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Everything posted by Ito

  1. Ito

    Doesn't get much better than this
  2. Ito

    It's kind of interesting for me - Luna Sea is one of the few bands I can't really associate too much with specific albums but specific songs. They were one of the earliest Jrock bands I got into (maybe around 2004-2005?), and that was during the time period where a huge chunk of music sharing was with individual songs. it probably doesn't help that Period was the first full album of theirs that I downloaded.
  3. Ito

    Honestly, I found A WILL to be their least memorable album ever, so if I were to pick their "worst" album it would have to be that one.
  4. Ito

    This thread has been dead for far too long Just wanted to say that 4:00 AM is such an under rated song on theirs. I love the dreamy vibe and the killer bassline.
  5. Ito's quick unfiltered thoughts! Watch as I lose my ability to think and describe! Green = mhmm Yellow = hmmm Orange = uhhhhh Red = uuuugh VK Chanty - "m.o.b." Instrumentally I really dig this track - probably a green. The bass lines are especially fun. The chorus is a little weak, but the vocals are the main thing holding it back for me. Just a bit too much on the nasally/squeaky side. Still good enough of a track that I want to check out more of their stuff. DIV - "イケナイKISS (ikenai KISS)" DIV's appeal is lost on me . This is perhaps one of the better songs I've heard from them, but it's still sounds like lots of bleep bloops places of mediocre pop rock to make it sounds more unique. emmurée - "窓の外は、カァニバル。 (mado no soto wa, carnival.)" A little bit too meandering for my tastes, but I love the drone section that is reminiscent of Boris. I wish they had stuck with a little longer or brought back the excitement again in another way across the longer run time of this track, but that doesn't stop me from enjoy this one anyways. KEEL - "発火 (Hatsuka)" This release is easily one of my tops of the year, so this one was going to be easy. Not sure if this is the track I would have pulled from R'lyeh, but either way, fantastic stuff. Only thing I can't help but feel is that Ryo's vocals are less enjoyable than I remember them being in 9GBO, but maybe I'm crazy. THE MORTAL - "夢 (yume)" Sakurai's crazy vibrato has never appealed to me and has been one of the huge things holding me back from enjoying BT - like he secretly was raised by a heard of sheep as a child. There is nothing here that changes my feeling on his vocals, which sucks since the rest of the track is pretty deceny Rock / Metal / Punk / Indie / Alt. Crystal Lake - "Prometheus" Pleasant dject metal - Nothing all that special put still manages to tick a lot of boxes for me. The vocalist's attempt at doing the deep guttural screams just falls totally flat though. I really like the unique flare that they added to the breakdown though. Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - "Party Boys" I couldn't make it through this one...no thank you NETWORKS - "Phoenergy" Perhaps this one is a grower, but on the first listen this just sounded more like a repetitive mess than a cohesive song. Some bright stops here and there were hints of interesting texture and melody shone through save this one from res status. the cold tommy - "リュカの黒髪 (ryuka no kurokami)" Nothing super here, but it's got a nice groove that I am throughly enjoying. The biggest downside are the vocals which register a tad on the annoying side for me - I can only handle so much nasal. THE NOVEMBERS - "きれいな海へ (kirei na umi e)" This band is incredibly hit or miss for me - I found myself zoning and tapping my foot halfway through this one, so I'll count this one as a hit. Perhaps a little too mellow, but that bass line is just great and there is just enough unique things here to help this one stand out. the piqnic - "ZyouK" I wish I liked this track - by all means I should with it's darker post rock/noise vibe. Ultimately I just feels like the song is just a little too flat and uninspired with a half-assed attempt at vocals (making me thing that this track would do better without them). The Novembers comparison is apt, but in the way that this makes me think of some of The Novembers weakest material. the quiet room - "Happy End" Kind of bland with a formula I feel like I've heard hundreds of times, but somehow with enough here to still give this song some life and fun and saving it from falling in to the totally forgettable category. VELTPUNCH - "シーズンインザスリー (Season in the Three)" This song feels out of left field - I have heard this band's name a lot but have never checked them out. I was not expecting this track to be this good, but hot damn. Hot damn, that mix of screaming, pop sensibilities, acoustic and electric guitar - man this is certainly a winner. アルカラ (arukara) - "サイケデリンジャー2 (Psych Dillinger 2)" Arukara is a band that I like - for whatever reason they have never seemed to pass that. They are consistence, unique, musically competent, and I enjoy their sound and their vocalist's unique tone. But for whatever reason there is something blocking me from really loving them. This track continues this trend with something that I really dig...maybe some day there will be something that cracks that barrier for me. ドレスコーズ - "(the dresscodes) - もあ (Moa)" I think it is hard for me to dislike a vocalist 's sound more than I do this dudes. Dear god I can't stand his high pitch nasally sound. I'd swear more of the sound is coming out of his nose than his mouth. There isn't a single thing that the rest of the song does to redeem the vocals so this one is huge nope. Pop / Idol / R&B / Hip-Hop G.RINA - "Kamakura" I would file this song in to the category of stuff that my gf would really like and is tolerable for me. Not something I would care to listen to on purpose, but decent as a something in the background. This gets an orange because everything in this category is going to have to do a lot more for me to really be interested. nowisee - "bluemoon" A lot of my thoughts on this track carry over from the G.RINA one, but there is just something a little more to this one that pushes it a little further - it could be perhaps just how pretty this track is, or maybe the slight SFP influences in the sounds. Perfume - "STAR TRAIN (single: STAR TRAIN)" If music is everything, than I think we are screwed. tofubeats - "POSITIVE feat. Dream Ami" Catchy, but all together just way too sugary for me. 世武裕子 (Sebu Hiroko) - "YOU" I really don't like the "you" section of the track, but the rest of it is really well done. Solid piano pop. 雨ニモ負ケズ (amenimomakez) - "安寧の音 (Annei no Ne)" I've lost the ability to even moderately articulate my thoughts.
  6. Ito

