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Everything posted by Ito

  1. I think not believe it either means you are dead inside or you have had your heart stomped on a little too hard and are in denial.
  2. Ito

    That's the way to improve! Dodging and burning can really help to add extra contrast, depth, and focus to an image. Sometimes I go a bit nuts with my layers XD
  3. Ito

    Not digging this one too much to be honest. The image feels like it doesn't have any focus point for my eyes to land on and it gets lost in the clutter. Also the converging verticals kinda bug me. I think with some dodging and burning to help the focus, some warping to fix those verticles, and amaybe some selective color increases of saturation, this image could come off a lot better. (hope that doesn't come off as too harsh! >.<)
  4. Almost done with My Love Story and Snow White with the Red Hair. My Love Story has been a wonderful thing to watch with my gf - not much of a plot but so rarely does anime actually have the plot of a serious be where the main characters are ACTUALLY IN A FUCKING RELATIONSHIP. It's just plain fun to watch and one of the cutest shows I've seen (with a genuine cuteness, not moe-blob bullshit). Suna is best dude. Snow White with the Red Hair started off with an alright first episode, dropped off by the second, but man has it done a great job of building back up. The political aspects of the show feel a bit too soft (cause man, if this were real, the social implications of this show would be sooo much stronger), but it is still really solid. I feel like these two shows have been doing relationship in anime the way that they -should- be done. Not just a cute girl with a cardboard dude, but giving the characters personalities, wonderful and believable interactions, and growth. Not to say that either of these shows are perfect, they both still lack a degree of depth, but man they feel refreshing compared to your average anime romance shlock.
  5. Ito

    Finally got the home theater set up in the new place, so video game time is finally a possibility again. Started up FFX-HD again, though I'm itching to start something new (although I have a hard time committing to playing stuff with my limited free time).
  6. Ito

    Pick of the old place, but I wanted to get a shot of it before I moved (and I am now sharing a room with my gf)
  7. ::crosses my fingers that it doesn't sound like it was recorded in a garbage can:: I'm super excited for this though. I am with nostalgia on this one though, it will be really interesting if lament is a rerecording (though if it is, I doubt it can top the original...because Tora...)
  8. Computer is FINALLY set up in the new place. But of course as soon as that happen, I'm having internet problems -___-

  9. Ito

    Glad to see that you've made it back around!
  10. Ito

    Composite of 2 shots XD
  11. Ito

    Very much agree - it's an enjoyable album and it has for sure grown on me, but it just doesn't hold up in comparison to a lot of their previous work. Underwhelming is probably the best word for it. I think from any other artist I feel like I would hold up "Hear You" a bit higher, but for a band that I love so dearly and releases music so slowly...man Also, I'm not sure why Yamazaki insists on singing. This might come off as a bit polarizing, but he is a pretty crap vocalist. It comes of kind of endearing in stuff like "goodbye" (though I like Toki Asako's vocal in the version off of "For Long Tomorrow" much more), but in "silly song" half of the time I reach for the skip button.
  12. Ito

    Thanks Deathtopi4! As long as people are liking them, lets keep this train running.
  13. Ito

