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Status Updates posted by JRD

  1. http://sellinglist.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/user/closet_hobby Closet Child now has a YJA! Account D:
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JRD


      I meant 10,000yen not 100,000 hahaha

    3. Kawaii_Minpha


      Maybe, but i think they also sell items that only have 1 in stock. Anyway i'll write them a message to know what they would do in a situation like this, in case an item is sold at both websites at the same time.

    4. hiroki


      actually they did say in their auction profile page that they will confirm if item is in stock after you bid the item and win it. tbh i don't think this is the best way of doing things as they will eventually accrue tons of negative ratings since YJA gives 1 negative rating to the seller for each auction they cancel that's not at the request of the bidder.

  2. Had to show MEGURU my collection for Panic Day. All photosets, shit ton of chekis, whole discography including rare VHS, posters, flyers, postcards, e.t.c. I hope it made him happy!


    1. chemicalpictures


      maan, that's so cool!

      I really wish he would come back someday

  3. If y'all wanted to know what's happened with me during my absence 


    1. Zeus


      welcome back

    2. chemicalpictures


      feel for you, man. I hope you find the strengh you need to stay strong and sober for years to come. Always remember the people who love you, the people you love, and all the difference you make in their lives.

  4. If you ever wondered how I looked like. I finally came out of my shell.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. inartistic


      You look like 3 different people! Pretty cool

    3. JRD


      Lol I get that a lot, especially with different haircuts. I'll show them later by comparison. HAIRCUTS and make up make a huge difference.

    4. JRD


      Updated the show yourself again thread with my different looks. When I use to do the Panic Channel hair, everyone would say I looked like Tsubasa.




  5. Kirakira perfection ❤️ 君だけのstyle, 僕らのYELL!


  6. Kote-Osa making a comeback with that Jaki solo mini-album. Bring back ブラックPIG. I miss how terribly bad Kote-Osa was, but it was bad that it was good. Calling it now, the Kote-Osa Kei revival is gonna happen. I hope someone covers uNrust's 鎖. Plugging the single https://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/41391-savage-孤独-april-fools-unrust-極死天鎖/?tab=comments#comment-486103


  7. Made a twitter if you guys want to follow me or not.




    Just gonna be tweeting multilingualism if I have to. Mostly everyday life. Nothing special.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JRD


      Face it, we're old T.T

    3. suji


      IF U WERE LESBIAN u'd be able to fuck a man the same way u'd do if u were straight

      i wish i was there for this ;w;

    4. Jigsaw9


      As soon as I read "lulz" and "taintedworld.net" my first thought was THE GAY EGYPTIANS THREAD, lmao

  8. $150 shipping from FJ! Brb cutting my wrist.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. yakihiko


      They should love you :D

    3. Biopanda


      FJ is packing up my order now and I'm scared it's going to be like $300 :'D

    4. paradoxal


      i feel you :( just paid 50€ today and it seriously hurt my wallet's feelings

  9. 10PM and still no UPS delivery that was scheduled for today. Status is still out for delivery.......This is why I prefer FedEx. I don't have to pay extra money to go pick up my stuff if I don't want their lazy asses to come here.

  10. 246R. has become one of my current favorite bands~ Anyone know of any similar sounding bands? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2sbjtkR4-0

  11. 3hr & 30min Live DVD for an indie band. There should be more Last Live DVDs like this.

    1. yakihiko


      Which band?

    2. JRD


      Somatic Guardian

  12. Acquired 1 out of 5 CDs I really wanted in life and it took 4 FUCKING DAYS OF ANTICIPATION AND WRIST CUTTING. Over and above the moon~

  13. Added my Justice King/Under Fall Justice Rares to my sale going on! Thanks to those who already bought! I need those Jin-Machine Rares!!!

    1. JRD


      Also added more Bulk CD sales!

  14. After 3 years with the HD429 I upgraded to the HD598 with a new DAC T.T Love you beautiful sounds T.T Also selling my body for the HD800 T.T

    1. Zeus


      I sold a part of my soul for the HD600s and I don't regret it.

    2. JRD


      Gawd I wanted one of those too T.T but it was out of my price range ;A;

  15. All 3 new Serial Number songs are amazing! I hope Sasaki jin can keep this line up, I can see them going back to playing Blitz oneman again with this!

    1. inartistic


      Really :o? I'm shocked to hear that. Do think the covers are cute tho

    2. JRD


      Yeah, it's really more polished and has more of a mainstream vibe.

  16. All I've been listening to is 儚?想????散り???躯… I miss R's vocals.

    1. Aferni


      I barely have any of their material D;

    2. hiroki


      ahh nice ballad


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. herpes


      stacy layne better win

    3. saishuu


      this AS2 will mean NOTHING without SLM and NPB

    4. JRD


      NPB from Atlanta Georgia

  18. Almost finished my シリアル⇔NUMBER discography~ Just need the live sold ver of ??海WahLD! ??ワン・モア・??リーケン??and the MD of サラ??イ~

    1. beni


      <3 Bless you.

  19. Almost finished with my テディ discography. Now just need those 50 limit live distributed CD that I will never get T.T

    1. hiroki


      never give up hope!! :D

    2. xriko


      Can take years for get a discography complete ! good luck ! missing only 1* CD for complete mine (4 if you count different version CD)

  20. Almost my 1000th post~ I'm thinking about uploading a gawd awful rawr to celebrate that occasion~

    1. yakihiko


      Tenten solo album? :DDDDD (jk)

    2. beni


      lmao yakihiko. x'D Massive thank you for still being here and not minding to share. <3 Looking forward to celebrating that with. x3

  21. Can't wait for the first week of March! Gawd my body isn't ready for it.

  22. Clopening shifts are the worst. I hate bitches.

  23. Day 2. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

  24. Day 3. I can live again T.T

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