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  1. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to HotaruFilth in MUNIMUNI live album, DVD & mini album release & member changes   
    The flyer, actually. Got it in August. Well, you'd better not trust Matenrou-sama too much xD He's been delaying this album since 2011, while singing all of these songs live.

  2. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Bear in Horror Movies   
    Just watched Nosferatu the Vampyre... actually I meant to check out Shadow of the Vampire (the one that tells the story of the making of the original Nosferatu) but didn't remember the title so I thought this must be it, haha. Anyway, it was an interesting remake, at times extremely faithful to the original. Klaus Kinski looked pretty badass as the wicked and sick-looking Count, and also managed to inject a kind of weird humor into some of his scenes. Sometimes it felt like they wanted to poke fun at, or at least make an homage to, the old silent movie characteristics (lighting, makeup, gestures etc). Anyway, it was a cool flick with some killer visuals and music, made me wanna re-watch the original again (maybe I'll get through it without falling asleep this time, lol). And of course, I'll still seek out Shadow of the Vampire. xD
  3. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in L'Arc~en~Ciel documentary movie "Over The L'Arc~en~Ciel"   
    Been over L'arc~en~Ciel for years now. Glad they're finally over themselves too
  4. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from carddass in MUNIMUNI live album, DVD & mini album release & member changes   
    Apparently THE DOGUU ALBUM will be released in 2014 autumn and will contain 7 tracks.
    [track list]
    New band pic btw: http://munimuni.ciao.jp/profile.htm
    Dang it Munimuni why u gotta have one old song in there too?! XD Anyway, I'm immensely happy.
  5. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Pretsy in PRIMUS   
    I'm not really feelin' the new album (well it's not rly "new Primus-written material" anyway), but this is amazing:
    tl;dr: if you find a golden vinyl version of the latest album, you get free Primus tickets for life~ 8D
  6. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Bear in Horror Movies   
    Somehow I couldn't really get into the 1st V/H/S at all but the Safe Haven segment in the 2nd movie...yeah, that alone was worth watching the whole thing.
  7. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Bear in Last Concert You Went To (Now with Pics)   
    Went to see Die Antwoord last night, killer show, huge killer crowd, everything was just awesome. Dancin' and jumpin' a-plenty. It was insane.



  8. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Zeus in THE HIP HOP THREAD!   
  9. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from CAT5 in THE HIP HOP THREAD!   
  10. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Trombe in 地獄絵(jigokue) live-limited CD "昏睡の針と蜘蛛の糸" release   
    their 短編集 as below will be released soon:
    短編第一集「病院坂の人攫いの家」(including remastered bonus track)
    短編第五集 (new song, title not yet finalized)
  11. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Laudata Nex Magick Vol. 1 was fantastic. Six bands whom all delivered high quaity music. Not a single band was worse than very good.
    The whole thing kicked off around 7pm on friday with Sortilegia. A female handling the guitar and vocals and a drummer. Nothing more. Dark, evil black metal in the vein of Mare. This was a fantastic concert both music-, visual- and atmosphere-wise. Top notch.
    Next band up was Urfaust, another two-man band with guitars, vocals and drums only. Great concert with lots of atmosphere. Fantastic stuff.
    Vemod ended the eveing with 50 minutes of beautiful black metal. Very mesmerizing and good, but the biggest disappointment of all the band. It wasn't bad, but where I stood (moved around to see if I could get better sound) the bass drum sounded awful. It sounded as if they had triggered it, but appaently it was only in the middle we had that problem. Other wise it was top notch.
    Saturday kicked off with another two-man band, Bölzer, again a guitarist and vocalist and a drummer. This was fantastic. Second best gig this weekend. So fucking heavy and massive. How two men manage to create something this massive, not only on record, but live is just weird. How on earth?
    Epic black metallers Cult of Fire continued the evening. We were sitting outside utnil we heard they were gonna get on any minute now, and as soon as we got inside the door we were met with a wall of smoke of incense, and even then, before we'd gotten up to the second floor where they were gonna play the mood were set. This was the best gig for me. A bit troubling sound throught the concert, but it wasn't awful and the stage show was amazing. They looked fantastic, the stage was fantastic and it was amazing. The vocalist moved a lot like Papa from Ghost. Lots of similarities there. loved it! Also, four peole on stage, but no bass here either which makes it 4/6 bands with no bass, and 3/6 with only two people. Awesome!
    Ritualistic black metallers Mare ended the weekend with a fantastic concert. Dark and ritualistic, just as expected.
    Well, one of the best concerts I've been to. Everything was so very well worked out. 6/6 for the whole thing. As good as it gets. Already ready for a part 2.
  12. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to -timecapsule- in dieS & emmuree live-limited coupling CD "DIES N' ROSéS" release   
    As awesome as it can possibly get.
    dieS will receive the honour of having a coupling CD and tour with emmurée just like DUMMY CHILDREN and Sugar once had the chance to.