    Couple of new shots
  14. Ito's quick unfiltered thoughts! Watch as I lose my ability to think and describe! Green = mhmm Yellow = hmmm Orange = uhhhhh Red = uuuugh VK A9 - "流星群 (Ryuuseigun)" I haven't listened to Alice Nine is ages...in fact, it's probably been about a decade or so. Vacalist is still kind of off putting with 'dem nasally VK vocals. Other than that, pretty enjoyable. Nothing I would celebrate, but pleasant none the less. Antic Cafe - "千年DIVE!!!!! (Sennen DIVE!!!!!)" And another blast from the past. Last time I listened to them in any capacity was 2008 according to last.fm. I could honestly keep it that way, this track is a bit too sugary for me. I think I would like it alright without the sparkly layer of electronics on top. JILUKA - "Parasite" I downloaded this but have yet to listen to it. Seems like I made a good decision. Guitar tone remind me a lot of Deluhi, which isn't a bad thing. Heavy but without being messy. Chorus is poppy without taking it too far (in a similar style to some of my favorite despairsray stuff). We have a winner. KEEL - "パレード (parade)" I'm a sucker for nagoya kei. I found Hollowgram to be a total disappointment for Ryo after 9GBO. This feels like the successor that we deserve. Also, aie is awesome. I have yet to listen to anything other than this track, but now I'm excited. lynch. - "EVOKE" Am I seriously gunna do three greens in a row? I should be to old, cynical, and jaded for that to happen! But I can't help it, lynch is doing what they do best in this track and it is awesome. StrangerSaid. - "saw.[ss_ver.]/takumi_mix" I think the song beats around the bush for a bit too long before it hits it's stride, but when it does, man, it's nice. Rarely do I feel the need to be in between, but flgkdag;dfg. The GazettE - "OMINOUS" This is literally the only track you need of of DOGMA. Feels like it is straight off of DIM, which is a damn good thing. LEARN FROM THIS, GAZETTE. 黒百合と影 (Kuroyuri to kage) - "ぺど。(pedo.)" Feels promising, but also a bit too messy. Rock/ Metal/Punk Aqua Timez - "最後までII (Saigo Made II)" Really not feeling the vocals. Song felt pretty snooze worthy tbh. No major sins though. Bird In A Cage - "岩窟の聖母 (Gankutsu no seibo)" The song feels a little flat to me. It's like there is something missing. I dig the the guitar tone, but that's about it. Could possibly be the production that leaves this one feeling a little lifeless. coldrain - "Words Of The Youth" I really wish their vocalist sang in something other than English cause I can't stand most of his lyrics. It's so fucking basic that it drives me nuts. "Never again, This is the end, Not going to lay down like we're broken." That some linkin park level shit. I like their music decently enough though. Crossfaith - "Devil's Party" Nah, bro. LAST CALIX - "Before My Hands Become Stained With Blood" I set my rating system so I have to pick positive or negative and I can't be neutral. This song makes it hard. I feel like this song is a grower. It feels a bit messy, but I think I just need to wrap my head around it a bit more. I want to rate this negatively, but I feel like it