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Everything posted by JRD

  1. You know it hurts when someone blantly lies in your face a swears that they weren't in the wrong and blames you for even caring. Then you hear it from another person that what you've believe all along was true

  2. JRD

    BRB crying. Take all my money ten ten.
  3. I like where this is kinda headed to and not really. All that ass kissing and one girl trying to prove a point that kiwamu is a dick. Someone should link Dada to the kiwamu thread here for the lulz.
  4. JRD

    Totes agree with proper core thing. A lot of VK bands tend to do half ass on metal and the likes and just runs it into the ground with bad boring generic riffing and overuse of power chords to the max with shitty time sigs. I kinda didn't like yoshiatsu's clean vocals in this song. Sorry bout it!
  5. I'm going to start the buysexual revolution. Buy me stuff and I become sexual.

    1. Miasma


      I just give them a link to my amazon wishlist

  6. Definitely single of the year for me~ it's definitely not blasphemous either!
  7. All those previews were beautiful T.T I can't wait for my copies now!
  8. I thought they disbanded because shiki was in seattle or smth. Guess he came back. No loki? Did yura change his name to shion? They sound totes different now too.
  9. A band I can look foward to!
  10. Basically they played the 2 previous mini-albums and selected songs from the past. I hope Jin is a cash cow and this will be on DVD.
  11. I did an interview for a high paying job. I think I fucking failed OMG I'm gonna kill myself.

    1. Zeus


      i thought i did too. then i got the job. have faith!

    2. JRD


      Yeah I'm keeping faith right now. I'm just gonna look forward to Monday with optimism!

  12. JRD

    They need to release オカルト already as a full song. What's the point of having such amazing demos on youtube and releasing other songs. I'm sad.
  13. JRD

    This seems pretty cool, but I know that most of these are definitely a shot in the dark. PANIC☆ch/パニックちゃんねる *教材ヴィデオ「VHS] *Acoustic Songs Distributed CD DragonWAPPPPPPER *Anything that was from that Lucky Bag that they sold at lives only Jin-Machine *環境デストロイ[Type B] *The Legend of Ultimate~番外編~ *ティーライズ社歌2012(会場限定) *漆黒の舞踏会(CDショップ盤) *母に捧げる破羅亜怒 *大相撲ダイジェスト *MEMBER 246R. セーラー服と機関銃 ワンルームポエジー 少女ハライソエレジー *京王物語 (I would do things to you for this) SPUN! Never TRIPPER! *Heaven *Starry Night びじゅ☆ *V伝説 *大嫌い Ass'n'arrow~あすなろ~ WHITE LOVERS SHOWCASE ~寒空の逢瀬~ ★入場者特典DVD★ ALIVE *U&I LIve Distro テディ *夕焼けブランコ/マネーの虎 Popcore Core's Azlina *CountingRhymes 【初回限定盤】 Arustoromeria *First Live Distributed CD *Sweet Butterfly メイ(関西) *Sky PARFAIT~パルフェ~ Happy☆Box Sweet☆Box MURASAKI *3rd Demo *ヒカリ *Live Distributed album on their hiatus live on 2014/11/02 マイフレ 1st音源 NaiL Landscape OBLIVION リングマイベル Crying Bell Weather シリアル⇔NUMBER *琉海WahLD! (会場限定盤) *ワン・モア・ハリケーン ルピナスハーツ DEMO音源集-Limited ed.- (通常盤) 餓鬼色 the Vambie. Round&Loop (I regret trading this for えぃみ→☆ Live DVD) Pizzcato. シャルルマンソーとロマーヌ王 ロイヤルクリームクリスピー 水色の日、赤い僕が、黒い僕に、素敵な質問を問い掛けました。 My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND *Carnival スィミー *ヒト欠片ノ僕 ハル 雨色メモリアル 花ト散るらん Silver Linings ハツコイ ヒカリへ LOST/Limit MEABEL 腐海 Ones with Asterisk are ones I'm willing to go about $100 on, higher if I really like the band!
  14. I spent half of my pay check on CDs. I am uber upset with myself. At least I got Vier la drain's last single :3

    1. Mihenno


      I know that feel bro :(

    2. Tetora


      You dont know the true value of money until you spend it brah, make it rain, lololol.

    3. JRD


      I don't think any ratchets would like CDs being thrown at them D:

  15. JKLFAJSKLFJLKSAJFLKJSFLKAJSLKFAJKLF(Like I can ever hate you ) Is it an actual live VHS or some documentary thing? If you want to discuss price you can pm me if you want to sell
  16. My Favorite shop is Puresound. They always seem to have rares that I want from time to time. Like Vier la drain's Aurolla or びじゅ☆'s 大嫌い( Didn't get a chance at these since I don't really listen to VK anymore and don't stalk this site like I use to and now I'm super sad, but I will throw money at you like crazy if you can help me with these T.T), but they sometimes seen to have it out of stock when I email them and it's listed on their site still >.> Second would come Adumaya. Their stuff is legit cheap with rares and the person handling everything is extremely pleasurable to interact with. I even found rares, like legit 100 copies or less stuff that I thought I would never see and got them. Except for that Panic Channel 2Days Oneman VHS(I hate you whoever got that TT.TT, I will throw money at you) And not to mention that even with EMS it's extremely freaking cheap for shipping! Then for all my other wank I use fromjapan.
  17. Gonna go see Periphery at DNA on Sunday. Can't contain my wet panties.

    1. Augie1995


      Just saw them tonight at SOMA, I couldn't contain the eargasms and content. Had the VIP pacage so I also got to see the sound check and have a meet and greet, and band photo. They played with Born of Osiris, Twelve Foot Ninja, and Dead Letter Circus

  18. I uploaded Teddy's live DVD if anyone is interested

    1. ricchubunny


      loved these guys, thank you very much :))

    2. Biopanda


      Hey brony check last.fm :v

  19. sliced my top ear in two cutting my own hair. at least my bangs still look nice.

  20. Hipster by Marc Jacobs

  21. Sei from F@nny is turning 17? More like 27.

  22. JRD

    Zaku wrote their best songs. If they fail to appease me after that lackluster mini, I'll probably stop following them. And Heven's voice is............he can't even hold a note properly and his voice is so nasally.
  23. JRD

    Yay, Kanata with a new band! He looks way too photoshopped though. I think they are gonna be a face band to most, since they're all ridiculously good looking (with make-up obvs, Zoolander pun as well). I enjoyed the song though, so def looking for more stuff.
  24. I love how 透ch posted a selfie on twitter about the situation.
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