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Everything posted by Ito

  1. Ito

    I don't procrastinate so much as I have so much shit that I need to work on that if I didn't procrastinate I wouldn't have any free time... For the most part though, I am not to bad, and if I am procrastinating really badly on something, it is because I am working on something else. But back to studying for an exam
  2. Ito

    Here's me looking...not too bad actually O_o More surprising is that this is not a pic of me skiing
  3. Ito

    Eh, I loved TW, but MH is already feeling like home even more so, so what ever. TBH though, I didn't think TW would fail THAT fast.
  4. Ito

    Oakley Geo Drama Hoodie
  5. Ito

    I have the best/worst morning hair ever right now.
  6. Ito

    Lol, my last roommates have been skinny as fuck... Faku is like 110, my other roommate is like 130, and the previous one was 115. What drives me nuts is they all can eat what ever the fuck they want and will never notice any of it. The one that is 130 eats so much fast food... FYI, a guy in college should probably weight at least 130-140, under that is just boarding on unhealthy
  7. Ito

    I don't update too much anymore, buuuuut.... http://ito6.deviantart.com/
  8. Ito

    Dying isn't the problem here, you want an off site back up. Your place gets broken in to, your place burns down...highly unlikely, but still very possible, and guess what, your data is gone.
  9. Ito

    http://www.carbonite.com/en/ I have been meaning to set up an account with them for a while...but I have been lazy XD It's cheaper than the service you were using before, plus it's gets the thumbs up from Windows Weekly (a podcast I listen to)/
  10. Ito

    I bought my copy a while ago, but sadly I just havn't had time to play it much. I just need to sit down and play it for a while XD
  11. Ito

    I personally hate working out, but I still do it several times a week. More so for me I am working on my flexibility, mine is piss poor. However, try to do a bit of core and arms as well. I would put myself in the larger guys category, I weigh about between 185 and 190. For the most part my extra weight is in my stomach. My arms aren't exactly toned, but they don't really have any flab either. My legs, which still mystify me when I look at my dad's legs, are large and all muscle. My biggest problem with working out is that I don't enjoy it, so most of my exercise is limited to the sports I do: Skiing, Biking, Rollerblading, and Aikido. Right now biking is out of the question because it is currently winter and my bike got stolen in fall >. Over the course of this year I am going to try and get myself down to 175 at least. I am not trying for a 6 pack, just enough to get the stomach more solid...hopefully I keep up with my schedule, but work and school are going to make that difficult.
  12. Ito

    Bah, your credibility is out the window when it come to headphones now. Bose SUCK. No two ways about that. They are very comfortable, I will give them that, but when it comes down to sound quality you can do WAY better for the price. Bose strives off of one thing, marketing. They tell everyone that their stuff is the best and spend millions of dollars every year telling people how awesome they are, so much so that the consumer starts to beleive this. There is no biases for their high quality standing, they use low quality material, they don't publish the stats of their devices, and they generally don't sound that great. It is one of the greatest fallacies that they are an amazing sound company and that hate that people don't know any better drives me nuts. Consider this a PSA from me: DON'T BUY BOSE, MONSTER CABLE, OR BEATS! There are plenty of way more reputable brands out there that you should spend your hard earned money on like Sennheiser, AKG, Behringer, Ultrasone, Audio Technica, Grado, Pioneer, Klipsch, Technics... Do your research, go to audio websites and read comments and reviews...cause if you are dishing out a lot of cash on a pair of headphones, know what you are getting in to and know all the other options and realize you are buying them for sound quality! I can almost guarantee you that you won't see any recommendations for Bose or Monster (and probably only a handful for Sony, their bass is so bloated, though they do a good job at really cheap 'phones (sub $20)).
  13. Ito

    creepiest thread ever?
  14. Ito

    I urge you all to check out Cougar...mainly cause Rhinelander is such a fucking awesome song.
  15. Ito

    I Liked Music. I thought Now was good. But this, no, this album was just crap. I am sorry, I didn't even like a single song. Their song writing has become extremely predictable, boring, and annoyingly poppy. I am not the kind of person to normally complain about bands changing, but this is just awful, they have gone from one of my favorite bands to one I can hardly stand anymore.
  16. Ito

    lol But right now I have to say I don't get Tumbr (not that there is much more to get over at 4chan). But like, it's blogging if blogging was trying to be facebook. There is almost no meat to anything there, just a bunch of reposted images and links. Not to mention it has an ass ugly UI (navigating that site is horrific).
  17. Ito

    Fucking awesome! I felt like we haven't heard much from Fact in a while, so this is great news.
  18. Ito

    I am really surprised with the reviews...I am actually agreeing with most of them! Lotus was boring, plain and simple. It wasn't bad, but the chorus come way too soon and the triple vocal effect thing kyo has going here is kind of grating on the ears. This song really could use some added length, it felt very short. Over all 5/10 Obscure really wasn't as bad as I was expecting, and I think it may be because I am able to separate it from the original song. The original Obscure is a great song, but not one that I listen to often and I find myself skipping most of the time is come on random. I feel like this version, while inferior, is more listenable. 7/10 Reiketsu Nariseba... I never much cared for this song. The live performance of it here, though, really was great, Kyo does a great job of vocal delivery and everyone else is spot on, but so much of the magic is lost when putting live songs on CD. One, I have only heard one Live CD that has ever impressed me, and that is Epica's because of it's amazing production value. And while this song's quality isn't bad, it isn't good either, and since I am a stickler for quality, I will take the studio one any day. 4/10 All and all a meh release, and truthfully, that is about what I was expecting. I kind of feel like I download dir en grey stuff out of obligation now, havn't spun Hageshisa to... in over 4 months (8 for Zan). I just hope that next time around I will actually spin the songs more than a handful of times.
  19. Ito

    Come now Faku! There's more than plenty to go around!
  20. Just finished Infinite Ryvius, good show.
  21. Ito

    Results: 44,200,000 results Images: 6,130,000 result Holy balls! lol Go with my more specific username, Itochan60 Results: 848 Images: 313
  22. Ito

  23. Ito

    Chianti, you are considering getting in-ears, on-ears, or over-ears?
  24. Ito

    Ok, hide's isn't that bad, I just don't like looking at it, lol. As for Glass Skin, just because it is contemporary does not make it good. I find about 90% of contemporary art to be fugly (and because of art history classes, I've seen a lot of it).
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