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Everything posted by JRD

  1. Happy New Years to everyone in the future! 7 more hours until New Years in California D:

    1. beni


      HNY for then!!!

  2. JRD

    The Divide - The Sun: Worshippers. Shazam is your best friend.
  3. OMFG, FULL EFFECT' released their new Single Listen in the 24th! Why does hisato hate us gaijins so much T.T

  4. JRD

    A band I remember since they started. I liked everything until poplar. Then a few major singles were good. After Sun'z up, never really cared. Sad to see them go though. And I'm really getting tired of these hurr durr, they're not good glad they're disbanding bs etc Taste is subjective, and not everyone likes the same music.
  5. got my coworker victoria's secret stuff and she didn't like it. i gave her the gift receipts too, so she can return it for whatever she wants. im pretty sad though, but who the hell doesnt love love spell!?

    1. Tetora


      Maybe she was just embarrased, or you got her a cup size too big...

    2. JRD


      Hahaha oh gawd no! I got her body lotion and sprays! And a gift card! It's my boss, so yeah~

    3. Owl


      Sometimes such gifts may be interpreted like a hint: "Here's some cosmetics for you, cuz you need to take better care of yourself". And the selection of even a body lotion is individual, because of preferences and also allergy.

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  6. Secret Santa at work tomorrow and I totes forgot to buy a gift.

    1. Tetora


      Pick up a gift card at a grocery store, movie theatre or alcohol distributor on your way to work if possible.

    2. JRD


      Ugh, I didn't want to have to get a gift card D; Procrastination got the best of me :/

    3. beni


      I hope it all gets sorted! Don't let it panic you too much. If you're too late, just say it's still on its way to you. Like a present arriving, if that works.

  7. My head bursting open call a doctor and オカルト better be on this! it's released on April Fools day too! What if it was an Album, like you buy the mini, and when you receive the CD, it's like "SURPRISE BITCH! YOU GET AN ALBUM" jdklfjlkajflkasjlksjdj Oh gawd
  8. I started using last.fm again. Does anyone know how to get them from redirecting my artist? It's really an inconvience when they are redirecting Unicode now.

    1. Zeus


      it's under settings -> website

    2. JRD


      Thanks a bunch!

  9. That sucks. They were actually getting back on track after that mess called Initium. Heven isn't as good vocalist as Zaku, but he worked for them. They still have a lot of unreleased songs too D: So I at least hope for an album.
  10. Did RPDR S7 lose budget or something? Those Official Photo's look terribly did. A lot of the queens look unpolished too. #MissFame

    1. JRD



    2. hitsuji-hime


      Yeah, the photos looked kinda...bland. Let's hope this season kicks ass tho :3 werrrrrrk~*~*~*

  11. I don't care what anyones says, Red Robins' mini wedge salad is like the best thing on their menu! Swimming in creamy crispy heaven. Btw their garlic fries sucks.

  12. JRD

    Anything by: モダン組曲 the Vambie AI-版 Secret Circus Rosario Would fall into that category, since they base their sound around that. Songs that I can think of off the top of my head is: 姫苺 - Sherry? J∀CK11 - 拝啓カジノ支配人たま xTRiPx - BREACH. One trend I can think of is the mid to late 00's heavy bands being mostly numetal and of course the koteosa bands.
  13. Thank you FedEx delivery person, for leaving my G-star Raw clothes with my neighbors I don't know at all!!

    1. Tetora


      Nice brand, hopefully those clothes look good on your neighbor.

    2. JRD
    3. Jigsaw9
  14. I admit I haven't followed them after they released Disturb da border, but they are one of those bands you're sad to see go. A lot of fond memories (listening to limpid [re:birth in the stripe version] right now)
  15. If they had good music, I would be on board. I wouldn't care if they sung in any language. But what most of them were playing were not appealing to my ears at all. I listen to every genre of music, so I don't discriminate against any type of sound. Just things that aren't appealing to my ears.
  16. I had a few chuckles and wtfs at some of the "visuals" some bands had. Overall I think MaleRose got the whole look and sound right, but no one would curr because they're Thai, then second would be MEA. The rest was like were they even attempting at costumes or just throwing shit together and putting on make up and are like we're a vk band now! VK bands invest a shit ton in their costumes if they don't know how to sew or don't know anyone willing to do it for free! And did Ninjaman Japan lose a bet to be on this DVD?
  17. I think anything that comes close to that is MayDay
  18. Koteosa is an accepted style which is basically already dead. The last one I know of that was really popular was Paradeis. Just think of kote kei costumes and throw in color. Discussions and questions about different variants of VK being asked and answered with examples. http://chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/tag/tags.php?tag=%E3%82%B3%E3%83%86%E3%82%AA%E3%82%B5%E7%B3%BB Example: Old Lolita23 and Soroban http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a72/nero_photo/hevn_soroban_vs_lolita.jpg Jack11 http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/252/367708.jpg Old Ayabie http://www.japanforum.com/gallery/data/513/Ayabie2.jpg
  19. Got the club going up on a Tuesday Got yo girl in the cut and she choosy

    1. psychtiger


      Why are you doing this to me? #WouldSmashDrakeHarddd

  20. Nothing like surprising people with gifts on Thanksgiving.

  21. omg my mom took us somewhere south of LA and we're like the only asians

  22. Logged into my old batsu account today XD OMFG it's really been seven years and my love of Panic Channel was strong XD

    1. kyoselflove


      Wow, I forgot about batsu. Panic Channel <3

  23. That feeling when you finally complete a discography after 8 years.

    1. xriko


      Oh don't worry, you will found they distributed a CD in 5copies some years ago, and you will start to hate them :D however, what band did you complete ?

    2. JRD


      Ass'n'Arrow. Finally got a legit copy of their Winter Sonar Distribution.

    3. xriko


      Cool, glad you found it!

  24. JRD

    Hope you find what you need and accomplish it! And see you back when you get here!
  25. JRD

    I think I'm in love <3 Money was dead on great track and this shit has been consistent. べルカとストレルカ(I'm guessing is russian?) was great as well, but kinda lacking something. I find it wonderful that there are actually 2 really good heavy VK bands that came out this year that doesn't sound like shit. This and MBHI. I'm praying for more bands that actually know what they fuck they're writing. Why can't they like, you know, actually give us a download link to actual MP3 and save us the trouble of listening to crappy youtube quality.
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