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Everything posted by JRD

  1. I like the visuals; the music I will judge in 5 days.
  2. Came home to watch the finale of shitstain 4. I am none to pleased.

  3. JRD

    I was waiting for this tracklist forever. 4 Songs that are digital downloads, and the rest was written when Kai was in the band lol. 5 new songs total + the SE we know is track one. Sad it's released a day before my birthday D: I guess this will be a b-day present to myself.
  4. JRD

    メロディック渦巻 - キミイチマイル グラビティ - だだっだー!! グラビティ - テンテコマイ グラビティ - 人狼ゲーム グラビティ - 人生カワタニエン [冬のコンポタージュ暖かいんだから盤] グラビティ - 人生カワタニエン [自販機でコーヒー押したらおしるこが出てきちゃった盤] Jin-Machine - Re:Born [Type A+B] with Like an Edison purchase bonus photo :/ Jin-Machine - ホワイトデーソング A≠ris - ヒカリ with 4 chekis Silver Linings - Unnamed Song 0.1gの誤算 - 平成誤算大全 [会場限定盤]
  5. JRD

    Well, you can see that if you've seen my pictures before, that I've changed my overall appearance. I like playing with make-up, I do wear it to work and I let them know if they fuck with me, I have HR on speed dial and HR said I can wear makeup to work, no one cares though that I wear makeup sometimes; so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. JRD

    Panigyao here. MMF was their label until 2006. Then everything was produced by Kana himself; he wore himself out doing all the managing, producing, making album art, e.t.c and retired, thus ending Panic Channel(save for Meguru doing sessions under Panic Channel with his current project's memebers; also because KYO~YA retired as awell). They were never on sequence; Tomozo is Meguru's close friend, so they got featured on a lot of sequence stuff, but never were signed with the label.
  7. I want to be in the new FULL EFFECT' PV. Too bad they're only asking for gyas to do a fucking furi video.

    1. BrenGun


      Just ask them if you can be in the new pv. 

  8. If y'all wanted to know what's happened with me during my absence 


    1. Zeus


      welcome back

    2. chemicalpictures


      feel for you, man. I hope you find the strengh you need to stay strong and sober for years to come. Always remember the people who love you, the people you love, and all the difference you make in their lives.

  9. JRD

    This is gonna be long. I suffer from GAD, Social Anxiety, Bi-Polar, and depression. I've been taking these with a lot of meds. including Alprozalam; which in itself is extremely addicting and after a while your body becomes dependent on it. I've been suffering 4 years of trying to ween off of this, which most would consider xanax. I hold a high paying job and working on my graduates in English; the stress level that comes with it combined with my irrational fear of looking people in the eyes, sitting next to people, eating out in public, being around people I don't know would give me extreme anxiety and panic attacks. Xanax would calm me down and destroy this fight or flight response, but I began to abuse it for the littlest of things; like running to the grocery store, shopping, etc. Every day I've been taking less and less of Xanax and my Therapist has been trying to get me into group therapy; but I can't stand being in a room talking about feelings with people I don't know. What triggered all this was just one acid trip from hell. I've been raving for well over ten years at this point, but a fateful day 5 years ago, at EDC, that changed my life forever. I've always suffered from these symptoms, but the bad acid trip from hell forever changed my life. Don't judge the drugs on this kids; once you try something and you like it, there's a fight everyday of your life to resist the urge to stay sober. If it wasn't for my determination to live abroad for 2 years, I would never have been here today. I thought about suicide to end my suffering. I still have the scars from my attempt, but in the end seeing the eyes of the people you love when you struggle to live or die is the most hurtful.
  10. JRD


    I hacked this account. I've read all the messages and please inbox me anything that I left unfinished 2 years ago. I'll gladly sort everything out. And why fuh am I not an Iconic member. More than 300 of these post have been me uploading rares for you kids.
  11. I'm a huge FULL EFFECT' Stan but moving to BLAZE to Sound Museum Vision? Do THEY HAVE THAT MANY FANS? I know they wouldn't be able to fill half of Blaze, but Vision has a capacity of 400 more! That's 1000 people!

