight). There's really nothing to complain if you're looking at it objectively.
    See 5:13 of the link. 
    Division is their best live and album to date. Not going to even touch on the "Ruki lost a lot off his range after DIM actually". The songs are just different. The only proof that I need is 2:06 of the Undying video that I posted earlier in the thread. 
    Overall I didn't care for Dogma, but Ominous was fun and Incubus had a catchy little chorus. Did anyone else notice the little annoying cuts in certain tracks? (see 1:40 of Incubus)
    I figured that when I compliment a singer on this forum, it will be within the bubble of vk/jrock standards (thought that was obvious enough). If I want to fap over "great vocalists", I'll go listen to R Kelly or Luther Vandross. 
  12. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Karma’s Hat in the GazettE   
    It's their way of paying back for stealing Slipknot riffs all these years
  13. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Pretsy in the GazettE   
    1) Why are we still caring about Engrish? I have yet to find the positive record of someone utilizing COMPREHENSIBLE, FLUENT english in vk anthems around here - and since it's all about the voice of the masses: "why would they sing a song in a language they are not familiar with" is a very lazy and lethargic excuse.
    2) Sure, preferences vary whenever it's about Manson and/or Gaga influences feeding upon new Gazette but let's stop for a moment and ponder this: isn't it basically palatable that Gazette has been one of the few mainstream VK acts to actually "break" the stereotype of visual "backwardism" we've been witnessing throughout these years...could one even fathom the fact that we still have VK bands that look like 2016 but sound like 2009 quality AND mixing-wise? Come to think of it anyway - even these oyaji groups have been discovering ways to "get with the times", whereas VK indie scene is being infested with so-called "cool" kids and their ideas of dated melomaniac pleasure a la mid-00s VK revival with no "revolutionary" progression whatsoever?
    3) I am not gonna touch "rubbish, terrible"-comments without any elaboration either. Perhaps Gazette is not your cup of tea? So what was your contribution in this discussion again?
    - Wikipedia
    - Easily modifiable resource pages
    - Still cares about genre wankery
    5) So you are saying that cancerous fandoms are EXCLUSIVELY and SOLELY related to Gazette? Wew, lad.
    6) Even the most eager critics tend to agree with the notion that Gazette has gained recognition due to their easily recognizable antics and almost "genderbending" tendencies - just like with other Japanese genrebenders inside and outside of our beloved visual scene. Why would possibly westernized individual care about symphonic power metal outfits like X or Versailles,  low-budget mix flares of Kiryu and D, and stagnant animoo glory of Naitomea? As much as we would sympathize towards these acts as long-time VK weebs - is it really that hard to adopt opposite, "biased" views for a moment? Could you at least delve into details and convince our possible (albeit disinterested) non-VK (but yet Gazette-fanboying/girling) public that why these acts matter more in the context of international fanbase?
    I do admit that I had my on/off-times with Gazette for a decade already, but imho it's really hard to argue against the well-functionable, internationally palatable soundscape of mostly mashing Slipknot and Luna Sea influences together. In that sense Ruki and co. were smart enough to realize what exactly was relevant for those times aside from minding their own biases.
  14. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Deathtopi4 in the GazettE   
    Lol I mean to each their own but without Ruki's english (and this applies to many other Japanese bands that use english at times) we would be deprived of some pretty fabulous lyrics. The world would be a darker place without the reckless driving cucumber. Things like that just make me smile, plus it's always cool when people explore different languages, band members included. 
  15. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Pretsy in The Biggest WTF moments In Jrock   
    @cvlticNow you made me curious - so when exactly did this episode happen to Sugizo - I do acknowledge that his off-stage personality might disappoint those assuming he would be some sort of rockstart badass in person as well but this...?
    Oh, also:
    This may have been mentioned and cited to the point of exhaustion but Aoi from the GazettE has surely garnered a vast bunch of dedicated haters from otaku/vocaloid fanbase thanks to his otherwise ridiculous vocaloid jeering on Twitter back in 2011 or 2012-ish - maybe later (Tomomi cut him at the roots and halted his Twitter activities immediately after such uproar). Just when exactly did he have the platform to say such things when his band's music around the same time sounded more artificial than professional Miku tunes?
  16. Like
    nullmoon reacted to ficsci in What do (or did) your parents listen to?   
    My dad doesn't really listen to music. My mom is into stuff that you can dance to. They listen to stuff that are even older than their generation (wtf, seriously?)
    But I do appreciate the James Brown CD that my mom listened to a lot in the car. I'm like, "DAT INTRO" and "DAT BASS LINE". Yeah.
  17. Like
    nullmoon reacted to beni in What do (or did) your parents listen to?   
    Mum is strictly into Kate Bush. Nothing else matters. She only likes a few tracks on mainstream music TV, but that's it. It's hilarious trying to show her anything else because she instantly says it's bad and doesn't give it a chance.