will turn after a couple of listens. MAGNETIC NORTH - "Animus" Feels like these good be solid after a year or two. Right now things are just too sloppy and disjointed. MY FIRST STORY - "ALONE" Sounds like the One Ok Rock style of rock that has been scrubbed so clean that it lack any personality. Like man, how do you get to this point? It same some hints of fun hiding, but it's too bland overall to make it worth the effort. THE TEENAGE KISSERS - "シャーロットの森 (Charlotte no mori)" Didn't do much for me, but not bad. WANIMA - "いいから (ii kara)" Fun, summery, upbeat, not for me. それでも世界が続くなら (Soredemo Sekai ga Tsuzukunara) - 解離と労働 (kairi to roudou)" I gave up halfway through. There just isn't enough here to hook me. I feel like I need to be in the right mood to really dig drone though, and that isn't how I am right now, so that could be part of it. ヨモギ|イ|チヨウ (yomogiichiyou) - "ドミナント (Dominant)" Weird but interesting. Unsure how I feel about the vocals though...some of the most unusual vibrato I've heard. Alt/Indie androp - "Letter" Cool, smooth, and something I could dig as a background track while working on something. Language - "Moonlight" Could have done without the vocal filter, but other than that, yes please. mothercoat - "u.n.o" huh. I don't know. leaning towards liking it, but I'm unsure. PELICAN FANCLUB - "Chilico" Shoegaze with some refreshing vocals and some intermingled clean guitar tone. I like-y. Praha Depart - "Sweet Wave" I liked it. I'm running out of brain power. Ropes - "Drive" I REALLY like the vocals there. I felt like I might like it a bit more if there was something a bit more going on with the instruments though. 井手健介と母船 (Kensuke Ide & His Mothership) - "幽霊の集会 (yurei no shukai)" I think that this would hit just right if I was in the mood for a song like this. Really only thing hold it back is me, if that makes any sense. 八十八ヶ所巡礼 (88Kasyo Junrei) - "銀河の恥・・・ (ginga no haji...)" 88Kasyo has never really clicked for me and this doesn't change that opinion. 浮遊スル猫 (fuyusuru neko) - "mana" Nothing particularly mind blowing here, but everything is just so solid that I can't help but like it. Pop / Idol / Electronic / R&B / Hip-Hop / Other CHiCO with HoneyWorks - "プライド革命 (Pride Kakumei)" Solid for an anime opening, but too poppy and sugary for me. la la larks - "Q and A" It's a solid SFP song Menoz - "遥・i m a (haruka i m a)" To lazy to write something anymore... phatmans after school - "FR/DAY NIGHT" A case of crappy electronic bleep bloops ruining a decent song SHISHAMO - "生きるガール (ikiru girl)" Cute female pop rock that feels sincere instead of sugary. Take note. サカナクション (sakanaction) - "years" Brain is now mush 大野由美子 (Yumiko Ohno) - "Escalator Step" MAn, and I thought we were going to get away this time without a song that I actively disliked! Guess not. Sounds like an infectious tune you would hear at a theme park that you would want to take a drill to your temple to get it out of your head. This month seemed pretty solid! Lots of great tracks - at least far more than last year's when I started my quick thoughts. Also, I'm shocked at the amount of VK tracks I dug.
  15. Ito

