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Posts posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Not posting today's setlist because it was almost exactly the same, but instead of "FUTURE SONG -未来が通る-" they played "タナトス", and instead of "密室" they played "Tight Rope". Not bad.

  2. I've been really enjoying Gaahl's new album too, I didn't expect it to be this good. Very cool and memorable atmospheric sound.


    Also side note, I gave the new Deathspell Omega a spin but it's totally not for me. Sounds like some dude giving an edgy poetry reading while nonsensical 'progressive' extreme metal noodling is playing in the background. Shame cuz I really liked some of their older stuff but for some reason this new one sounds totally alienating for me.

  3. Today was the 1st gig of the band's 2-day event "Locus Solus no kemono-tachi" at Makuhari Messe, and looks like they played some stuff they haven't for quite a while! Also some acoustic versions, which is not something they usually do. Here's the setlist:


    05.謝肉祭 -カーニバル-
    09.FUTURE SONG -未来が通る-
    11.Moon さよならを教えて


    ENCORE 1:
    02.BOY septem peccata mortalia(Acoustic)
    03.形而上 流星(Acoustic)


    ENCORE 2:

  4. I've been slowly making my way through Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay. I saw the movie version a long time ago, and came across this book one day with a discount price, so I was like 'why not'. There's a lot more stuff happening in the book than what I remember from the movie and it's interesting enough... the slow trudging through it has to do more with me and my short attention span for novels these days, lol.


    I'm also getting back more into comic books lately, feels really cool and refreshing to catch up on some stuff I've missed. Thankfully there seems to be somewhat of a small 'boom' here in Hungary with random collected edition comics so right now I'm just jumping from volume to volume, whatever I can get my hands on that seems good:


    - I've just finished volume 6 of Jodorowsky's & Moebius' The Incal (I've been buying this series steadily since they first announced it), it was a very creative, profound but also funny space opera. I'm curious to see whether they'll continue with releasing the prequel story in Hungarian too.

    - Finished up the 4th collection/trade paperback volume of Mike Mignola's Hellboy. This guy just cannot disappoint me, gotta love the dark lore and fantastic art style (this edition also contains a story illustrated by Gary Gianni, different but still cool visuals).

    - Began reading Alan Moore's and Eddie Campbell's massive From Hell, so far so good. It took a while for me to get used to the dark and sketch-like art style but I realized that it fits the mysterious and grim atmosphere of the story perfectly. I'm still at the first few chapters, can't wait for the rest.

  5. Chernobyl is really strong so far, this week's episode was especially dark (tho it always is, so hard to rank them I guess). Utterly dreary atmosphere.


    On the flipside, I've been enjoying some What We Do in the Shadows too. Possibly the funniest show currently, totally lives up to the movie!

  6. 2 hours ago, Bear said:

    I might have to go with Ausländer as the best track off the album. Sounds like a mix of Laibach and Rammstein gone EDM. 

    Haha, true! That's one of my highlights too.


    Also really enjoyed Radio and Puppe. The other songs are okay too, but I don't remember that much of them yet.

  7. Here are the details for the band's upcoming album "We Are Not Your Kind", to be released on August 9.




    01. Insert Coin
    02. Unsainted
    03. Birth of the Cruel
    04. Death Because of Death
    05. Nero Forte
    06. Critical Darling
    07. Liar’s Funeral
    08. Red Flag
    09. What’s Next
    10. Spiders
    11. Orphan
    12. My Pain
    13. Not Long for This World
    14. Solway Firth


    Interesting how they don't include last year's "All Out Life" on it (maybe they just wanted to avoid paying any more royalties to Chris? lol). Anyway, what do you guys think of the new track "Unsainted"? I'm a bit on the fence with it, tho I think I can dig it more than "All Out Life". I like the background choirs and the breakdown/interlude part too. The chorus is a bit too familiar/unremarkable 'copy-paste melodic dramatic nu-Slipknot style' for me tho.



    edit: Performances from last night's Jimmy Kimmel.




  8. How are you guys liking the new album? Surreal to think there hasn't been one for a decade.


    Personally I quite like it so far (after one-and-a-half listen). I feel like they brought back some of the 'old-school' clinically cold Rammstein vibes, but maybe I'm just thinking that because of the stark synths. They also experiment with some new sounds too (I don't think they've ever done such a straight-up disco/electro-rock track like "Ausländer" before, haha). In any case, most of the songs are entertaining enough and with 45 mins the album doesn't overstay its welcome. I'm enjoying this one.

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