    1. Komorebi


      You're going to see them this month, right?

    2. JRD


      Yes! But I'm talking about them changing their oneman venue in November(also going to that)

    3. Komorebi



      have lots of fun then!

  12. Dai will come back and everyone is gonna have to choose which forum we want to be apart of. IAMWILL will come back and flame anyone that says anything bad about Diru, and don't forget about KAWON either, e.t.c, I miss the drama T.T but here's to another 10 years of us BSing and going into our 30s and caring about guys dressing up and looking pretty for underage girls with their over the top host club look and more bad vocals please!?
  13. Would anyone be interested in buying all my Melody stuff(I have everything but one demo tape and 1 single) and Sibilebashir stuff up to Tsukihime?(sans :未練の雨(復刻盤) and 未練の雨(漆黒盤)).

  14. Miyavi was in Kong: Skull Island? I did not see her at all.

    1. JRD



    2. Biopanda


      Who do you think played Kong?

    3. freesia


      Just watched the movie without knowing Miyavi was in it and I got so surprised to see him in the beginning of the movie!

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  15. Got my stuff from Danao today! Item in pristine condition and bubble wrapped. Serious seller and responds quickly. Would definitely do another transaction if another chance arises!
  16. I guess my friends made an impromptu trip to Japan in next month. See whoever at FULL EFFECT' oneman live on the 15th and again in November for Blaze.

    1. Mamo


      Sounds fun.

  17. JRD

    Someone start running Visual Scandal again, then we would not have this problem.
  18. Why does FB have to remind me today was one of the worst days of my life 6 years ago?

  19. JRD

    Yep! Suzu rejoined and he wrote 9 songs off the album. Karu(bass) wrote 3, Tsuyoshi(guitar) wrote one song, and the last one is a remake of 紅い糸(of course written by hisato). I guess Suzu is gonna be the main song writer now because all the songs he wrote are heavy and reminiscent of the first 5 releases.
  20. I guess Kiwi or someone from starwave lurks here since they took down my synk;yet video that was on unlisted on my channnel.

    1. Komorebi


      What's more impressive is whoever it is, can access the proper section.

  21. JRD

    As if you guys don't know who this band is already since it's me lol
  22. Gawd some asshole drank my Peach Iced Tea from the fridge at work. I'm extremely upset now.

    1. JRD


      Stop giving me ideas hahahaha.

    2. nekkichi



    3. chemicalpictures


      food stealers co-workers are on the top 5 of the motherfuckers list sent straight to hell in the afterlife

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  23. Tenso sucks ass even more than before. I'm not paying 500yen a package from different auction wins to be shipped. Is there an alternative to this BS?

    1. Seimeisen


      For most of last year, FJ was taking mercari orders with no problems at all, I placed quite a few actually. A friend of mine tried to get a mercari order sent to her tenso address after they stopped shipping to FJ, but couldn't go through with it because they don't take foreign payment cards.

    2. suji


      I ordered one thing out of Mercari through Remambo and it actually went through and I got the item; I then tried to buy something from a different Mercari seller through FJ, but by then, FJ stopped their services for Mercari...plus I hear that certain Mercari sellers don't do business with foreigners :/ idk, this is all too confusing.

    3. JRD


      Thanks for remambo lol they look cheaper compared to FJ now. I think after Mbok died, all the xenophobic people went to mercari.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  24. When you eat a lot of the Garlic Parmesan Traditional Wings from WingStop and your pee just reeks of it. 

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Haha, since you specified that they were 'traditional' wings... I'm forced to assume your pee smells like garlic parmesan AND bones.

  25. JRD

    I think Ten Ten killed MBHI to make a mess of his old bands that doesn't mesh well. You can obvs tell this with Razor because Tatsuya is written the music, and the djent sound and heaviness that came with Tatsuya, went with him to Razor. Seriously Lack.Co is all over the place, I can't find it listenable. I love his vocals, but this band is killing his career and taking a huge dump on it.
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