    Been playing the new AC (Syndicate) - it's alright. I can't say the game play is enthralling and some of the missions are terrible, but it is a decent time killer (as if I have time to kill).
  7. Sorry? Maybe I should amend my statement - If I can hear it, it should burn in a fire. It's the same way I feel about synth instruments, if I can tell that they are fake it drives me insane.
  8. What did I just watch -

    1. ghost


      Wat the ffffaaadge? I d...I don't think they're doing the whole GWAR thing right.

  9. envy and deafheaven tonight! Super excited!

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Extremely jealous. I can't make their DC show next week.

    2. Ito


      It's about a 2.5 hour drive for me in rush hour but I wasn't going to miss this one.

    3. doombox


      Have fun! Sounds like it'll be killer!

  10. 12 hour work days will be the death of me.

    1. Chi


      twerk your way to work

    2. ghost


      Twerk your way Through work. Yikes though! That's some brutal hours.

    3. Ito


      12 hour twerk days to really get those bums in to shape XD

      tbh though, as nice as salary jobs can be, when it's crunch time things can get really shitty.

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  11. I think Keel's R'lyeh -might- be my favorite Japanese release of the year so far.

  12. I go spelunking! lmao In all honesty, I don't explore nearly as much as I used to. Jake and I pretty much started MH so that we could keep exploring new shit constantly, but over the years as my collection continues to grow and my free time becomes less and less, I tend to do a hell of a lot less exploration. Pair that with the fact that with the fact that I've turned in to a grumpy old man my tastes have gotten pickier and the number of successful explorations has gown down. I will usually go every month or two and click a bunch of random links in the download forum and listen to the ones with previews and see what sounds good (with really high standards), but other than that I usually stick to the bands I know or rely on suggestions.
  13. Ito

    Concept single are not a new thing for D - but this one is probably one of their worst. First off - you have no excuse for those synth strings and horns. those should be reserved for low budget recordings (and even then they still sound garbage). You should have the money to make it happen. In fact, you HAVE made it happen before - like Birth for example, which is a great song. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, IT SOUNDS AWFUL - STOP IT!!! Happy Unbirthday is a garbage song with a riff that I swear they recycled from another song of theirs. Funny Bunny is a average song with tiny interesting bits and a terrible sugary chorus. Lepidoptera would be good if it weren't also a synth nightmare with a marginal chorus. Tokakukuni no Kani is easily my favorite track off the single, though I would hardly call that high praise. You can add this to the list of things that D has done lately that I would love to forget about. (Side note - If you only have listened to Vampire Saga and Genetic World, I think you are missing out on D's best stuff. I will would argue that The Name of the Rose and Neo Culture are their best albums)
  14. Ito

    More randoms stuff:
  15. I'm -really- hoping the sound quality will be much different than how this youtube preview was...cause that was what made Violations pretty much unlistenable for me.
  16. I'm glad someone enjoyed that
  17. ...they didn't have one that worked for me with less hair...
  18. Ito

