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Everything posted by Ito

  1. Ito

    welcome back!
  2. Ito

    I've been playing around with making a favicon, I just can't manage to figure out one that I like. I might not be in the very near future, but I hope to get one up in a least a month or so.
  3. Ito

    That line makes me lol
  4. Ito

    Thanks ramrod...
  5. Ito

    I am just going through my first listen of SUAF right now, enjoying it so far (only three songs in). Any of you guys know why there isn't as much accordion as much? Is Netta Skog leaving the band or only being support now or something?
  6. Ito

    My Aikido club has a seminar coming up in march, should be pretty fun. I could have gone to our extra practice session today but I am still feeling under the weather so I am gunna wait on that one. In other news, I finally made a new sig...it's taken me, what, a year? XD
  7. Ito

    Feel free to send it over my way, Furik, we are seriously lacking in snow in WI right now.
  8. Ito

    Checked out the first few pages. The format seems to follow more of a regular comic than a webcomic because the first few pages don't have jokes/gags, but overall it looks really well done. I will read the rest of the pages you have up later, but I am looking forward to it. Keep 'em coming!
  9. glad to see I am not the only one.
  10. Ito

    This is me in a nut shell. I love dogs so much. I think the only movies I have cried over where dog movies...I bawl like a baby, it's kind of funny....but I just can't help it, even if the movie wasn't that great, it just hits me right my emotional center-point. That said, I love my puppy so much. Her name is Sadie and she is going on 11 years old. I miss seeing her because of college, especially since she is getting older. She still my favorite though, so cuuuuuuuuuuuuute!
  11. Ito

    100% straight here, regardless of what Faku says XD
  12. Nicolas Cage is one of my least favorite actors....he just creeps me the fuck out.
  13. Superbad The Notebook Those are the only two that come to mind at the moment.
  14. Ito

    I thought that he was a cat person. Something like this: No word of a lie, I expected this too. LOL I would have to say that sometimes in my mind's eye this was probably closer to what I pictured XD That said. Cat, you rock those glasses well.
  15. Ito

    Yoshiki: "Music without fashion is nothing." Excuse me while I laugh my ass off.
  16. Ito

    Trust me, I really do. Golden Sun is still on of my favorite games of all time, but I think this game is gunna have to wait until I beat/get tired of Resonance of Fate.
  17. Ito

    Yeah, and at least most of you are still going to have your hair in a few years XD
  18. Ito

    You guys need to learn how to fucking rant > This weekend was a huge fucking bust. I had a trip planed to go skiing in upper michigan, a trip that has taken a ton of effort to plan and had to be canceled once before due to warm weather. So we replanned it for about 2 months later. So the week before our trip, what happens? Warm ass weather melts a ton of the snow. I called them and asked them if it would still be worth coming up and they assured me that it would be fine, so we decided to make the trip none-the-less. After diving for about 4 hours and getting stuck in a massive traffic jam, one of my buddies decided to check mount bohemia's website for a weather update. "Due to high winds Mount Bohemia will be closed Friday, February 18th. We will reopen on Saturday." We were already halfway there so we continued out trek with dampened spirits, knowing that we wouldn't be able to ski tomorrow. We finally arrived at our destination at about 1:00 in the morning, after about 9 hours or so of driving. Unfortunately where our GPS told us the cabin we were staying at was, there was nothing. After driving about hopelessly for about 30 minutes we finally found a bar that we stopped and asked for directions. Turns out that our gps was 7 miles off. We finally got to our cabin and it turned out to be this dingy little fucking thing that looked like it was built in the 40's or 50's. We said fuck it and just unpacked and crashed. We wake up in the morning and try to figure out what to do that day. All I know is that they weren't kidding about the high winds, they were easily some of the strongest gusts I have ever experienced, reportedly upwards of 70mph at the top of the ski hill. We drove to the hill to check it out anyways...it didn't look promising, their were visible bare spots on the hill without snow. We wrote it off and drove to Copper Bay to check out this walkable terrain park. The driving was atrocious. The wind was so bad when we were driving by the lake, it was blowing snow everywhere and making it whiteout conditions, we had to drive at about 5mph. We had lunch at an Inn there which was filled with people who were snowmobiling and stopping of lunch. We then checkout out the terrain park. It was pretty cool, but the features they had were very advanced, I was surprised. The snow was as hard as concrete and the wind was as strong as ever so we just drove back to our cabin. We chilled there for a bit then decided to hike around the woods a bit. I didn't have boots (I ski and my friends board) and my friends used their snowboard boots, so I was stuck using my shoes. I ended up with my feet wet and freezing. I left my shoes on top of the grating for the heater once we got back. We then decided to go find a random hill and attempt to ski it since the wind had died down so we drive a was out and picked what seemed to look like a decent hill. Unfortunately the snow was crusty as hell and make the skiing terrible, but it was worth a try and killed some time. When we got back we found the cabin filled with smoke. The rubber on the bottom of my shoes had started to melt. I removed them immediately and we aired out the cabin. We then went to the local bar, at least the drinks were cheap, only $2.50 for captain and coke. We were playing pool while having our drinks and low-and-behold the pool table manages to break by failing to dispensing the balls after putting in our quarters. We said fuck it, finished out drinks and went back to our cabin. The TV in our cabin wasn't working so we spent the rest of the night playing cards, eating a frozen pizza (out cabin had a shitty oven), and talking. The next morning we woke up early and got ready to go skiing. Everything was going swell and we got to Mount Bohemia just fine. We got our lift ticket and got out on the hill...The snow was easily some of the worst snow I have ever skied on, I might have been better off using ice skates. The snow was crusty, hard, and icy. It was hard as heck to do a decent turn. Mix that with difficult terrain and exposed obstacles everywhere, it made for some of the worst skiing ever. You were too worried about getting down and not destroying your skis to even start to enjoy the trip down. After skiing 5 runs we decided to eat lunch. We went to our cars and made and ate our sandwiches and decided that it wasn't worth going back up for another run. We begrudging left the hill early without even a full day of skiing. With only an inch on snow foretasted for Saturday night (which they didn't end up getting) we decided to just turn around and head home. We did take a detour on the way home and hit another ski hill, Granite Peak, which turned out to be much better...we would have been better of had we just gone there. We skied there for 2.5 hours and hit up their terrain park which was a lot of fun, and was really the only highlight of the trip. After another 3 hours of driving we made it home. Seriously, fuck that trip...That was such a downer. Oh well, I would say I hope that we have better hope next year, but I really don't know if it is even worth risking next year unless their skiing conditions are awesome.
  19. Ito

    I got back in to playing it about 2 years ago with some friends as a joke...it's actually a really fun game. Faku and I have been talking about playing it again too. We just need to get off of our lazy asses and actually take out our cards. XD
  20. Ito

    Having songs that "pump me the fuck up" in a necessity. When I am skiing or rollerblading and I am getting ready to try something new/ballsy I always put on one of these songs, I'll thrown down some of my favs: Dir en Grey - Hydra D'espairsRay - In Vain B'z - Kobushi Wo Nigire Fact - A Fact of Life These songs have gotten me to do shit that I normally wouldn't have...I have a play list of songs for this specific purpose, I will update here more later XD
  21. Ito

    Resonance of Fate...Fuck me I am putting too much time in to this game right now XD
  22. Ito

    I personally thought FFXIII sucked, so I am loving the fact that it is looking nothing like it. In fact, it doesn't even look much like an FF, looks like it could almost be taking place only slightly in a future tokyo/new york/other big city, say 20-30 years. I really really do have high hopes for this game.
  23. Ito

    Fuck V-Day this year. Not doing a damn thing.
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