    Nan is into the old classics like Elvis, her favourite. She's a lot more open to music but that's because she's way too sweet and doesn't mind listening to even Vocaloid and DEATHGAZE. Rock on, nanny~
  18. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Pretsy in What do (or did) your parents listen to?   
    Literal necro time:
    I and my dad (who, well, passed away years ago) used to share same affinity for anything "U2-lite" (well, in my case it's Laruku haha), Steely Dan (which became more prominent in my taste after rediscovering them along with this whole city pop thing) and CSN (I still feel ashamed to admit this).
    My mom on the other hand is more or less about "overemotional vocal antics" and she always approved my liking for folks akin to Hyde (oops) or so on. But in all seriousness, our tastes sorta collided in enjoying "ethereal" acts : in her case it would be Enya and Enigma, while in my case it would be Kate Bush and Cocteau Twins...if that even makes any sense at all.
    Both of them were stricly against this whole """""degenerate rock""""" culture (see: what me and our overall community enjoys, methinks?) and it took a while for them to digest my affinity for "pretty much anything as long as it doesn't end sounding too pedestrian".
    So, no matter how "embarrassing" this may sound:my ties with my parents kinda led me to this "closed loop" of enjoying things they used to jam to as well around the same age.
  19. Like
    nullmoon reacted to violetchain in What do (or did) your parents listen to?   
    My mom is really open-minded. She is very willing to absorb whatever is going on around her. Growing up she liked The Beatles (her favourite was George, for some reason), David Bowie, Al Green and a lot of other big artists from the 60s and 70s, and while she is still really fond of stuff from her youth, she also listens to current radio stations and always checks out the big award shows and stuff, which I think is pretty cool.
    We bond the most over music when we listen to Randy Bachman's Vinyl Tap together. It's always fun when she's like "What, you don't know this one?" when he plays some pop hit from the 60s.
    My dad was a bit more selective. He really liked classical music, but I remember that he also liked songs like Madonna's "La Isla Bonita" and enjoyed upbeat stuff like Bon Jovi and The Go-Gos.
  20. Like
    nullmoon reacted to desparejo86 in Google trends showing the decline of visual kei   
    What was once cool and new is destined to become uncool and old.
    ANY movement is going to peak and then decline at some point.
    It went from a huge movement/style down to a small niche thing in Japan. And like how there are still sleaze and hairmetal bands forming in Hollywood and playing the Whisky on Tuesday nights, just because there are new bands and an audience for it to a degree doesn't mean it isn't a dead genre. It said what it had to say.
    Fans in the west were 5-10 years behind the times. We discovered Visual at the turn on the century, and spent the decade not only getting into the bands that were around, but all the cool VK bands from the previous two decades. Needless to say, there was a TON of great shit to discover.
    But, eventually, the well ran dry. 
    For most people I've met that were into the genre, VK was like Kiss: a gateway drug into music in general but for weaboo/nerdy kids. Some people got into goth stuff (guilty!), some got into screamo and numetal, some got into prog rock, whatever. But the common thread is that 99% of them left that shit (visual kei/kiss) behind once they discovered more music and refind their tastes.
    What's left is us: the creepy Kiss fans still painting our faces and shit to come out and see Gene Simmon and Paul Stanley phone it in for the millionth time at our local casinos. Arguing about weather Kiss would have been better off to keep Ace around, speculating as to the whereabouts of Vinny Vincent, and debating what is truly the worst track on 'Hot in the Shade.' It's  the way things go. If you don't believe me, pop on over to the MetalSludge.TV message board and see old 80s rocker guys, now in their 50s, doing the same thing we're doing here.
    I'm here because Visual Kei changed my fucking life, man. Defined who I was, what music I listen to (I own David Sylvian's Weatherbox FFS), how I dressed and wore my hair. Every smoking hot girlfriend, every cross country tour, damn near every good thing that happened to me can more or less be traced back to getting some shitty .asf and .rm files of Luna Sea, L'arc, and Malice Mizer music videos  back in 99 or 00. 
    Look, we were there for it. Love it, accept it, talk about it, listen to the old albums that meant so much to you, maybe even find a cool new band or two (I like Xaa-Xaa), etc. but there is nothing sad about that graph. This thing, it was our thing. 
    And that's all I have to say. Gotta get back to making fun of Yoshiki.
  21. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Furik in Crossfaith remix album "New Age Warriors Remix" release   
    Oh wow, Shikari Sound System, Bloody Beetroots AND The Qemists? This'll be good.
  22. Like
    nullmoon reacted to herpes in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    Typo, he meant Smarch.
  23. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    The sad thing is it's not "they", it's just fucking Yoshiki. 
    That's his new full name now: Fucking Yoshiki. 
  24. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Vercingetorix in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    I think you've just identified what Yoshiki most often dreams about.
    The self-love the man exudes these days is grotesque.
  25. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Crube in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    We're going to get Guns n' Roses 'Chinese TWOmoracy' and Duke Nukem Forever 2: Forever and Ever before the new X Japan album, aren't we?
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