    Soldering iron - going to try and fix the broken usb port on my wacom tablet.
  19. Ito's quick unfiltered thoughts! Watch as I lose my ability to think and describe! Green = mhmm Yellow = hmmm Orange = uhhhhh Red = uuuugh VK DADAROMA - "最終電車 (saishuu densha)" Those horns are all kinds of horrid. It feels like there is some interesting stuff hiding under a layer of generic VK and terrible synth horns. Overall kind of a fun track and more memorable than your average VK fare. I want to give this a orange for its faults, but those hints of greatness push it up for me. Plastic Tree - 落花 (Rakka) At risk of being stoned, I don't think Plastic Tree is all that great of a band. It kind of boggles my mind that they have stayed around for as long as they have with how managed to stay around with a vocalist that sounds like a chain smoking squeaky toy with a cold. That said, they still manage to consistently put out good work. Hardly ever great, but pretty consistent. This track is no different and while I found there wasn't much that stood out to me, I still enjoyed my play through. SCAPEGOAT - 思春期と伝染病 (Shishunki to Densenbyou) Solid VK that you have already heard before. Certainly enjoyable and well constructed, but the formula is still the same. ペンタゴン (Pentagon) - "Jesus Phobia" VK with a dark and "spooky" vibe. The dissonance in the synth violins makes them a little bit more tolerable in parts, but still kind of painful for me. I really wish the pop chorus wasn't here though, I feel like it really hurts the song and makes it feel more generic than it is as it feels so bland and uninspired compared to the rest of the song. 凛 (lin) -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD- - “Dedicate to Graveyard” What is up with high pitched tones in the opening organ - that certainly does not sound right and makes it feel sooo electronic. Sadly, this isn't the end of the bad synth. The end result if your average VK "classical" rock ballad. I'll pass. 和楽器バンド (Wagakki Band) - Perfect Blue Wagakki is pretty much always solid and this track is no different. For whatever reason though, this track feels like it is lacking some of the emotion in the female vocals as compared to some of their other work - it just feels a little more flat. The fast paced sections are fun, but this one seems to only fall in to the "good" for me, just out of reach of the "great." Though I could potentially see this one being a grower. 少年記 (Shounenki) - STARLIGHT SNOW Not an overly VK feeling tracking, seemingly more your average pop-rock. The rapping sections feel pretty weak and the bleep bloops feel just don't work in most spots. It's weird, I find this song solid and boring at the same time. I doubt I would ever listen to this one again, but if it is your thing, I imagine this track is great. Also probably the best usage of synth violin in this months group (that still doesn't make it good though lol). Rock / Metal / Punk / Indie / Alt. Age Factory - "Nohara" I honestly didn't like the intro section at all, but after that the track really picks up. I still don't really care for the vocals afterwards, but the instruments are great - especially that bass line and those funky guitar riffs. eito - iny I'm hoping the compression on this one is just in the upload cause maaaaan this track is compressed. I liked it, but I really need to listen to this in a higher bit rate downloaded form. Feels like some solid post/math rock that still needs to find a bit more of a personality. That said, this has been my most enjoyed track so far. I especially enjoyed the soft interlude section. möscow çlub (moscow club) - CELINE Did I take a time machine to the 80's? THESE WEREN'T THE YEARS I WANTED! Sorry bat man did I ever not like this track. sajjanu - Marv Merchants ADD math rock...not sure how I feel on this one. T.C.L - "LOST A COLOR" TCL? They made my GF's TV. XD Solid rock with heavy distortion, but nothing I found all that memorable. Tempalay - sea side motel As CAT5 has called it, "beachy guitar-pop sound" is not my thing. I also don't understand the appeal of adding effects that make the vocals sound like they were recorded in a bathroom. the north end - ディスワールド (this world) The intro hangs around a little on the long side, but one the guitar enters, this track really picks up. I'm a little unsure on the vocals, but man do I like everything else about this. カフカ (KAFUKA) - "She's like Sofia Coppola" Solid indie pop-rock. Not much more to say. Zoned through this track, but not in a bad way. バズマザーズ (buzzmothers) - スカートリフティング (skirt lifting) Fun, upbeat, groovy - maybe not anything spectacular, but a damn fun listen. Pop / Idol / R&B / Hip-Hop Kalafina - heavenly blue I'm not certain if Kalafina was ever my kind of music - they just manage to feel like anime opening music (which isn't in itself a bad thing, but it exactly the vibe I get). That said, this is still decently enjoyable (and thank god they use real violins/cello) SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki - oⅠ I really enjoy itsue, so this was certainly a nice surprise. Not sure if I like the chorus though or certain other parts of the song, which is certainly disappointing because I felt like it started so strong. Yun*chi - FUTURE FUTURE* Perhaps a bit sugary for me, especially in the chorus - but I still liked it somehow. Perhaps I want to check out some of her other stuff. カラスは真っ白 (karasu wa masshiro) - "ヒズムリアリズム (hizumu realism)" I wasn't expecting the light female vocals when the singing came in, it caught me off guard. And frankly, I really enjoyed it. And dat funky bass line, yo. 西野カナ (Nishino Kana) - A型のうた Waaaaay too poppy and sugary for me. Thank god the list was much shorter this time
  20. Ito

    Slowly adding more and more work to my 500px page - I really want to try and get it up to the point where all of my content is on there. At the moment I have a huge amount of backlogged shots that I still need to post. 500px.com/itochan Also, I really should start posting shit on my DeviantArt...I don't think I have posted on there in like 4 or 5 years XD
  21. Ito

    Editing photos - it's pretty much my life now... O___O
  22. At about halfway through Gansta, that makes me question if I should bother finishing it.
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