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Everything posted by Ito

  1. Ito

    I can honestly say that this album was a lot better than I expected. I kinda dropped Sadie as I found my interest in them to be fading, but I thought what the hell, I will check this album out anyways. Whi9le it isn't magical, I think it is pretty good. I have already spun it more than MoR, which I can hardly remember at this point, so I can't say if this was a better album or not. But long story short is that I have been enjoy it.
  2. Ito

    I am thinking this is something I will try and start up after I graduate (which will be in 1.5 months.... O_O)
  3. Ito

    Lol Chianti XD I am not 100% happy with the favicon, but I think this one is way better than not having one at all.
  4. Ito

    Nothing really as bad as anything here has happened to me, but I do have a few interesting experiences. At the Taste of Chaos tour during D'espairsRay's set some douche bags who were prolly A7X fans decided to starting ramming in to the edge of the crowd cause everyone to stumble in different directions and since everyone was packed in there really wasn't any room to move. This ended up with me falling on the floor, which would have been really bad if some nice guys next to me didn't immediately offer me a hand and pulled me back onto my feet. Also got punched in the face by an old friend at that concert who apparently hates me now...all I did was walk up to her and say hi too. At a Dir en Grey concert there was this one girl next to me that seriously looked like she was orgasming or something. Her eye were closed, she was grabbing her legs tightly, her breathing was really sharp and heavy. I went up to her and asked her if she was alright, which she told me she was...it was just kind of weird. (It was prolly Herpes ) At a D'espairsRay show last year there was a fat chick in front of me who was being as stationary as possible. If you are gunna be up front, you better be getting in to it, because I'll be damned if I am not gunna go ape-shit during some of their heavier songs. Long story short, she felt the wrath of me trashing around cause she couldn't take the hint to move back if she didn't want to deal with it.
  5. Ito

    might be from Oops.., video but reminds me the most of this: http://www.kirby.cyberbotx.com/wallpape ... tzburg.jpg Lol, that was my first thought too.
  6. Ito

    I kind of gave up Sadie, but those samples are changing my mind.
  7. Ito

    Tora better fucking pick up a new project, I love his voice too much XD
  8. Ito

    Random comment: Love from a Dead Orchestra is a fucking awesome song, but sadly I think it is the only Versailles song I really enjoy.
  9. Ito

    FACT will prolly be my favorite album by them. In the Blink of an Eye was a good album, but it felt way more generic and the only song that really stuck with me was Slip of the Lip. Eat Your Words was good, but even more generic/bland that there last album. All the songs seem to follow the same structure. That said, FACT is one of my favorite albums of 2009, if not my favorite.
  10. Ito

    The snowbeard is back!
  11. Ito

    fucking awesome
  12. Ito

    Well fuck. All the Wisconsin Universities are forcing their students to head home early. I have 3 friends that are being told to come home, 2 that have been there since August and once that has only been there for around 2 months. They are losing out on this entire semester now and the whole situation is really fucking them over.
  13. Ito

    This has always been something that has been sitting in the back of my head, but I have never had the time or anyone else to do it with. I would very much consider this, or maybe something similar like a podcast.
  14. Ito

    Here are some more crazy pictures: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2011/0 ... ation.html
  15. Ito

    I am kind of frustrated that religion is being brought in to this thread. I really don't think that this is god punishing people for being sinful, and I think it is kind of dumb to believe that. But you don't hate to flat out attack religion. This thread isn't about religion. And I'll be damned if I'm not an idiot for praying for the people of Japan. Let's please keep this thread on track. Looks like 17 US military personal were found to be exposed to low levels of radiation, but they were able to get rid of it by scrubbing themselves. Hopefully things don't get any worse then that.
  16. Ito

    Just watched this video, really shows you how incredible the power behind the waves actually are http://video.l3.fbcdn.net/cfs-l3-snc6/8 ... cd6dc12abf
  17. Ito

    Here are some before and after satellite pictures. Kind of mind blowing. http://www.abc.net.au/news/events/japan ... eafter.htm
  18. Ito

    full version of Shadow of Envy is out. H4nOVsU5LIU Can't wait for the new mini.
  19. Ito

    Haha, that was epic...It's even funnier cause my Dad is retired and now I am trying to imagine him doing stuff like this (which he never would)
  20. Ito

    lol, someone doesn't get it.
  21. Ito

    So fucking cute! XD
  22. Ito

    Lol, I hope to god you all know Faku is trollin'.
  23. Ito

    It's not like you post anyways
  24. As far as Jrock is concerned for me, I would agree Sel'm was one of my favorite jrock bands and I absolutely love Tora's vocals, he would probably be in a list of my personal top 5 favorite vocalists. I never thought Nagi fit that well in to the band initially, but after a while he seemed to blend in. I hope to god they both find new bands because I was be very sad not hearing anything from them anymore, especially Tora. I also hope Sel'm manages to recover from this. I'm glad to see that they have one last release coming our way before they disband though, I hope it isn't half-assed.
  25. I was just talking about this show with my friends last night XD
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