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JRD last won the day on April 4

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About JRD

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    Follow me at @nameinbiography or @JRD KTO#8970 discord
  • Birthday 04/25/1989

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    @JRD KTO#8970 discord

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    I listen to EVERYTHING. I don't hate on music <3

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  1. I had a dream; where I was in a vk band. We had our last live at a sold out venue(it was huge). Our last song was called Fuck You, V Kei. We basically said fuck you to everyone single person in the crowd and told them off . Everyone cheered for all 7 of our members, except the keyboardist, who got booed. He was probably the one that disbanded us. Anyways we ended up giving everyone a copy of the song, by throwing them into the crowd.

    1. reminiscing2004


      What instrument did you play? What was the song like? xD

    2. JRD


      I was vocalist hahaaha makes sense since I am a singer, but on how the song goes, I vaguely just remember it being, fuck you bitch, fuck you girl with the red hair in the maid outfit that looks like slut. Something in the lines of that.

    3. Gaz


      ohhh so you are actually Lupo Label's vocalist! ;o;

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