    Looks really cool. Certainly not the style of something I would wear, but I dig it.
  16. Ito

    Can we talk about how terrible the name "D" is? If you couldn't get past the first letter of naming your band, you should re-evaluate your life.
  17. Mono didn't actually say a single word at our stop. I kind of wish they did, it kind of provides a level of connection you wouldn't get otherwise. Also, that final comments is a fucking perfect sum up XD They actually quite dug it. I think it was a verying range though. One of my friends REALLY like it, one of them enjoyed it a decent amount, and my girlfriend liked it but felt like it went a little long for the style of music it was (she normally only enjoys that style of music while working on something else). Overall though, none of them where bored or anything and they were glad they came along. I also think that the very cheap ticket prices helped with that (I think they were like $12).
  18. Ito

    Haha, no worries dude. As someone who takes lots of pictures with weapons (most of them being fake), I still try to strive for realism and tell people to keep their finger off of the trigger...so it's kind of developed in to a pet peeve of mine XD. I would imagine that would have been a fun experience, though!
  19. Ito

    Get some trigger discipline, man!
  20. We've had the single banner situation for yeeears. We've only recently implemented rotations. And while I see the value in a single banner (I held off on having us to rotating banners for quite some times), there is also a lot of value in a rotation. Also, totally abstaining from voting on this one....for obvious reasons XD
  21. I was out of town five years ago the last time MONO made it to Wisconsin and I have been kicking myself ever since. I thought that the likelihood of them making it back to my tiny midwest state was slim to none. Well, let’s just say that my excitement was palpable when I found out that this band would be making the trip to a venue only about 15 minutes from my home. I am not sure about everyone else, but I always find it more fun to have someone else to chat with in the downtime between bands (and also to laugh at my hilarious headbanging). Since tickets were very cheap and the venue was so close, it was easy to convince my girlfriend as well as a couple of other friends to join me. The three of them aren’t exactly as in to post rock as I am (to put it lightly), but all of them enjoy MONO to some extent. Besides, I knew they were in for a treat. The show was at one of the most well known venues in Milwaukee,: The Rave. I have been there several times before and I have never really enjoyed the location, but I had only really seen shows on the main stage. MONO was set to play on their smallest stage, which was downright tiny. The disappointingly low attendance - maybe 100 tops - made it understandable, but it’s kind of funny to see a band you have loved for a long time relegated to such a small stage. Also, it was very low, almost abnormally low...the kind of stage height that would would work great for a sitting show, but not a bar venue. We walked in maybe a couple minutes after the opener, Holly Hunt, had started playing. According to their Bandcamp, this guitar and drum duo “...capture the meditative power of repetition [and] the ecstatic joy of tempered variation.” I’m not sure about that. but what I can say is that I have never experienced something so boring yet so loud. To put it bluntly, this opener was bad. Sludge/drone/doom isn’t something I spin every day, but I do enjoy it on occasion...but not this time. I know the point is to be repetitive in this style of music, but your repetition still needs to be interesting. I heard some of the most bland riffs that long overstayed their welcome. A single song seemed to span about 10 minutes with no breaks in between. And it was Loud. Offensively loud. I thanked god I had earplugs, as the droning guitar still felt loud even with them on. Now let’s talk about the charisma of the band... Nothing says excitement like playing more than half of your show with your back towards the crowd looking at your amp... Perhaps all of this wouldn’t have been so bad if there was a quieter place I could retreat to and talk to my friends, but the only choice was to endure. About 40 minutes later, the noise finally broke, a few people clapped and cheered, and I was finally able to remind myself as to why I came here. MONO took the stage with decidedly little fanfare. No talking, no hyping - nothing. It is about the music. They launched right in to “Recoil, Ignite” off of Rays of Darkness, which is perhaps my favorite song of theirs and a hell of a way to start. While little was going to getting in my way of enjoy this epic song, suddenly a huge problem became apparent - the low stage. If you have seen MONO before, you know that a good deal of the time the guitarists are playing sitting down. Well, once you mix this with a low stage it makes for a very difficult viewing experience unless you are one of the few pressed up against the stage. Due to this “difficulty,” I eventually gave up trying to peer through gaps in shoulders and heads and spent my time with my eyes closed just soaking it all in. Considering I always enjoy closing my eyes at shows and letting the sound wash over me, perhaps this wasn’t a terrible thing (even though I was pretty damn irritated at the time). Mono followed with “Unseen Harbor.” I found the first half of the song to be a little lacking without the orchestra that accompanies the band on the recorded track, but that ending climax was just as lovely as ever. It is mind blowing how calm a beginning on a track can be, almost a little boring for me to be listening to a music venue, only to be devastated with the pure intensity of the later part of a song. It’s hard to put in to words, but I think that juxtaposition just brings a certain power to the music that really makes it emotional. “Kanata” brought some relief with a somber piano after the ending climax that came before. Then in to “Where We Begin,” which I must admit, I don’t find to be an overly interesting track. The band rounded out the night with two tracks from “Hymn to the Immortal Wind,” “Ashes in the Snow” and “Everlasting Light.” I kind of wish they have switched the two song as I feel like the ending to “Ashes” would leave much bigger final impact to the show and allow me to leave with my skin crawling with goosebumps. While I had hoped they would played more from “Rays of Darkness,” the concert was spectacular. Mono’s playing was nearly flawless and the band has such a great chemistry, which is amazing to behold as their interactions are so subtle and without word. Only a few things kept this concert from perfection...with a slight shifting of the track order and different venue, I think the goosebumps would have never left my skin. If you ever have a chance to see MONO live, do it. While I love their studio releases, it’s hard to emulate the pure force exuding from their live performance.
  22. Ito

    Just gunna keep postin... XD
  23. Ito

    It's been a while! Welcome back!
  24. Don't know why I did all of this, but here's my quick, unfiltered thoughts on all of the tracks: Green = mhmm Yellow = hmmm Orange = uhhhhh Red = uuuugh VK Rock / Metal / Punk Indie / Alt. Pop / Idol / R&B / Hip-Hop
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