    And on top of that, MONAURAL CURVE will have one of their rare-ass lives at the 2015/02/10 Ikebukuro CHOP gig.
    hanon/MONAURAL CURVE new twitter and YouTube channel (!)

    inb4 dying of frustration for not being able to see three of my favourite bands.............
  13. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in American Horror Story   
    Fuck Dandy.
  14. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to CAT5 in This Doctor Bankrolls Japanese Bands to Tour Across Canada   

    Had to post this here because I think it's extremely awesome! I'm also honored to say that I'm friends with this guy, as he was paramount in my delving deeper into the Japanese indie/underground scene!
  15. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Tokage in This Doctor Bankrolls Japanese Bands to Tour Across Canada   
    Great shit indeed. Deserves a lot of respect. World needs more people like this...
    Also, this thread title sounds like one of those 'DOCTORS HATE HIM!!! Man discovers one secret trick for perfect teeth' spam adverts lmao
  16. Like
  17. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Lestat in Femme Fatale new album "ARCANA" release & Dr.Chargeeeeee will depart   
    Like I mentioned in an earlier thread about this band, just because Kaya and CHARGEEEEEE are best friends (or so it seems), doesn't mean they go well together music-wise. They might have a great connection personality-wise, but it's unclear how this reflects in their music together. Or well, perhaps it is clear. Kaya is elegant, has an almost burlesque-like style in both music and visual appearance, whereas C is clearly an 80's lover, wild and reckless, bands like OMEGA DRIPP fit him more clearly as he is a Mötley Crüe fanboy and does well in the sleazy metal genre. 
    It's not a bad thing he leaves, it probably won't affect his and Kaya's relationship at all, he just doesn't fit this band's style. There are just too many projects C is involved with and I don't think he can keep up with all. Femme Fatale, Marty Friedman's project, ZIZ, OMEGA DRIPP, SPEECIES, and whatever else he has planned for the future. 
  18. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from hitsuji-hime in Strawberry Song Orchestra new CD release   
    ストロベリーソングオーケストラ (Strawberry Song Orchestra) will release their new CD titled "影孕む密葬、月は静寂" (Kage haramu missou, tsuki wa seijaku) on 2014/11/09.
    Including the songs (not sure if they are in order):
    - 暗室のメソッド (Anshitsu no Method) - 影切のオルグ (Eisetsu no Org) - 機械と点滅の葬列 (Kikai to tenmetsu no souretsu) - 火葬のテスト (Kasou no Test) - 侵蝕 (Shinshoku)   By the way, CD/promotion comment of the release will be written by Gara (MERRY).   Cover art: http://ameblo.jp/kagamimachi/image-11933749150-13076696585.html
  19. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Tokage in Strawberry Song Orchestra new CD release   
    ストロベリーソングオーケストラ (Strawberry Song Orchestra) will release their new CD titled "影孕む密葬、月は静寂" (Kage haramu missou, tsuki wa seijaku) on 2014/11/09.
    Including the songs (not sure if they are in order):
    - 暗室のメソッド (Anshitsu no Method) - 影切のオルグ (Eisetsu no Org) - 機械と点滅の葬列 (Kikai to tenmetsu no souretsu) - 火葬のテスト (Kasou no Test) - 侵蝕 (Shinshoku)   By the way, CD/promotion comment of the release will be written by Gara (MERRY).   Cover art: http://ameblo.jp/kagamimachi/image-11933749150-13076696585.html
  20. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from -timecapsule- in Strawberry Song Orchestra new CD release   
    ストロベリーソングオーケストラ (Strawberry Song Orchestra) will release their new CD titled "影孕む密葬、月は静寂" (Kage haramu missou, tsuki wa seijaku) on 2014/11/09.
    Including the songs (not sure if they are in order):
    - 暗室のメソッド (Anshitsu no Method) - 影切のオルグ (Eisetsu no Org) - 機械と点滅の葬列 (Kikai to tenmetsu no souretsu) - 火葬のテスト (Kasou no Test) - 侵蝕 (Shinshoku)   By the way, CD/promotion comment of the release will be written by Gara (MERRY).   Cover art: http://ameblo.jp/kagamimachi/image-11933749150-13076696585.html
  21. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Bear in Your last music-related buy!   
    Got these beauties at last night's Swans gig (which was amazing but more on that later in the appropriate thread).

