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Everything posted by JRD

  1. I'm not dead.

    1. hiroki


      <3 missed you bby

    2. JRD


      Missed you tons too <3

  2. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU live limited. Ten Ten must really hate be in needs of fans.
  3. I fucking love this. I want it.
  4. I hope it goes back to the e chugging djent inspired metalcore thing they were doing before Tetsuya left. Or everyone rejoining and we finally get a My head bursting open call a doctor decent release with I HATE SUNDAY. Or we get a Chemical Pictures one man tour reunion with Jimmy or a KuRt reunion with a Zill hologram. One can only dream. Ten Ten, don't break my heart.
  5. JRD

    I'm gonna go look at my shirtless koudai chekis and cry.
  6. Hi, guys! I'm back. Currently uploading Gekijou Tenor's last live to post later when it finishes.

  7. Thanks for the Birthday wishes everyone <3 Truly appreciate it!

  8. I seriously starting to think the troll is from this board lol PLEASE SHOW YOURSELF TO ME! LET'S BE FRIENDS! I really enjoy your effort!

    1. hiroki


      the part about his shindo heritage from the feudal times made me LOL. i'm gonna look up the rest :P

    2. hiroki


      i mean shinto

    3. JRD


      It's like tanuki is coming to me! I want to reply so bad. I really want to know if this person is actually this crazy!

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  9. Okay, so who is the troll spamming my DragonWAPPPPPPER vids with tanuki like gossip about P and talking shit about the memebers? Even the part about blaming P for the death of someone in the earthquake. It's not trolling when I find it funny!

    1. emmny


      *raises hand*

    2. emmny


      im serious if u find out who did it tell me, they're an icon for doing this. we need that kind of hilarity here.

    3. JRD


      I totally will! But this person, I think, only speaks Japanese, so it'll be a problem for some people hahaha.

  10. I have a  love/hate relationship with the new design T.T

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Also, what's that follower thing for?

    2. Zeus


      @Δtypical, I did not make this skin. I just purchased it, installed it, and am currently tweaking it. We are looking into other options actively but we will roll with this for a few weeks or so.  The follower system is a replacement to the friend system  from IPS 3.x. I elected to remove all friends so that people wouldn't get 100+ notifications upon logging in.

    3. PsychoΔelica


      @Zeus But we still get notified about someone following us, plus on 1000 other things that weren't notified about before.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  11. Listening to FULL EFFECT' on my friends Sennheiser HD800 series with the new Fiio amp. And now im startimg to realize how much I hate him for having such an amazing pair of headphones. I shoild stop buying CDs and invest in these. So now you guys are safe for a while if you're rares hunting.

    1. Zeus


      The 600s are not much of a step down in sound and are still a good price check them out!

    2. JRD


      Yeah I have the 600s lol but thanks for the rec!

    3. WhirlingBlack


      I found the HD800s to be a bit treble happy and sterile whenever I tested them. Later I did try a modded pair though which fixed that issue but I'm hesitant to make surgery in such expensive phones. I Ended up going for the LCD-2 which sadly loses out in comfort but they can't be beat in the price-range if accurate, tight bass is something you like. Thought I'd throw that in there on the subject of hi-fi.

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  12. When you don't own cable and waiting to watch RPDR T.T

    1. doombox


      Same problem here. ;;

    2. Jigsaw9


      *praying to bittorrent gods as we speak*

  13. JRD

    ALIVE will be missed T.T Been following them since their inception. Superb last mini. I have everything(including the Driver Wing live dist. ver) except U+I(live dist) and FULL AKI REVOLUTION T.T
  14. Well, it's 2 songs at least, right? Time to throw more money just to get this release. They fucked me over so hard with Mad as a March Hare. Bought that release for an insane amount for one song, then just to announce a week later they put it on a V.A, but luckily their music is amazing, so I don't mind.
  15. GG heavy stuff. Tetsuya wrote 90% of the music. But at least we get a heavier version of KuRt and Chemical Pictures.
  16. Exactly what I was thinking, but with breakdowns.
  17. JRD

    Yeah she does, but the way she's coming off of the show is worse than Violet Chachki edit in the beginning of season 7. Plus violet wowed me with her runway the first episode and won me over. Cause she knew her fashion. Looked on Bob's instagram too and none of her work seems to be awe inspiring like some of the queens on the show. I really want Kim Chi to win, but knowing that probably won't happen, I want Dax. I think she has a lot up her sleeves. But knowing Ru, she probably already picked the winner before the show started. That's why I think S7 was rigged for Ginger Minj to win, but the way she came off the show made violet chachki win.
  18. http://ziggrat.shop-pro.jp/ everyone does know that they do eventually put all their stuff onto their webshop before right? Get stuff from their webshop! They throw in a lot of extra things for you for free!
  19. JRD

  20. JRD

    I agree with this statement 100%, but I believe they're gonna put Bob, Acid, and maybe Dax. I bet they're gonna crown Bob, which I don't want. Thorgy for miss congeniality or Naomi Smalls! Naomi seems so down to earth, even when they were throwing shade at her, she didn't take it to heart. I want to be her best friend or something like that! Why can't Katya be on this season too(She'll probably on All Stars)! She made last season! She should be on every season tbh. They brought back Shangela once! I'm loving the fact that this thread was made on my birthday too!
  21. My body can't handle this. The waiting is killing me for new music. Ten Ten, why you do dis to me?
  22. Even though I don't like how much more they synthesize their music, I hope they get enough people cause it's been long overdue album since Palholic, which came out like 4-5 years ago(I don't feel like looking up the date). And of course they have to put those recent live sold/dist songs on the album too, because I'm dying to hear them T.T
  23. JRD

    Every time I see an FE' thread I get sad, because it'll probably months or years before I get my hands on a copy of a new release. T.T Still need Tariki Hongan 2 and that live dist. CD on 2015/12/16.
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