  22. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in SIGH   
    Mirai's been posting lots of rare Sigh photos lately. Maximum awesomeness!

    Mirai frm the first or second ever Sigh gig back in 1990 or something.

    Mirai from a gig with his Ramones cover band back in the early 90's.

    Mirai from around the time of Infidel Art

    This is the outtake for GFT back cover. We went to the river side at midnight for this photo shooting. I believe Yasuyuki from Abigail was with us, too. The riverside was shrouded by complete dark and we could not see anything and we realized that we had no way to push the button of the camera exactly coinciding to the fire breathing! So instead we just left the camera lens open for a few seconds and breathed fire during that and surprisingly the photos turned out to be much better than we had expected.

    This is pretty much rare, evil Satoshi. I believe this one is from 1991.

    This gig was hilarious. This was our third gig or so. We were asked to play at the newly opened venue in Tokyo. We didn't advertise the gig at all as we thought we'd be one of 10 bands to play. We were just a new born band and didn't have fans anyway. Then we loaded in to find out we were the only band to play that night and ended up in playing for 1 or 2 friends of ours. This happened 24 years ago.

    Apparently the shot of the moment I failed fire-breathing. Should be around "Infidel Art" era.

    And this is the one when I succeeded to spit fire. Looks pretty nice, doesn't it?

    Actually in 24 years of Sigh's history, we were a band with two guitarists for a few weeks. I believe it was 1992 and we even played one show with two guitarists. It didn't work so did not last long though. And yes, Satoshi and I were young.


    Satoshi's photo that was never used. Never used because of, well, as you see, the bad corpse painting.

    Satoshi played everything from guitar, bass to drums with Sigh. He's a really talented musician. However, he was never good at breathing fire...

    Unlike Satoshi, I have been always great at breathing fire.

    I was short-haired. This should be from some time in the beginning of the 2000s. And I haven't had a haircut at all since then.

    I believe this one was taken in 2006 or 2007 around the time Dr. Mikannibal joined the band. Somehow this shot was never used though.
    Just posted the last two since I was at it, but everything above are as awesome as it gets.
  23. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    The Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears - If you're familiar with giallos, then I'm sure you'll notice that even the title here is very giallo-inspired. The Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears is the second feature lenght from Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzani, the French/Belgian(?) couple/friends behind 07's awesome neo-giallo Amer. They also directed a segment in The ABCs of Death. I was very impressed with Amer, an interesting and challenging neo-giallo which takes a lot from the genre, but also adds a lot more to it which made it to more than just another giallo homage. With The Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears they go even more complicated and surreal, and I'd say less straightforward than Amer, and Amer was anything but straightforward in my eyes. The cinematography is great and it's beautifully shot, but there's a lot of weird dream sequences and flashbacks (sometimes with an altered frames per second rate), some violence and sexual perversion. And the soundtrack is as 70's as it gets and considering this is a neo-giallo with a of late 60's and 70's in it, it's fits perfectly.
    But you know what? Fuck trying to put this into words. Imagine Dario Argento, Satoshi Kon and Brian de Palma making a film together, and from the moment they start writing it and until the film is finished, they've had nothing more to eat than magic mushrooms and LSD.
    I think I will place it even with Amer at 8/10, but I will have to watch it a couple of more times to decide on it. This, just like Amer was, is a film that deserves a few rewatches before one decides on the quality of the film. Anyway, Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzan's among most interesting filmmakers out there today, and I am waiting eagerly to see what they come up with next.

  24. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from RoseOfHizaki in Crossfaith   
    I found it absolutely atrocious and boring, devoid of any ability to make me feel as exhilarated as previous "hits" of theirs. I already didn't like much of Apocalyze to begin with (after what, to me, was their pinnacle: Zion), and this goes even below the level of those songs. Nothing memorable, nothing powerful and most of all nothing catchy about it. Just some half-assed shouting over a half-assed electro BGM that sorely lacks a punch.
    I'm still waiting to hear the B-sides but after experiencing this new track I'm not that optimistic anymore.
  25. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Biopanda in Acid Black Cherry new album "L-エル-" release   
    VK is like gang life: once a blood, always a blood.
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